#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2022-2024 ETSI OSG/SDG TeraFlowSDN (TFS) (https://tfs.etsi.org/) # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ######################################################################################################################## # Read deployment settings ######################################################################################################################## # If not already set, set the namespace where QuestDB will be deployed. export QDB_NAMESPACE=${QDB_NAMESPACE:-"qdb"} # If not already set, set the external port QuestDB Postgre SQL interface will be exposed to. export QDB_EXT_PORT_SQL=${QDB_EXT_PORT_SQL:-"8812"} # If not already set, set the external port QuestDB Influx Line Protocol interface will be exposed to. export QDB_EXT_PORT_ILP=${QDB_EXT_PORT_ILP:-"9009"} # If not already set, set the external port QuestDB HTTP Mgmt GUI interface will be exposed to. export QDB_EXT_PORT_HTTP=${QDB_EXT_PORT_HTTP:-"9000"} # If not already set, set the database username to be used for QuestDB. export QDB_USERNAME=${QDB_USERNAME:-"admin"} # If not already set, set the database user's password to be used for QuestDB. export QDB_PASSWORD=${QDB_PASSWORD:-"quest"} # If not already set, set the table name to be used by Monitoring for KPIs. export QDB_TABLE_MONITORING_KPIS=${QDB_TABLE_MONITORING_KPIS:-"tfs_monitoring_kpis"} # If not already set, set the table name to be used by Slice for plotting groups. export QDB_TABLE_SLICE_GROUPS=${QDB_TABLE_SLICE_GROUPS:-"tfs_slice_groups"} # If not already set, disable flag for dropping tables if they exist. # WARNING: ACTIVATING THIS FLAG IMPLIES LOOSING THE TABLE INFORMATION! # If QDB_DROP_TABLES_IF_EXIST is "YES", the table pointed by variables # QDB_TABLE_MONITORING_KPIS and QDB_TABLE_SLICE_GROUPS will be dropped # while checking/deploying QuestDB. export QDB_DROP_TABLES_IF_EXIST=${QDB_DROP_TABLES_IF_EXIST:-""} # If not already set, disable flag for re-deploying QuestDB from scratch. # WARNING: ACTIVATING THIS FLAG IMPLIES LOOSING THE DATABASE INFORMATION! # If QDB_REDEPLOY is "YES", the database will be dropped while checking/deploying QuestDB. export QDB_REDEPLOY=${QDB_REDEPLOY:-""} ######################################################################################################################## # Automated steps start here ######################################################################################################################## # Constants TMP_FOLDER="./tmp" QDB_MANIFESTS_PATH="manifests/questdb" # Create a tmp folder for files modified during the deployment TMP_MANIFESTS_FOLDER="${TMP_FOLDER}/${QDB_NAMESPACE}/manifests" mkdir -p $TMP_MANIFESTS_FOLDER function qdb_deploy() { echo "QuestDB Namespace" echo ">>> Create QuestDB Namespace (if missing)" kubectl create namespace ${QDB_NAMESPACE} sleep 2 echo echo "QuestDB" echo ">>> Checking if QuestDB is deployed..." if kubectl get --namespace ${QDB_NAMESPACE} statefulset/questdb &> /dev/null; then echo ">>> QuestDB is present; skipping step." else echo ">>> Deploy QuestDB" cp "${QDB_MANIFESTS_PATH}/manifest.yaml" "${TMP_MANIFESTS_FOLDER}/qdb_manifest.yaml" kubectl apply --namespace ${QDB_NAMESPACE} -f "${TMP_MANIFESTS_FOLDER}/qdb_manifest.yaml" echo ">>> Waiting QuestDB statefulset to be created..." while ! kubectl get --namespace ${QDB_NAMESPACE} statefulset/questdb &> /dev/null; do printf "%c" "." sleep 1 done # Wait for statefulset condition "Available=True" does not work # Wait for statefulset condition "jsonpath='{.status.readyReplicas}'=3" throws error: # "error: readyReplicas is not found" # Workaround: Check the pods are ready #echo ">>> QuestDB statefulset created. Waiting for readiness condition..." #kubectl wait --namespace ${QDB_NAMESPACE} --for=condition=Available=True --timeout=300s statefulset/questdb #kubectl wait --namespace ${QDB_NAMESPACE} --for=jsonpath='{.status.readyReplicas}'=3 --timeout=300s \ # statefulset/questdb echo ">>> QuestDB statefulset created. Waiting QuestDB pods to be created..." while ! kubectl get --namespace ${QDB_NAMESPACE} pod/questdb-0 &> /dev/null; do printf "%c" "." sleep 1 done kubectl wait --namespace ${QDB_NAMESPACE} --for=condition=Ready --timeout=300s pod/questdb-0 fi echo echo "QuestDB Port Mapping" echo ">>> Expose QuestDB SQL port (8812->${QDB_EXT_PORT_SQL})" QDB_PORT_SQL=$(kubectl --namespace ${QDB_NAMESPACE} get service questdb-public -o 'jsonpath={.spec.ports[?(@.name=="sql")].port}') PATCH='{"data": {"'${QDB_EXT_PORT_SQL}'": "'${QDB_NAMESPACE}'/questdb-public:'${QDB_PORT_SQL}'"}}' kubectl patch configmap nginx-ingress-tcp-microk8s-conf --namespace ingress --patch "${PATCH}" PORT_MAP='{"containerPort": '${QDB_EXT_PORT_SQL}', "hostPort": '${QDB_EXT_PORT_SQL}'}' CONTAINER='{"name": "nginx-ingress-microk8s", "ports": ['${PORT_MAP}']}' PATCH='{"spec": {"template": {"spec": {"containers": ['${CONTAINER}']}}}}' kubectl patch daemonset nginx-ingress-microk8s-controller --namespace ingress --patch "${PATCH}" echo echo ">>> Expose QuestDB Influx Line Protocol port (9009->${QDB_EXT_PORT_ILP})" QDB_PORT_ILP=$(kubectl --namespace ${QDB_NAMESPACE} get service questdb-public -o 'jsonpath={.spec.ports[?(@.name=="ilp")].port}') PATCH='{"data": {"'${QDB_EXT_PORT_ILP}'": "'${QDB_NAMESPACE}'/questdb-public:'${QDB_PORT_ILP}'"}}' kubectl patch configmap nginx-ingress-tcp-microk8s-conf --namespace ingress --patch "${PATCH}" PORT_MAP='{"containerPort": '${QDB_EXT_PORT_ILP}', "hostPort": '${QDB_EXT_PORT_ILP}'}' CONTAINER='{"name": "nginx-ingress-microk8s", "ports": ['${PORT_MAP}']}' PATCH='{"spec": {"template": {"spec": {"containers": ['${CONTAINER}']}}}}' kubectl patch daemonset nginx-ingress-microk8s-controller --namespace ingress --patch "${PATCH}" echo echo ">>> Expose QuestDB HTTP Mgmt GUI port (9000->${QDB_EXT_PORT_HTTP})" QDB_PORT_HTTP=$(kubectl --namespace ${QDB_NAMESPACE} get service questdb-public -o 'jsonpath={.spec.ports[?(@.name=="http")].port}') PATCH='{"data": {"'${QDB_EXT_PORT_HTTP}'": "'${QDB_NAMESPACE}'/questdb-public:'${QDB_PORT_HTTP}'"}}' kubectl patch configmap nginx-ingress-tcp-microk8s-conf --namespace ingress --patch "${PATCH}" PORT_MAP='{"containerPort": '${QDB_EXT_PORT_HTTP}', "hostPort": '${QDB_EXT_PORT_HTTP}'}' CONTAINER='{"name": "nginx-ingress-microk8s", "ports": ['${PORT_MAP}']}' PATCH='{"spec": {"template": {"spec": {"containers": ['${CONTAINER}']}}}}' kubectl patch daemonset nginx-ingress-microk8s-controller --namespace ingress --patch "${PATCH}" echo } function qdb_undeploy() { echo "QuestDB" echo ">>> Checking if QuestDB is deployed..." if kubectl get --namespace ${QDB_NAMESPACE} statefulset/questdb &> /dev/null; then echo ">>> Undeploy QuestDB" kubectl delete --namespace ${QDB_NAMESPACE} -f "${TMP_MANIFESTS_FOLDER}/qdb_manifest.yaml" --ignore-not-found else echo ">>> QuestDB is not present; skipping step." fi echo echo "QuestDB Namespace" echo ">>> Delete QuestDB Namespace (if exists)" echo "NOTE: this step might take few minutes to complete!" kubectl delete namespace ${QDB_NAMESPACE} --ignore-not-found echo } function qdb_drop_tables() { echo "Drop tables, if exist" if [[ -z "${GITLAB_CI}" ]]; then #kubectl --namespace ${QDB_NAMESPACE} get service questdb-public -o yaml QDB_HOST=$(kubectl --namespace ${QDB_NAMESPACE} get service questdb-public -o 'jsonpath={.spec.clusterIP}') QDB_PORT=$(kubectl --namespace ${QDB_NAMESPACE} get service questdb-public -o 'jsonpath={.spec.ports[?(@.name=="http")].port}') else QDB_HOST="" QDB_PORT=${QDB_EXT_PORT_HTTP} fi curl "http://${QDB_HOST}:${QDB_PORT}/exec?fmt=json&query=DROP+TABLE+IF+EXISTS+${QDB_TABLE_MONITORING_KPIS}+;" echo curl "http://${QDB_HOST}:${QDB_PORT}/exec?fmt=json&query=DROP+TABLE+IF+EXISTS+${QDB_TABLE_SLICE_GROUPS}+;" echo } if [ "$QDB_REDEPLOY" == "YES" ]; then qdb_undeploy fi qdb_deploy if [ "$QDB_DROP_TABLES_IF_EXIST" == "YES" ]; then qdb_drop_tables fi