# ETSI TeraFlowSDN Controller The [ETSI Software Development Group TeraFlowSDN (SDG TFS)](https://tfs.etsi.org/) is developing an open source cloud native SDN controller enabling smart connectivity services for future networks beyond 5G. The project originated from "[Teraflow H2020 project](https://teraflow-h2020.eu/) - Secured autonomic traffic management for a Tera of SDN Flows", a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme that finished on 30th June 2023. ## Available branches and releases [![Latest Release](https://labs.etsi.org/rep/tfs/controller/-/badges/release.svg)](https://labs.etsi.org/rep/tfs/controller/-/releases) - The branch `master` ([![pipeline status](https://labs.etsi.org/rep/tfs/controller/badges/master/pipeline.svg)](https://labs.etsi.org/rep/tfs/controller/-/commits/master) [![coverage report](https://labs.etsi.org/rep/tfs/controller/badges/master/coverage.svg)](https://labs.etsi.org/rep/tfs/controller/-/commits/master)), points always to the latest stable version of the TeraFlowSDN controller. - The branches `release/X.Y.Z`, point to the code for the different release versions indicated in the branch name. - Code in these branches can be considered stable, and no new features are planned. - In case of bugs, point releases increasing revision number (Z) might be created. - The `develop` ([![pipeline status](https://labs.etsi.org/rep/tfs/controller/badges/develop/pipeline.svg)](https://labs.etsi.org/rep/tfs/controller/-/commits/develop) [![coverage report](https://labs.etsi.org/rep/tfs/controller/badges/develop/coverage.svg)](https://labs.etsi.org/rep/tfs/controller/-/commits/develop)) branch is the main development branch and contains the latest contributions. - **Use it with care! It might not be stable.** - The latest developments and contributions are added to this branch for testing and validation before reaching a release. ## Documentation The [TeraFlowSDN Wiki](https://labs.etsi.org/rep/tfs/controller/-/wikis/home) pages include the main documentation for the ETSI TeraFlowSDN Controller. The documentation includes project documentation, installation instructions, functional tests, supported NBIs and SBIs, etc.