diff --git a/src/tests/p4-fwd-l1/README.md b/src/tests/p4-fwd-l1/README.md
index 122d505a6fa166af0b819867126de87c58c28a35..b7da0fd88c6b54e4210d5f0d6664ae1ce219fafb 100644
--- a/src/tests/p4-fwd-l1/README.md
+++ b/src/tests/p4-fwd-l1/README.md
@@ -37,10 +37,10 @@ Check the `./tests/Objects.py` file before running the experiment to make sure t
 In the `./mininet/` directory there are different mininet topology examples. The current `./tests/Objects.py` file corresponds to the `./mininet/8switch3path.py` topology. Additionally there is a backup file `./tests/topologies/6switchObjects.py` which corresponds to the `./mininet/6switch2path.py`.
-## P4 artifacts
+## P4 artefacts
 In the `./p4/` directory there are compiled p4 artefacts of the pipeline that will be pushed to the p4 switch, along with the p4-runtime definitions.
-The `./setup.sh` script copies from this directory. So if you need to change p4 program, make sure to put the compiled artefacts here.
+The `./setup.sh` script copies from this directory. So if you need to change p4 program, make sure to put the compiled artefacts there.
 ## Latency probe