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Commit 4cf0a7d0 authored by Raul Garcia-Castro's avatar Raul Garcia-Castro
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<p>The example presented in <a href="#Figure_13">Figure 13</a> depicts a water meter (ex:Meter4837QW123). It can be described by a set of static properties either reused from SAREF (e.g., saref:hasModel) or from SAREF4WATR (e.g., s4watr:hasFirmwareVersion). The spatial extent of the meter is described by its geometry (ex:MeterGeom) that is represented as a point in space following its WKT representation. SAREF4WATR defines different measurable properties of a water meter, among them the battery remaining time (s4watr:BatteryRemainingTime) that is the one used in the example. Measurements of the meter for this property can be represented (ex:WMMeasurement200206) using for example the time instant of the measurement, its value and the unit of measure.</p> <p>The example presented in <a href="#Figure_13">Figure 13</a> depicts a water meter (ex:Meter4837QW123). It can be described by a set of static properties either reused from SAREF (e.g., <a href="">saref:hasModel</a>) or from SAREF4WATR (e.g., <a href="">s4watr:hasFirmwareVersion</a>). The spatial extent of the meter is described by its geometry (ex:MeterGeom) that is represented as a point in space following its WKT representation. SAREF4WATR defines different measurable properties of a water meter, among them the battery remaining time (<a href="">s4watr:BatteryRemainingTime</a>) that is the one used in the example. Measurements of the meter for this property can be represented (ex:WMMeasurement200206) using for example the time instant of the measurement, its value and the unit of measure.</p>
<figure> <figure>
<a href="diagrams/SAREF4WATR Example water meter.png"><img src="diagrams/SAREF4WATR Example water meter.png" alt="Example of water meter"/></a> <a href="diagrams/SAREF4WATR Example water meter.png"><img src="diagrams/SAREF4WATR Example water meter.png" alt="Example of water meter"/></a>
<figcaption id="Figure_13">Figure 13: Example of water meter</figcaption> <figcaption id="Figure_13">Figure 13: Example of water meter</figcaption>
</figure> </figure>
<p>The main function of water meters is to measure water flow. <a href="#Figure_14">Figure 14</a> presents two examples of water flow measurements (ex:WFMeasurement170206 and ex:WFMeasurement643234) for two different water flow properties (s4watr:FlowVolume and s4watr:ExternalTemperature, respectively). Notice how the flow volume measurement is described with a time instant while the external temperature one is described with a time interval (ex:PT838452).</p> <p>The main function of water meters is to measure water flow. <a href="#Figure_14">Figure 14</a> presents two examples of water flow measurements (ex:WFMeasurement170206 and ex:WFMeasurement643234) for two different water flow properties (<a href="">s4watr:FlowVolume</a> and <a href="">s4watr:ExternalTemperature</a>, respectively). Notice how the flow volume measurement is described with a time instant while the external temperature one is described with a time interval (ex:PT838452).</p>
<figure> <figure>
<a href="diagrams/SAREF4WATR Example meter measurements.png"><img src="diagrams/SAREF4WATR Example meter measurements.png" alt="Example of water meter measurements"/></a> <a href="diagrams/SAREF4WATR Example meter measurements.png"><img src="diagrams/SAREF4WATR Example meter measurements.png" alt="Example of water meter measurements"/></a>
...@@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ ...@@ -19,14 +19,14 @@
<figcaption id="Figure_15">Figure 15: Example of tariff</figcaption> <figcaption id="Figure_15">Figure 15: Example of tariff</figcaption>
</figure> </figure>
<p>The measurement of the different properties of the water itself is also of interest. <a href="#Figure_16">Figure 16</a> presents two measurements (ex:DTSMeasurement106 and ex:DTSMeasurement107) of one chemical property (s4watr:Cadmium) and of one bacterial property (s4watr:EscherichiaColi), along with their timestamps, values and units. Even if SAREF4WATR includes a set of predefined water properties, other properties could be defined by instantiating the corresponding s4watr:WaterProperty subclass.</p> <p>The measurement of the different properties of the water itself is also of interest. <a href="#Figure_16">Figure 16</a> presents two measurements (ex:DTSMeasurement106 and ex:DTSMeasurement107) of one chemical property (<a href="">s4watr:Cadmium</a>) and of one bacterial property (<a href="">s4watr:EscherichiaColi</a>), along with their timestamps, values and units. Even if SAREF4WATR includes a set of predefined water properties, other properties could be defined by instantiating the corresponding <a href="">s4watr:WaterProperty</a> subclass.</p>
<figure> <figure>
<a href="diagrams/SAREF4WATR Example water measurements.png"><img src="diagrams/SAREF4WATR Example water measurements.png" alt="Example of water measurements"/></a> <a href="diagrams/SAREF4WATR Example water measurements.png"><img src="diagrams/SAREF4WATR Example water measurements.png" alt="Example of water measurements"/></a>
<figcaption id="Figure_16">Figure 16: Example of water measurements</figcaption> <figcaption id="Figure_16">Figure 16: Example of water measurements</figcaption>
</figure> </figure>
<p><a href="#Figure_17">Figure 17</a> depicts a water infrastructure (ex:DowntownDS) that represents a distribution system for drinking water (s4watr:DrinkingWater) intended for domestic use (s4watr:Domestic). The spatial extent of the infrastructure is described by its geometry (ex:DSGeom) that is represented as a polygon in space following its WKT representation. The water distribution system has different subsystems: a water meter (ex:Meter4837QW123), a tank (ex:Tank38472) and a pump (ex:PumpRT73467). These subsystems can be represented through their geometries, as points in the example (ex:MeterGeom, ex:TankGeom, ex:PumpGeom), and different measures could be made of them such as the one depicted (ex:PMeasurement854306) that measures the flow rate (s4watr:FlowRate) of the pump.</p> <p><a href="#Figure_17">Figure 17</a> depicts a water infrastructure (ex:DowntownDS) that represents a distribution system for drinking water (<a href="">s4watr:DrinkingWater</a>) intended for domestic use (<a href="">s4watr:Domestic</a>). The spatial extent of the infrastructure is described by its geometry (ex:DSGeom) that is represented as a polygon in space following its WKT representation. The water distribution system has different subsystems: a water meter (ex:Meter4837QW123), a tank (ex:Tank38472) and a pump (ex:PumpRT73467). These subsystems can be represented through their geometries, as points in the example (ex:MeterGeom, ex:TankGeom, ex:PumpGeom), and different measures could be made of them such as the one depicted (ex:PMeasurement854306) that measures the flow rate (<a href="">s4watr:FlowRate</a>) of the pump.</p>
<figure> <figure>
<a href="diagrams/SAREF4WATR Example water infrastructure.png"><img src="diagrams/SAREF4WATR Example water infrastructure.png" alt="Example of water infrastructure and water assets"/></a> <a href="diagrams/SAREF4WATR Example water infrastructure.png"><img src="diagrams/SAREF4WATR Example water infrastructure.png" alt="Example of water infrastructure and water assets"/></a>
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