This page describes how to configure a VM for running ETSI TeraFlowSDN(TFS) controller using [Oracle VirtualBox](https://www.virtualbox.org/). It has been tested with VirtualBox up to version 6.1.40 r154048.
# Create a NAT Network in VirtualBox
In "Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager", Menu "File > Preferences... > Network", create a NAT
network with the following specifications:
|Name |CIDR |DHCP |IPv6 |
Within the newly created "TFS-NAT-Net" NAT network, configure the following IPv4
forwarding rules:
|Name|Protocol|Host IP |Host Port|Guest IP |Guest Port|
|SSH |TCP ||2200 ||22 |
|HTTP|TCP ||8080 ||80 |
__Note__: IP address is the one that will be assigned to the VM.
# Create VM in VirtualBox:
- Name: TFS-VM
- Type/Version: Linux / Ubuntu (64-bit)
- CPU (*): 4 vCPUs @ 100% execution capacity
- RAM: 8 GB
- Disk: 60 GB, Virtual Disk Image (VDI), Dynamically allocated
- Optical Drive ISO Image: "ubuntu-22.04.X-live-server-amd64.iso"
- Download the latest Long Term Support (LTS) version of the *Ubuntu Server* image from [Ubuntu 22.04 LTS](https://releases.ubuntu.com/22.04/), e.g., "ubuntu-22.04.X-live-server-amd64.iso".
- __Note__: use Ubuntu Server image instead of Ubuntu Desktop to create a lightweight VM.
- Network Adapter 1 (*): enabled, attached to NAT Network "TFS-NAT-Net"
- Minor adjustments (*):
- Audio: disabled
- Boot order: disable "Floppy"
__Note__: (*) settings to be editing after the VM is created.
# Install Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Operating System
In "Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager", start the VM in normal mode, and follow the
installation procedure.
Below we provide some installation guidelines:
- Installation Language: English
- Autodetect your keyboard
- If asked, select "Ubuntu Server" (do not select "Ubuntu Server (minimized)").
- Configure static network specifications:
|Interface|IPv4 Method|Subnet |Address |Gateway |Name servers |Search domains|
|enp0s3 |Manual ||||,|<empty> |
- Leave proxy and mirror addresses as they are
- Let the installer self-upgrade (if asked).
- Use an entire disk for the installation
- Disable setup of the disk as LVM group
- Double check that NO swap space is allocated in the partition table. Kubernetes does not work properly with SWAP.
- Configure your user and system names:
- User name: TeraFlowSDN
- Server's name: tfs-vm
- Username: tfs
- Password: tfs123
- Install Open SSH Server
- Import SSH keys, if any.
- Featured Server Snaps
- Do not install featured server snaps. It will be done manually later to illustrate how to uninstall and reinstall them in case of trouble with.
- Let the system install and upgrade the packages.
- This operation might take some minutes depending on how old is the Optical Drive ISO image you use and your Internet connection speed.
- Restart the VM when the installation is completed.
## Upgrade the Ubuntu distribution
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y
- If asked to restart services, restart the default ones proposed.
- Restart the VM when the installation is completed.
## Install VirtualBox Guest Additions
On VirtualBox Manager, open the VM main screen. If you are running the VM in headless
mode, right click over the VM in the VirtualBox Manager window and click "Show".
If a dialog informing about how to leave the interface of the VM is shown, confirm
pressing "Switch" button. The interface of the VM should appear.
Click menu "Device > Insert Guest Additions CD image..."
On the VM terminal, type:
sudo apt-get install -y linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential dkms
# This command might take some minutes depending on your VM specs and your Internet access speed.
sudo mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/
cd /mnt/
sudo ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run
# This command might take some minutes depending on your VM specs.
sudo reboot