As it can be observed in Figure 3, the modelling of measurements in the SAREF4WATR ontology mostly relies on the measurement model proposed in SAREF.
As it appears in Figure 3, the modelling of observations in the SAREF4WATR ontology mostly relies on the observation model proposed in SAREF.
SAREF allows to define the temporal extent of a measurement by defining the timestamp for it (using the saref:hasResultTime property) and to define the temporal interval to which a measurement applies, apart from the temporal instant defined by the timestamp (using the saref:hasPhenomenonTime property).
SAREF allows to define the temporal extent of an observation by defining the timestamp for it (using the saref:hasResultTime property) and to define the temporal interval to which an observation applies, apart from the temporal instant defined by the timestamp (using the saref:hasPhenomenonTime property).
Besides, the extension requires to be able to represent those devices that measure a certain feature of interest (and those features of interest that are measured by a device) independently of having measures from which this relationship could be inferred. This can be represented with two properties of SAREF that relate saref:Device and saref:FeatureOfInterest: saref:actsUpon and saref:isActedUponBy.
- Figure 3: Measurement model
+ Figure 3: Observation model
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
The example presented in Figure 13 depicts a water meter (ex:Meter4837QW123). It can be described by a set of static properties either reused from SAREF (e.g., saref:hasModel) or from SAREF4WATR (e.g., s4watr:hasFirmwareVersion). The spatial extent of the meter is described by its geometry (ex:MeterGeom) that is represented as a point in space following its WKT representation. SAREF4WATR defines different measurable properties of a water meter, among them the battery remaining time (s4watr:BatteryRemainingTime) that is the one used in the example. Measurements of the meter for this property can be represented (ex:WMMeasurement200206) using for example the time instant of the measurement, its value and the unit of measure.
The example presented in Figure 13 depicts a water meter (ex:Meter4837QW123). It can be described by a set of static properties either reused from SAREF (e.g., saref:hasModel) or from SAREF4WATR (e.g., s4watr:hasFirmwareVersion). The spatial extent of the meter is described by its geometry (ex:MeterGeom) that is represented as a point in space following its WKT representation. SAREF4WATR defines different measurable properties of a water meter, among them the battery remaining time (s4watr:BatteryRemainingTime) that is the one used in the example. Observations of the meter for this property can be represented (ex:WMObservation200206) using for example the time instant of the observation, its value and the unit of measure.
Figure 13: Example of water meter
The main function of water meters is to measure water flow. Figure 14 presents two examples of water flow measurements (ex:WFMeasurement170206 and ex:WFMeasurement643234) for two different water flow properties (s4watr:FlowVolume and s4watr:ExternalTemperature, respectively). Notice how the flow volume measurement is described with a time instant while the external temperature one is described with a time interval (ex:PT838452).
The main function of water meters is to measure water flow. Figure 14 presents two examples of water flow observations (ex:WFObservation170206 and ex:WFObservation643234) for two different water flow properties (s4watr:FlowVolume and s4watr:ExternalTemperature, respectively). Notice how the flow volume observation is described with a time instant while the external temperature one is described with a time interval (ex:PT838452).
- Figure 14: Example of water meter measurements
+ Figure 14: Example of water meter observations
Different tariffs can be applied to water meters. Figure 15 presents an example of a consumption-based tariff (ex:Meter4837QW123Tariff) for a water meter (ex:Meter4837QW123). Different individuals are defined for describing the duration (ex:FiveYears), period (ex:OneYear) and billing period (ex:OneMonth) of the tariff. SAREF4WATR does not restrict how to define particular conditions of a tariff; in the example, for the consumption description a string literal is used.
@@ -19,21 +19,21 @@
Figure 15: Example of tariff
The measurement of the different properties of the water itself is also of interest. Figure 16 presents two measurements (ex:DTSMeasurement106 and ex:DTSMeasurement107) of one chemical property (s4watr:Cadmium) and of one bacterial property (s4watr:EscherichiaColi), along with their timestamps, values and units. Even if SAREF4WATR includes a set of predefined water properties, other properties could be defined by instantiating the corresponding s4watr:WaterProperty subclass.
The observation of the different properties of the water itself is also of interest. Figure 16 presents two observations (ex:DTSObservation106 and ex:DTSObservation107) of one chemical property (s4watr:Cadmium) and of one bacterial property (s4watr:EscherichiaColi), along with their timestamps, values and units. Even if SAREF4WATR includes a set of predefined water properties, other properties could be defined by instantiating the corresponding s4watr:WaterProperty subclass.
- Figure 16: Example of water measurements
+ Figure 16: Example of water observations
Figure 17 depicts a water infrastructure (ex:DowntownDS) that represents a distribution system for drinking water (s4watr:DrinkingWater) intended for domestic use (s4watr:Domestic). The spatial extent of the infrastructure is described by its geometry (ex:DSGeom) that is represented as a polygon in space following its WKT representation. The water distribution system has different subsystems: a water meter (ex:Meter4837QW123), a tank (ex:Tank38472) and a pump (ex:PumpRT73467). These subsystems can be represented through their geometries, as points in the example (ex:MeterGeom, ex:TankGeom, ex:PumpGeom), and different measures could be made of them such as the one depicted (ex:PMeasurement854306) that measures the flow rate (s4watr:FlowRate) of the pump.
Figure 17 depicts a water infrastructure (ex:DowntownDS) that represents a distribution system for drinking water (s4watr:DrinkingWater) intended for domestic use (s4watr:Domestic). The spatial extent of the infrastructure is described by its geometry (ex:DSGeom) that is represented as a polygon in space following its WKT representation. The water distribution system has different subsystems: a water meter (ex:Meter4837QW123), a tank (ex:Tank38472) and a pump (ex:PumpRT73467). These subsystems can be represented through their geometries, as points in the example (ex:MeterGeom, ex:TankGeom, ex:PumpGeom), and different measures could be made of them such as the one depicted (ex:PObservation854306) that measures the flow rate (s4watr:FlowRate) of the pump.
Figure 17: Example of water infrastructure and water assets
Figure 18 contains an example of a key performance indicator (ex:MinimumPressureLevel) defined for a water distribution system (ex:DowntownDS). The key performance indicator is defined with its name and calculation period (ex:OneWeek). Besides, an assessment is made for the KPI (ex:MPL2020020723), derived from existing measurements (ex:PLMeasurement56206, ex:PLMeasurement56207 and ex:PLMeasurement56208), indicating the value of the assessment and its temporal properties.
Figure 18 contains an example of a key performance indicator (ex:MinimumPressureLevel) defined for a water distribution system (ex:DowntownDS). The key performance indicator is defined with its name and calculation period (ex:OneWeek). Besides, an assessment is made for the KPI (ex:MPL2020020723), derived from existing observations (ex:PLObservation56206, ex:PLObservation56207 and ex:PLObservation56208), indicating the value of the assessment and its temporal properties.
diff --git a/requirements/requirements.csv b/requirements/requirements.csv
index 7fd538453e98119c21cf79b070e709de9b954ad3..23b0d4d130313e8880e4caf2d5902c69c90c6f0a 100644
--- a/requirements/requirements.csv
+++ b/requirements/requirements.csv
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ WATR-2;Water infrastructure;A catchment well is a well that has been constructed
WATR-3;Water infrastructure;A wastewater treatment plant is a facility where contaminants are removed from wastewater or sewage.
WATR-4;Water infrastructure;Which types of sensors are used in water infrastructures? Water quality sensors, capacity sensors, tank level sensors, etc.
WATR-5;Water infrastructure;Which types of actuators are used in water infrastructures? Pressure regulators, pumps, valves, etc.
-WATR-6;Water meter;A water meter is a device that measures different aspects of a water infrastructure.
+WATR-6;Water meter;A water meter is a device that observes different aspects of a water infrastructure.
WATR-7;Water meter;What is the type of the water meter? It is a cold-water meter.
WATR-8;Water meter;What is the fabrication number of the water meter? 4837QW.
WATR-9;Water meter;What are the manufacturer and the model of the water meter? It is a Meterall, model Turion.
@@ -19,20 +19,20 @@ WATR-17;Water meter;What is the remaining battery time of the water meter? 27 mo
WATR-18;Water meter;What is the power of the water meter? 24 volts.
WATR-19;Water meter;What is the radio frequency level of the water meter? 2.4 GHz.
WATR-20;Water meter;What is the geolocation of the water meter? Latitude 40.4165 and longitude -3.7025.
-WATR-21;Meter measurements;What is the volume being measured by water meter 243? 127 liters.
-WATR-22;Meter measurements;Which was the flow of water meter 44 on January 15th 2019 at 12:30? 32 liters per hour.
-WATR-23;Meter measurements;How many water meters are measuring an external temperature greater than 23ºC? 5 meters.
-WATR-24;Meter measurements;The maximum temperature limit of the water meter is of 49ºC.
-WATR-25;Meter measurements;Water meters can provide measurements according to different temporal settings: current values, periodical values, set date values, billing date values, minimum values, and maximum values.
-WATR-26;Meter measurements;Measurements can be related to a specific date and/or time, to some duration, or to a temporal interval.
-WATR-27;Infrastructure measurements;What is the current level of the reservoir? 200 liters.
-WATR-28;Infrastructure measurements;What are the inflow/outflow rates of the water reservoir? 500 liters.
-WATR-29;Infrastructure measurements;What is the current water flow in water pipe 212? 250 liters per second.
-WATR-30;Infrastructure measurements;What is the current water leak rate in water pipe 212? 0.4 liters per second.
-WATR-31;Infrastructure measurements;Which systems had the water pressure lower than 100 on August 15th? Pump 123 and pump 145.
-WATR-32;Infrastructure measurements;What is the maximum discharge flow of water pump 8? 500 liters per minute.
-WATR-33;Water measurements;What are the physical properties of water? Temperature, conductance, turbidity, etc.
-WATR-34;Water measurements;What are the chemical properties of water? pH, total hardness, concentration of different chemical components, etc.
+WATR-21;Meter observations;What is the volume being observed by water meter 243? 127 liters.
+WATR-22;Meter observations;Which was the flow of water meter 44 on January 15th 2019 at 12:30? 32 liters per hour.
+WATR-23;Meter observations;How many water meters are observing an external temperature greater than 23ºC? 5 meters.
+WATR-24;Meter observations;The maximum temperature limit of the water meter is of 49ºC.
+WATR-25;Meter observations;Water meters can provide observations according to different temporal settings: current values, periodical values, set date values, billing date values, minimum values, and maximum values.
+WATR-26;Meter observations;Observations can be related to a specific date and/or time, to some duration, or to a temporal interval.
+WATR-27;Infrastructure observations;What is the current level of the reservoir? 200 liters.
+WATR-28;Infrastructure observations;What are the inflow/outflow rates of the water reservoir? 500 liters.
+WATR-29;Infrastructure observations;What is the current water flow in water pipe 212? 250 liters per second.
+WATR-30;Infrastructure observations;What is the current water leak rate in water pipe 212? 0.4 liters per second.
+WATR-31;Infrastructure observations;Which systems had the water pressure lower than 100 on August 15th? Pump 123 and pump 145.
+WATR-32;Infrastructure observations;What is the maximum discharge flow of water pump 8? 500 liters per minute.
+WATR-33;Water observations;What are the physical properties of water? Temperature, conductance, turbidity, etc.
+WATR-34;Water observations;What are the chemical properties of water? pH, total hardness, concentration of different chemical components, etc.
WATR-35;Indicators;Is the minimum pressure level maintained everywhere the water distribution infrastructure? Yes.
WATR-36;Indicators;What is the capacity of wastewater treatment plants in Madrid? 12 Megaliters per day.
WATR-37;Indicators;Which water indicators are defined for Burgos? Number of connected residential properties, annual maintenance costs, volume of potable water supplied.
diff --git a/tests/tests.csv b/tests/tests.csv
index 54db7f8e324a3a507a5fc2b8eb2b6e89ac900703..81bd4873d1bc8b2ddfd4352f6973fc89929eaaad 100644
--- a/tests/tests.csv
+++ b/tests/tests.csv
@@ -33,43 +33,43 @@ WATR-TEST-31;WATR-17;Water meter;BatteryRemainingTime type WaterMeterProperty
WATR-TEST-32;WATR-18;Water meter;WaterMeter requiresPower string
WATR-TEST-33;WATR-19;Water meter;WaterMeter operatesAtRadioFrequency string
WATR-TEST-34;WATR-20;Water meter;WaterMeter hasGeometry Point
-WATR-TEST-35;WATR-21;Meter measurements;WaterMeter observes WaterFlowProperty
-WATR-TEST-36;WATR-21;Meter measurements;FlowVolume type WaterFlowProperty
-WATR-TEST-37;WATR-22;Meter measurements;WaterMeter observes WaterFlowProperty
-WATR-TEST-38;WATR-22;Meter measurements;FlowRate type WaterFlowProperty
-WATR-TEST-39;WATR-23;Meter measurements;WaterMeter observes WaterFlowProperty
-WATR-TEST-40;WATR-23;Meter measurements;ExternalTemperature type EnvironmentalProperty
-WATR-TEST-41;WATR-24;Meter measurements;WaterMeter observes WaterFlowProperty
-WATR-TEST-42;WATR-24;Meter measurements;FlowTemperature type WaterFlowProperty
-WATR-TEST-43;WATR-25;Meter measurements;WaterMeter makesMeasurement Measurement
-WATR-TEST-44;WATR-26;Meter measurements;Measurement hasResultTime dateTime
-WATR-TEST-45;WATR-26;Meter measurements;Measurement hasPhenomenonTime TemporalEntity
-WATR-TEST-46;WATR-27;Infrastructure measurements;Reservoir subClassOf WaterAsset
-WATR-TEST-47;WATR-27;Infrastructure measurements;Reservoir hasProperty core:Property
-WATR-TEST-48;WATR-27;Infrastructure measurements;Level type core:Property
-WATR-TEST-49;WATR-28;Infrastructure measurements;Reservoir subClassOf WaterAsset
-WATR-TEST-50;WATR-28;Infrastructure measurements;Reservoir hasProperty core:Property
-WATR-TEST-51;WATR-28;Infrastructure measurements;InFlowRate type core:Property
-WATR-TEST-52;WATR-29;Infrastructure measurements;Pipe subClassOf WaterAsset
-WATR-TEST-53;WATR-29;Infrastructure measurements;Pipe hasProperty WaterFlowProperty
-WATR-TEST-54;WATR-29;Infrastructure measurements;FlowRate type WaterFlowProperty
-WATR-TEST-55;WATR-30;Infrastructure measurements;Pipe subClassOf WaterAsset
-WATR-TEST-56;WATR-30;Infrastructure measurements;Pipe hasProperty core:Property
-WATR-TEST-57;WATR-30;Infrastructure measurements;LeakRate type core:Property
-WATR-TEST-58;WATR-31;Infrastructure measurements;WaterAsset hasProperty core:Property
-WATR-TEST-59;WATR-31;Infrastructure measurements;FlowPressure type core:Property
-WATR-TEST-60;WATR-32;Infrastructure measurements;Pump hasProperty core:Property
-WATR-TEST-61;WATR-32;Infrastructure measurements;DischargeFlowRate type core:Property
-WATR-TEST-62;WATR-33;Water measurements;Water hasProperty WaterProperty
-WATR-TEST-63;WATR-33;Water measurements;AcceptabilityProperty subClassOf WaterProperty
-WATR-TEST-64;WATR-33;Water measurements;Temperature type AcceptabilityProperty
-WATR-TEST-65;WATR-33;Water measurements;Conductivity type AcceptabilityProperty
-WATR-TEST-66;WATR-33;Water measurements;Turbidity type AcceptabilityProperty
-WATR-TEST-67;WATR-34;Water measurements;Water hasProperty WaterProperty
-WATR-TEST-68;WATR-34;Water measurements;ChemicalProperty subClassOf WaterProperty
-WATR-TEST-69;WATR-34;Water measurements;HydrogenIonConcentration type AcceptabilityProperty
-WATR-TEST-70;WATR-34;Water measurements;Hardness type AcceptabilityProperty
-WATR-TEST-71;WATR-34;Water measurements;Arsenic type ChemicalProperty
+WATR-TEST-35;WATR-21;Meter observations;WaterMeter observes WaterFlowProperty
+WATR-TEST-36;WATR-21;Meter observations;FlowVolume type WaterFlowProperty
+WATR-TEST-37;WATR-22;Meter observations;WaterMeter observes WaterFlowProperty
+WATR-TEST-38;WATR-22;Meter observations;FlowRate type WaterFlowProperty
+WATR-TEST-39;WATR-23;Meter observations;WaterMeter observes WaterFlowProperty
+WATR-TEST-40;WATR-23;Meter observations;ExternalTemperature type EnvironmentalProperty
+WATR-TEST-41;WATR-24;Meter observations;WaterMeter observes WaterFlowProperty
+WATR-TEST-42;WATR-24;Meter observations;FlowTemperature type WaterFlowProperty
+WATR-TEST-43;WATR-25;Meter observations;WaterMeter madeExecution Observation
+WATR-TEST-44;WATR-26;Meter observations;Observation hasResultTime dateTime
+WATR-TEST-45;WATR-26;Meter observations;Observation hasPhenomenonTime TemporalEntity
+WATR-TEST-46;WATR-27;Infrastructure observations;Reservoir subClassOf WaterAsset
+WATR-TEST-47;WATR-27;Infrastructure observations;Reservoir hasProperty core:Property
+WATR-TEST-48;WATR-27;Infrastructure observations;Level type core:Property
+WATR-TEST-49;WATR-28;Infrastructure observations;Reservoir subClassOf WaterAsset
+WATR-TEST-50;WATR-28;Infrastructure observations;Reservoir hasProperty core:Property
+WATR-TEST-51;WATR-28;Infrastructure observations;InFlowRate type core:Property
+WATR-TEST-52;WATR-29;Infrastructure observations;Pipe subClassOf WaterAsset
+WATR-TEST-53;WATR-29;Infrastructure observations;Pipe hasProperty WaterFlowProperty
+WATR-TEST-54;WATR-29;Infrastructure observations;FlowRate type WaterFlowProperty
+WATR-TEST-55;WATR-30;Infrastructure observations;Pipe subClassOf WaterAsset
+WATR-TEST-56;WATR-30;Infrastructure observations;Pipe hasProperty core:Property
+WATR-TEST-57;WATR-30;Infrastructure observations;LeakRate type core:Property
+WATR-TEST-58;WATR-31;Infrastructure observations;WaterAsset hasProperty core:Property
+WATR-TEST-59;WATR-31;Infrastructure observations;FlowPressure type core:Property
+WATR-TEST-60;WATR-32;Infrastructure observations;Pump hasProperty core:Property
+WATR-TEST-61;WATR-32;Infrastructure observations;DischargeFlowRate type core:Property
+WATR-TEST-62;WATR-33;Water observations;Water hasProperty WaterProperty
+WATR-TEST-63;WATR-33;Water observations;AcceptabilityProperty subClassOf WaterProperty
+WATR-TEST-64;WATR-33;Water observations;Temperature type AcceptabilityProperty
+WATR-TEST-65;WATR-33;Water observations;Conductivity type AcceptabilityProperty
+WATR-TEST-66;WATR-33;Water observations;Turbidity type AcceptabilityProperty
+WATR-TEST-67;WATR-34;Water observations;Water hasProperty WaterProperty
+WATR-TEST-68;WATR-34;Water observations;ChemicalProperty subClassOf WaterProperty
+WATR-TEST-69;WATR-34;Water observations;HydrogenIonConcentration type AcceptabilityProperty
+WATR-TEST-70;WATR-34;Water observations;Hardness type AcceptabilityProperty
+WATR-TEST-71;WATR-34;Water observations;Arsenic type ChemicalProperty
WATR-TEST-72;WATR-35;Indicators;DistributionSystem hasKPI KeyPerformanceIndicator
WATR-TEST-73;WATR-35;Indicators;KeyPerformanceIndicatorAssessment assesses DistributionSystem
WATR-TEST-74;WATR-35;Indicators;MinimumPressureLevel type KeyPerformanceIndicator