@prefix : .
@prefix owl: .
@prefix rdf: .
@prefix rdfs: .
@prefix s4ener: .
@prefix saref: .
@prefix xsd: .
@prefix time: .
@prefix om: .
@prefix dctype: .
@prefix dcterms: .
a dctype:Dataset ;
dcterms:conformsTo ;
dcterms:title "SAREF4ENER Incentive Table Flexilibity Profile Examples"@en ;
owl:imports saref:, s4ener: ;
dcterms:abstract "This example file exemplifies how to model an Incentive Table flexibility profile in the SAREF4ENER extension." ;
dcterms:description "This example file exemplifies how to model an Incentive Table flexibility profile in the SAREF4ENER extension. This Incentive Table is based on the example in EEBUS Use Case Specification Incentive-Table based power consumption management Version 1.0.0 RC3. This example has been simplified by reducing the number of slots to three." ;
dcterms:license ;
:Device_1 rdf:type saref:Device ;
rdfs:label "Example device" ;
saref:hasProfile :IncentiveTable_1;
:IncentiveTable_1 rdf:type s4ener:IncentiveTableBasedProfile ;
rdfs:label "Incentive table" ;
s4ener:hasScopeType s4ener:Committed ;
saref:consistsOf :Slot_1, :Slot_2, :Slot_3 ;
s4ener:hasTier :Tier_1, :Tier_2, :Tier_3 ;
s4ener:requiresUpdate "false"^^xsd:boolean ;
s4ener:isChangeable "false"^^xsd:boolean ;
s4ener:hasUsageForecast :PowerPlan ;
s4ener:hasIncentiveType s4ener:AbsoluteCost ;
:Slot_1 rdf:type s4ener:IncentiveTableSlot ;
rdfs:label "Morning slot" ;
rdfs:comment "This slot covers the period from 4:00 to 12:00 during dawn when PV panels are gathering power.";
s4ener:hasStartTime "2023-01-29T04:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTimeStamp ;
s4ener:hasEndTime "2023-01-29T11:59:59Z"^^xsd:dateTimeStamp ;
saref:hasIdentifier "1"^^xsd:string ;
s4ener:hasIncentive :Incentive_1 ;
:Slot_2 rdf:type s4ener:IncentiveTableSlot ;
rdfs:label "Afternoon slot" ;
rdfs:comment "This slot covers the period from 12:00 to 21:00 when the PV panels have already gathered power." ;
s4ener:hasStartTime "2023-01-29T12:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTimeStamp ;
s4ener:hasEndTime "2023-01-29T20:59:59Z"^^xsd:dateTimeStamp ;
saref:hasIdentifier "1"^^xsd:string ;
s4ener:hasIncentive :Incentive_2, :Incentive_3, :Incentive_4 ;
:Slot_3 rdf:type s4ener:IncentiveTableSlot ;
rdfs:label "Night slot" ;
rdfs:comment "This slot covers the period from 21:00 to 4:00, when the PV panels do not generate any power." ;
s4ener:hasStartTime "2023-01-29T21:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTimeStamp ;
s4ener:hasEndTime "2023-01-30T03:59:59Z"^^xsd:dateTimeStamp ;
saref:hasIdentifier "1"^^xsd:string ;
s4ener:hasIncentive :Incentive_5 ;
:Tier_1 rdf:type s4ener:IncentiveTableTier, s4ener:TimeSeries ;
rdfs:label "Grid power" ;
saref:hasIdentifier "1"^^xsd:string ;
s4ener:hasIncentive :Incentive_1, :Incentive_4, :Incentive_5 ;
:Tier_2 rdf:type s4ener:IncentiveTableTier, s4ener:TimeSeries ;
rdfs:label "PV panels" ;
saref:hasIdentifier "2"^^xsd:string ;
s4ener:hasIncentive :Incentive_3 ;
:Tier_3 rdf:type s4ener:IncentiveTableTier, s4ener:TimeSeries ;
rdfs:label "Surplus power PV panels" ;
saref:hasIdentifier "3"^^xsd:string ;
s4ener:hasIncentive :Incentive_4 ;
:Incentive_1 rdfs:type s4ener:Incentive, s4ener:DataPoint ;
saref:isMeasuredIn s4ener:EuroPerKilowattHour ;
saref:hasValue "0.30"^^xsd:decimal ;
saref:relatesToProperty :Price ;
s4ener:hasLowerBoundary :LowerBoundary_1 ;
:LowerBoundary_1 rdf:type s4ener:DataPoint ;
rdfs:label "Lower boundary early morning" ;
rdfs:comment "At this moment it's only possible to use power from the grid, so the lower boundary is at 0 and there's no upper boundary." ;
saref:hasValue "0"^^xsd:decimal ;
saref:isMeasuredIn om:watt ;
saref:relatesToProperty :Energy ;
:Incentive_2 rdfs:type s4ener:Incentive, s4ener:DataPoint ;
rdfs:label "Boundary for surplus power" ;
rdfs:comment "It is free to use the surplus power of the PV panels." ;
saref:isMeasuredIn s4ener:EuroPerKilowattHour ;
saref:hasValue "0.0"^^xsd:decimal ;
saref:relatesToProperty :Price ;
s4ener:hasLowerBoundary :LowerBoundary_2 ;
:LowerBoundary_2 rdf:type s4ener:DataPoint ;
rdfs:label "Boundary surplus power" ;
rdfs:comment "The lower boundary is at zero, because the first incentive is to use the surplus power of the PV panels." ;
saref:hasValue "0"^^xsd:decimal ;
saref:isMeasuredIn om:watt ;
saref:relatesToProperty :Energy ;
:Incentive_3 rdfs:type s4ener:Incentive, s4ener:DataPoint ;
rdfs:label "Boundary for PV power" ;
rdfs:comment "It costs 0.12 euro per kilowatthour to use the energy of the PV panels. This starts at the lower boundary, which is 1500W." ;
saref:isMeasuredIn s4ener:EuroPerKilowattHour ;
saref:hasValue "0.12"^^xsd:decimal ;
saref:relatesToProperty :Price ;
s4ener:hasLowerBoundary :LowerBoundary_3 ;
:LowerBoundary_3 rdf:type s4ener:DataPoint ;
rdfs:label "Boundary PV panels" ;
rdfs:comment "Starting at 1500W the energy is drawn from the PV panels." ;
saref:hasValue "1500"^^xsd:decimal ;
saref:isMeasuredIn om:watt ;
saref:relatesToProperty :Energy ;
:Incentive_4 rdfs:type s4ener:Incentive, s4ener:DataPoint ;
rdfs:label "Boundary for grid energy during the day" ;
rdfs:comment "It costs 0.30 euro per kilowatthour to draw energy from the grid during the day." ;
saref:isMeasuredIn s4ener:EuroPerKilowattHour ;
saref:hasValue "0.30"^^xsd:decimal ;
saref:relatesToProperty :Price ;
s4ener:hasLowerBoundary :LowerBoundary_3 ;
:LowerBoundary_4 rdf:type s4ener:DataPoint ;
rdfs:label "Lower boundary grid usage day" ;
rdfs:comment "Starting at 4000W the energy will be drawn from the grid." ;
saref:hasValue "4000"^^xsd:decimal ;
saref:isMeasuredIn om:watt ;
saref:relatesToProperty :Energy ;
:Incentive_5 rdfs:type s4ener:Incentive, s4ener:DataPoint ;
rdfs:label "Boundary night usage" ;
rdfs:comment "Energy usage during the night costs 0.30 euro per kilowatthour." ;
saref:isMeasuredIn s4ener:EuroPerKilowattHour ;
saref:hasValue "0.30"^^xsd:decimal ;
saref:relatesToProperty :Price ;
s4ener:hasLowerBoundary :LowerBoundary_3 ;
:LowerBoundary_5 rdf:type s4ener:DataPoint ;
rdfs:label "Lower boundary night" ;
saref:hasValue "0"^^xsd:decimal ;
saref:isMeasuredIn om:watt ;
saref:relatesToProperty :Energy ;
:PowerPlan rdf:type s4ener:TimeSeries ;
rdfs:label "Anticipated power consumption" ;
rdfs:comment """The usage forecast or Power Plan for an EEBUS Incentive Table consists of three interlinked timeseries. The first coveres the minimum power consumption, the second the average, and the third the maximum consumption.
The length of the TimeSeries is for brevity's sake kept to a single data point per time series. This can be arbitrarily extended.""" ;
saref:consistsOf :MinimumConsumption, :AverageConsumption, :MaximumConsumption ;
s4ener:hasCreationTime "2023-01-29T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTimeStamp ;
s4ener:hasEffectivePeriod :EffectivePeriod ;
:EffectivePeriod rdf:type time:Interval ;
time:hasBeginning "2023-01-29T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTimeStamp ;
time:hasEnd "2023-01-30T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTimeStamp ;
:MinimumConsumption rdf:type s4ener:TimeSeries ;
s4ener:hasDataPoint :DataPoint_1, :DataPoint_2 ;
s4ener:hasUsage s4ener:Minimum ;
:DataPoint_1 rdf:type s4ener:DataPoint ;
saref:hasValue "0"^^xsd:decimal ;
saref:isMeasuredIn om:kilowatt ;
saref:relatesToProperty :Power ;
saref:hasTimestamp "2023-01-29T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTimeStamp
:DataPoint_2 rdf:type s4ener:DataPoint ;
saref:hasValue "250"^^xsd:decimal ;
saref:isMeasuredIn om:kilowatt ;
saref:relatesToProperty :Power ;
saref:hasTimestamp "2023-01-29T07:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTimeStamp
:AverageConsumption rdf:type s4ener:TimeSeries ;
rdfs:label "Average forecasted consumption" ;
s4ener:hasDataPoint :DataPoint_3, :DataPoint_4 ;
s4ener:hasUsage s4ener:Average ;
:DataPoint_3 rdf:type s4ener:DataPoint ;
saref:hasValue "10"^^xsd:decimal ;
saref:isMeasuredIn om:kilowatt ;
saref:relatesToProperty :Power ;
saref:hasTimestamp "2023-01-29T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTimeStamp
:DataPoint_4 rdf:type s4ener:DataPoint ;
saref:hasValue "500"^^xsd:decimal ;
saref:isMeasuredIn om:kilowatt ;
saref:relatesToProperty :Power ;
saref:hasTimestamp "2023-01-29T07:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTimeStamp
:MaximumConsumption rdf:type s4ener:TimeSeries ;
rdfs:label "Maximum forecasted consumption" ;
s4ener:hasDataPoint :DataPoint_6 ;
s4ener:hasUsage s4ener:Maximum ;
:DataPoint_5 rdf:type s4ener:DataPoint ;
saref:hasValue "50"^^xsd:decimal ;
saref:isMeasuredIn om:kilowatt ;
saref:relatesToProperty :Power ;
saref:hasTimestamp "2023-01-29T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTimeStamp
:DataPoint_6 rdf:type s4ener:DataPoint ;
saref:hasValue "1000"^^xsd:decimal ;
saref:isMeasuredIn om:kilowatt ;
saref:relatesToProperty :Power ;
saref:hasTimestamp "2023-01-29T07:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTimeStamp
:Power rdf:type saref:Power .
:Price rdf:type saref:Price .
:Energy rdf:type saref:Energy .
dcterms:abstract a owl:AnnotationProperty .
saref:hasIdentifier a owl:DatatypeProperty .
time:hasBeginning a owl:DatatypeProperty .
time:hasEnd a owl:DatatypeProperty .
time:Interval a owl:Class .