% Copyright 2022-2023 ETSI TeraFlowSDN - TFS OSG (https://tfs.etsi.org/) % % Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); % you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. % You may obtain a copy of the License at % % http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 % % Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software % distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, % WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. % See the License for the specific language governing permissions and % limitations under the License. [ {tfte, [ {context, <<"admin">>}, {topology, <<"admin">>}, {services, [ {te, [ {http, {env, "TESERVICE_SERVICE_HOST"}, {env, "TESERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_GRPC"}, []} ], #{}}, {service, [ {http, {env, "SERVICESERVICE_SERVICE_HOST"}, {env, "SERVICESERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_GRPC"}, []} ], #{}}, {monitoring, [ {http, {env, "MONITORINGSERVICE_SERVICE_HOST"}, {env, "MONITORINGSERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_GRPC"}, []} ], #{}}, {compute, [ {http, {env, "COMPUTESERVICE_SERVICE_HOST"}, {env, "COMPUTESERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_GRPC"}, []} ], #{}}, {device, [ {http, {env, "DEVICESERVICE_SERVICE_HOST"}, {env, "DEVICESERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_GRPC"}, []} ], #{}}, {context, [ {http, {env, "CONTEXTSERVICE_SERVICE_HOST"}, {env, "CONTEXTSERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_GRPC"}, []} ], #{}}, {automation, [ {http, {env, "AUTOMATIONSERVICE_SERVICE_HOST"}, {env, "AUTOMATIONSERVICE_SERVICE_PORT_GRPC"}, []} ], #{}} ]} ]}, {pcep_server, [ {handler, {epce_pcep_server_handler, []}} ]}, {epce, [ ]}, {grpcbox, [ {servers, [#{ grpc_opts => #{ service_protos => [te_pb, grpcbox_health_pb, grpcbox_reflection_pb], %client_cert_dir => "", services => #{ 'te.TEService' => tfte_te_service, 'grpc.health.v1.Health' => grpcbox_health_service, 'grpc.reflection.v1alpha.ServerReflection' => grpcbox_reflection_service } }, transport_opts => #{ ssl => false %keyfile => "", %certfile => "", %cacertfile => "" }, listen_opts => #{ port => 10030, ip => {0,0,0,0} }, pool_opts => #{ size => 10 }, server_opts => #{ header_table_size => 4096, enable_push => 1, max_concurrent_streams => unlimited, initial_window_size => 65535, max_frame_size => 16384, max_header_list_size => unlimited } }]} ]}, {kernel, [ {logger_level, ${ERLANG_LOGGER_LEVEL}}, {logger, [ {handler, default, logger_std_h, #{ level => ${ERLANG_LOGGER_LEVEL}, filter_default => log, config => #{type => standard_io}, formatter => {logger_formatter, #{ legacy_header => false, single_line => true }} }} ]} ]} ].