This ontology extends the SAREF ontology for the industry and manufacturing domain. This extension is based on the Reference Architectural Model Industry 4.0 (RAMI). SAREF extension for industry and manufacturing domain Alba Fernandez Izquierdo s4inma 1.0 has state A relationship indicating that an entity consists of other entities contains The type of product that can be produced in a factory has category Updates of a product or equipment has update A relationship indicating where an entity is producted is created in A relationship indicating that entity can produce other entities makes A relationship indicating that an entity needs particular equipment to produce needs equipment A relationship indicating the material needed to produce an entity needs material Brand of a product brand Description of a product equipment description GTIN identifier that consists of 12 digits has GTIN-12 GTIN identifier that consists of 13 digits has GTIN-13 GTIN identifier that consists of 14 digits has GTIN-14 GTIN identifier that consists of 8 digits has GTIN-8 Manufacturer of a product manufacturer Name of a product equipment name Size of a batch size Supplier of a product supplier Device Physical, geographical or logical grouping of resources determined by the site (definition taken from IEC 62264) Area The material that is being produced (definition taken from IEC 61512) Batch The lowest level grouping of equipment in the physical model that can carry out basic control (definition taken from IEC 61512) Control module A functional group of equipment that can carry out a finit number of specific minor processing activities (definition taken from IEC 61512) Equipment module One or more organizations sharing a definit mission, goals and objectives which provides an output such as a product (definition taken from IEC 62264) Factory Injection unit Material needed for producing products Material Moulding machine A logical grouping of equipment that includes the equipment required for production of one or more batches (definition taken from IEC 61512) Process cell Products built in a factory Product It represents the type of products that can be produced Product category Equipment in a factory that is used to produce products Product equipment Collection of equipment that converts, separates or reacts one or more feedstocks to produce intermediate or final products (definition taken from IEC 62264) Production unit identified physical, geographical, and/or logical component grouping of a manufacturing enterprise (definition taken from IEC 62264) Site Level of equipment composed by lower level elements, such as equipment modules, in which one or more processign activities can be conducted Unit Equipment element under an area in a role-based equipment hierarchy that performs production, storage or material movement (definition taken from IEC 62264) Work center