saref4bldg.ttl 171 KB
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@prefix : <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix prov: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix vann: <> .
@prefix s4bldg: <> .
@prefix saref: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
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<> a owl:Ontology ;
	owl:versionIRI <> ;
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	dcterms:creator <> , <> ;
	dcterms:license <h> ;
	vann:preferredNamespaceUri "" ;
	dcterms:title "SAREF extension for building devices"@en ;
	dcterms:publisher <> ;
	dcterms:modified "2020-04-13" ;
	dcterms:issued "2020-04-13" ;
	dcterms:source <> ;
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	vann:preferredNamespacePrefix "s4bldg" ;
	dcterms:description "This ontology extends the SAREF ontology for the building domain by defining building devices and how they are located in a building. This extension is based on the ISO 16739:2013 Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) standard for data sharing in the construction and facility management industries. The descriptions of the classes and properties extracted from IFC have been taken from the IFC documentation."@en ;
                                      rdfs:comment """Information about changes compared to version 1.1.1: 
 - Updated namespaces for compatibility with SAREF v3."""@en ;
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# #################################################################
# #
# #    Annotation properties
# #
# #################################################################

dcterms:creator a owl:AnnotationProperty .

dcterms:modified a owl:AnnotationProperty .

dcterms:issued a owl:AnnotationProperty .

dcterms:source a owl:AnnotationProperty .
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dcterms:dateCopyrighted a owl:AnnotationProperty .

dcterms:rightsHolder a owl:AnnotationProperty .
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vann:preferredNamespacePrefix a owl:AnnotationProperty .

vann:preferredNamespaceUri a owl:AnnotationProperty .

prov:hadPrimarySource a owl:AnnotationProperty .
# #################################################################
# #
# #    Datatypes
# #
# #################################################################

xsd:duration a rdfs:Datatype .
# #################################################################
# #
# #    Object Properties
# #
# #################################################################

<> a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The relation between something and the point,  or other geometrical thing in space, where it is.  For example, the realtionship between a radio tower and a Point with a given lat and long. Or a relationship between a park and its outline as a closed arc of points, or a road and its location as a arc (a sequence of points). Clearly in practice there will be limit to the accuracy of any such statement, but one would expect an accuracy appropriate for the size of the object and uses such as mapping ."@en ;
	rdfs:isDefinedBy <> ;
	rdfs:label "location"@en .
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:airFlowRateMax a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Maximum allowable air flow rate. Usually measured in m3/s."@en ;
	rdfs:label "air flow rate range max"@en .
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:airFlowRateMin a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Minimum allowable air flow rate. Usually measured in m3/s."@en ;
	rdfs:label "air flow rate range min"@en .
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:ambientDesignDryBulbTemperature a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Ambient design dry bulb temperature used for selecting the cooling tower. Usually measured in degrees Kelvin (K)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "ambient design dry bulb temperature"@en .
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:ambientDesignWetBulbTemperature a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Ambient design wet bulb temperature used for selecting the cooling tower. Usually measured in degrees Kelvin (K)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "ambient design wet bulb temperature"@en .
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:apparentPowerMax a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Maximum apparent power/capacity in VA (volt ampere). Usually measured in Watts (W, J/s)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "maximum apparent power"@en .
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:audioVolume a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Indicates discrete audio volume levels and corresponding sound power offsets, if applicable. Missing values may be interpolated. Measured in watts."@en ;
	rdfs:label "audio volume"@en .
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:basinReserveVolume a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Volume between operating and overflow levels in cooling tower basin. Usually measured in cubic metre (m3)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "basin reserve volume"@en .
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:bladeThickness a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The thickness of the damper blade. Usually measured in millimeters (mm)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "blade thickness"@en .
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:bodyMass a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Overall body mass of the heater. Usually measured in kilograms (kg) or grams (g)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "body mass"@en .
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:capacityWeight a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Capacity of the transport element measured by weight. Usually measured in kilograms (kg) or grams (g)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "capacity weight"@en .
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:closeOffRating a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Close off rating. Usually measured in Pascals (Pa, N/m2)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "close off rating"@en .
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:coilLength a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Length of coil. Usually measured in millimeters (mm)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "coil length"@en .
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:coilWidth a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Width of coil. Usually measured in millimeters (mm"@en ;
	rdfs:label "coil width"@en .
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:colorTemperature a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The color temperature of any source of radiation is defined as the temperature (in Kelvin) of a black-body or Planckian radiator whose radiation has the same chromaticity as the source of radiation. Often the values are only approximate color temperatures as the black-body radiator cannot emit radiation of every chromaticity value. The color temperatures of the commonest artificial light sources range from less than 3000K (warm white) to 4000K (intermediate) and over 5000K (daylight). Usually measured in degrees Kelvin (K)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "color temperature"@en .
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:compressorSpeed a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Compressor speed. Usually measured in cycles/s."@en ;
	rdfs:label "compressor speed"@en .
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:connectionSize a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The connection size of the to and from the pump. Usually measured in millimeters (mm)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "connection size"@en .
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:contains a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	owl:inverseOf :isContainedIn ;
	a owl:TransitiveProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "A relation between a physical space and the objects located in such space."@en ;
	rdfs:label "contains"@en .
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:contributedLuminousFlux a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Luminous flux is a photometric measure of radiant flux, i.e. the volume of light emitted from a light source. Luminous flux is measured either for the interior as a whole or for a part of the interior (partial luminous flux for a solid angle). All other photometric parameters are derivatives of luminous flux. Luminous flux is measured in lumens (lm). The luminous flux is given as a nominal value for each lamp. Usually measured in Lumen (lm, Candela Steradian)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "contributed luminous flux"@en .
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:coverLength a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The length measured along the x-axis in the local coordinate system or the radius (in the case of a circular shape in plan) of the cover of the oil interceptor. Usually measured in millimeters (mm)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "cover length"@en .
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:coverWidth a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The length measured along the x-axis in the local coordinate system of the cover of the oil interceptor. Usually measured in millimeters (mm)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "cover width"@en .
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:effectiveCapacity a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The total effective or actual volumetric capacity of the tank. Usually measured in cubic metre (m3).B3"@en ;
	rdfs:label "effective capacity"@en .
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:electricGeneratorEfficiency a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The ratio of output capacity to intake capacity."@en ;
	rdfs:label "electric generator efficiency"@en .
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:electricMotorEfficiency a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The ratio of output capacity to intake capacity."@en ;
	rdfs:label "electric motor efficiency"@en .
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:externalSurfaceArea a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "External surface area (both primary and secondary area). Usually measured in square metre (m2)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "external surface area"@en .
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:faceArea a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Face area open to the airstream. Usually measured in square metre (m2)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "face area"@en .
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:finalResistance a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Filter fluid resistance when replacement is required (i.e., Pressure drop at the maximum air flowrate across the filter when the filter needs replacement per ASHRAE Standard 52.1). Usually measured in Pascals (Pa, N/m2)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "final resistance"@en .
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:firstCurvatureRadius a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "FirstCurvatureRadius should be defined as the base or left side radius of curvature value. Usually measured in millimeters (mm)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "first curvature radius"@en .
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:flowCoefficient a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Flow coefficient (the quantity of fluid that passes through a fully open valve at unit pressure drop), typically expressed as the Kv or Cv value for the valve."@en ;
	rdfs:label "flow coefficient"@en .
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:flowResistanceMax a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Allowable range of frictional resistance against which the fluid is being pumped. Usually measured in Pascals (Pa, N/m2)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "flow resistance range"@en .
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:flowResistanceMin a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Allowable range of frictional resistance against which the fluid is being pumped. Usually measured in Pascals (Pa, N/m2)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "flow resistance range"@en .
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:fluidFlowRateMax a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Possible range of fluid flowrate that can be delivered. Usually measured in m3/s."@en ;
	rdfs:label "fluid flow rate range"@en .
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:fluidFlowRateMin a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Possible range of fluid flowrate that can be delivered. Usually measured in m3/s."@en ;
	rdfs:label "fluid flow rate range"@en .
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:foulingFactor a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Fouling factor of the tubes in the tube bundle. Usually measured in m2 Kelvin/Watt."@en ;
	rdfs:label "fouling factor"@en .
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:frameDepth a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The length (or depth) of the damper frame. Usually measured in millimeters (mm)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "frame depth"@en .
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:frameThickness a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The thickness of the damper frame material. Usually measured in millimeters (mm)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "frame thickness"@en .
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:hasSpace a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	owl:inverseOf :isSpaceOf ;
	a owl:TransitiveProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Relation between a building or a building space and the spaces it can be divided into."@en ;
	rdfs:label "has space"@en .
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:heatExchangeArea a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Heat exchange area. Usually measured in square metre (m2)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "heat exchange area"@en .
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:heatTransferSurfaceArea a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Total heat transfer area of the vessel. Usually measured in square metre (m2)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "heat transfer surface area"@en .
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:height a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Height of the vibration isolator before tha application of load. Usually measured in millimeters (mm)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "height"@en .
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:horizontalSpacing a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Horizontal spacing between tubes in the tube bundle. Usually measured in millimeters (mm)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "horizontal spacing"@en .
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:hydraulicDiameter a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Hydraulic diameter. Usually measured in millimeters (mm)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "hydraulic diameter"@en .
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:idealCapacity a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Compressor capacity under ideal conditions. Usually measured in Watts (W, J/s)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "ideal capacity"@en .
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:idealShaftPower a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Compressor shaft power under ideal conditions. Usually measured in Watts (W, J/s)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "ideal shaft power"@en .
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:imaginaryImpedanceRatio a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The ratio between the imaginary part of the zero sequence impedance and the imaginary part of the positive impedance (i.e. imaginary part of the short-circuit voltage) of the transformer. Used for three-phase transformer which includes a N-conductor."@en ;
	rdfs:label "imaginary impedance ratio"@en .
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:impellerDiameter a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Diameter of compressor impeller - used to scale performance of geometrically similar compressors. Usually measured in millimeters (mm)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "impeller diameter"@en .
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:inLineRowSpacing a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "In-line tube row spacing. Usually measured in millimeters (mm)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "in line row spacing"@en .
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:initialResistance a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Initial new filter fluid resistance (i.e., pressure drop at the maximum air flowrate across the filter when the filter is new per ASHRAE Standard 52.1). Usually measured in Pascals (Pa, N/m2)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "initial resistance"@en .
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:inletConnectionSize a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Size of the inlet connection. Usually measured in millimeters (mm)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "inlet connection size"@en .
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:insideDiameter a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Actual inner diameter of the tube in the tube bundle. Usually measured in millimeters (mm)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "inside diameter"@en .
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:internalRefrigerantVolume a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Internal volume of evaporator (refrigerant side). Usually measured in cubic metre (m3)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "internal refrigerant volume"@en .
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:internalSurfaceArea a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Internal surface area. Usually measured in square metre (m2)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "internal surface area"@en .
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:internalWaterVolume a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Internal volume of evaporator (water side). Usually measured in cubic metre (m3)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "internal water volume"@en .
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:isContainedIn a owl:ObjectProperty , owl:TransitiveProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "A relation between an object and the physical space in which it is located."@en ;
	rdfs:label "is contained in"@en .
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:isSpaceOf a owl:ObjectProperty , owl:TransitiveProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Relation between a building space and the building or building space it belongs to."@en ;
	rdfs:label "isSpaceOf"@en .
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:isolatorCompressibility a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The compressibility of the vibration isolator."@en ;
	rdfs:label "isolator compressibility"@en .
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:isolatorStaticDeflection a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Static deflection of the vibration isolator. Usually measured in millimeters (mm)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "isolator static deflection"@en .
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:lampMaintenanceFactor a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Non recoverable losses of luminous flux of a lamp due to lamp depreciation i.e. the decreasing of light output of a luminaire due to aging and dirt."@en ;
	rdfs:label "lamp maintenance factor"@en .
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:leakageFullyClosed a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Leakage when fully closed. Usually measured in m3/s."@en ;
	rdfs:label "leakage fully closed"@en .
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:length a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The finished length of the device. Usually measured in millimeters (mm)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "length"@en .
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:liftElevationDifference a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Elevation difference between cooling tower sump and the top of the tower. Usually measured in millimeters (mm)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "lift elevation difference"@en .
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:lightEmitterNominalPower a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Light emitter nominal power. Usually measured in Watts (W, J/s)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "light emitter nominal power"@en .
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:limitingTerminalSize a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The maximum terminal size capacity of the device. Usually measured in square metre (m2)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "limiting terminal size"@en .
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:lockedRotorCurrent a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Input current when a motor armature is energized but not rotating. Usually measured in Ampere (A)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "locked rotor current"@en .
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:netPositiveSuctionHead a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Minimum liquid pressure at the pump inlet to prevent cavitation. Usually measured in Pascals (Pa, N/m2)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "net positive suction head"@en .
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:nominalAirFlowRate a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Nominal rate of air flow. Usually measured in m3/s."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal air flow rate"@en .
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:nominalBodyDepth a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Nominal or quoted =length, measured along the z-axis of the local coordinate system of the object, of the body of the object. Usually measured in millimeters (mm)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal body depth"@en .
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:nominalBodyLength a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Nominal or quoted length, measured along the x-axis of the local coordinate system of the object, of the body of the object. Usually measured in millimeters (mm)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal body length"@en .
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:nominalBodyWidth a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Nominal or quoted length, measured along the y-axis of the local coordinate system of the object, of the body of the object. Usually measured in millimeters (mm)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal body width"@en .
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:nominalCapacity a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Nominal capacity. Usually measured in Watts (W, J/s)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal capacity"@en .
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:nominalCondensingTemperature a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Chiller condensing temperature. Usually measured in degrees Kelvin (K)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal condensing temperature"@en .
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:nominalCoolingCapacity a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Nominal cooling capacity. Usually measured in Watts (W, J/s)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal cooling capacity"@en .
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:nominalDepth a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The nominal depth of the tank. Note: Not required for a horizontal cylindrical tank. Usually measured in millimeters (mm)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal depth"@en .
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:nominalDiameter a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Nominal diameter or width of the tubes in the tube bundle. Usually measured in millimeters (mm)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal diameter"@en .
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:nominalEfficiency a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Nominal chiller efficiency under nominal conditions. "@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal efficiency"@en .
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:nominalEnergyConsumption a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Nominal fuel consumption rate required to produce the total boiler heat output. Usually measured in Watts (W, J/s)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal energy consumption"@en .
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:nominalEvaporatingTemmperature a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Chiller evaporating temperature.Usually measured in degrees Kelvin (K)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal evaporating temmperature"@en .
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:nominalFilterFaceVelocity a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Filter face velocity. Usually measured in m/s."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal filter face velocity"@en .
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:nominalFlowRate a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Nominal fluid flow rate through the filter. Usually measured in m3/s."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal flow rate"@en .
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:nominalFrequency a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The nominal frequency of the supply. Usually measured in cycles/s or Hertz (Hz)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal frequency"@en .
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:nominalHeatRejectionRate a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Sum of the refrigeration effect and the heat equivalent of the power input to the compressor. Usually measured in Watts (W, J/s)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal heat rejection rate"@en .
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:nominalHeatTransferArea a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Nominal heat transfer surface area associated with nominal overall heat transfer coefficient. Usually measured in square metre (m2)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal heat transfer area"@en .
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:nominalHeatTransferCoefficient a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Nominal overall heat transfer coefficient associated with nominal heat transfer area. Usually measured in Watts/m2 Kelvin."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal heat transfer coefficient"@en .
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:nominalHeatingCapacity a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Nominal heating capacity. Usually measured in Watts (W, J/s)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal heating capacity"@en .
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:nominalLatentCapacity a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Nominal latent capacity. Usually measured in Watts (W, J/s)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal latent capacity"@en .
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:nominalLengthOrDiameter a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The nominal length or, in the case of a vertical cylindrical tank, the nominal diameter of the tank. Usually measured in millimeters (mm)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal length or diameter"@en .
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:nominalMediaSurfaceVelocity a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Average fluid velocity at the media surface. Usually measured in m/s."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal media surface velocity"@en .
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:nominalMoistureGain a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Nominal rate of water vapor added into the airstream. Usually measured in kg/s."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal moisture gain"@en .
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:nominalPartLoadRatio a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Allowable part load ratio range."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal part load ratio"@en .
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:nominalParticleGeometricMeanDiameter a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Particle geometric mean diameter associated with nominal efficiency. Usually measured in millimeters (mm)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal particle geometric mean diameter"@en .
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:nominalParticleGeometricStandardDeviation a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Particle geometric standard deviation associated with nominal efficiency. "@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal particle geometric standard deviation"@en .
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:nominalPowerConsumption a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Nominal total power consumption. Usually measured in Watts (W, J/s)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal power consumption"@en .
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:nominalPowerRate a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Nominal fan power rate.Usually measured in Watts (W, J/s)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal power rate"@en .
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:nominalPressureDrop a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Total pressure drop across the filter. Usually measured in Pascals (Pa, N/m2)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal pressure drop"@en .
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:nominalReturnWaterTemperatureCooling a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Nominal return water temperature (refers to nominal cooling capacity). Usually measured in degrees Kelvin (K)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal return water temperature cooling"@en .
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:nominalReturnWaterTemperatureHeating a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Nominal return water temperature (refers to nominal heating capacity). Usually measured in degrees Kelvin (K)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal return water temperature heating"@en .
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:nominalRotationSpeed a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Nominal fan wheel speed. Usually measured in cycles/s."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal rotation speed"@en .
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:nominalSensibleCapacity a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Nominal sensible capacity. Usually measured in Watts (W, J/s)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal sensible capacity"@en .
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:nominalSorroundingHumidityCooling a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Nominal surrounding humidity (refers to nominal cooling capacity). Usually measured in degrees Kelvin (K)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal sorrounding humidity cooling"@en .
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:nominalSorroundingTemperatureCooling a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Nominal surrounding temperature (refers to nominal cooling capacity). Usually measured in degrees Kelvin (K)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal sorrounding temperature cooling"@en .
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:nominalSorroundingTemperatureHeating a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Nominal surrounding temperature (refers to nominal heating capacity). Usually measured in degrees Kelvin (K)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal sorrounding temperature heating"@en .
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:nominalStaticPressure a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The static pressure within the air stream that the fan must overcome to insure designed circulation of air. Usually measured in Pascals (Pa, N/m2)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal static pressure"@en .
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:nominalSupplyVoltage a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The nominal voltage of the supply. Usually measured in Volts (V, W/A)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal supply voltage"@en .
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:nominalSupplyVoltageMax a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The maximum and minimum allowed voltage of the supply e.g. boundaries of 380V/440V may be applied for a nominal voltage of 400V."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal supply voltage offset"@en .
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:nominalSupplyVoltageMin a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The maximum and minimum allowed voltage of the supply e.g. boundaries of 380V/440V may be applied for a nominal voltage of 400V."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal supply voltage offset"@en .
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:nominalSupplyWaterTemperatureCooling a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Nominal supply water temperature (refers to nominal cooling capacity). Usually measured in degrees Kelvin (K)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal supply water temperature cooling"@en .
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:nominalSupplyWaterTemperatureHeating a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Nominal supply water temperature (refers to nominal heating capacity). Usually measured in degrees Kelvin (K)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal supply water temperature heating"@en .
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:nominalTotalPressure a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Nominal total pressure rise across the fan. Usually measured in Pascals (Pa, N/m2)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal total pressure"@en .
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:nominalUa a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Nominal UA value."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal ua"@en .
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:nominalVolumetricCapacity a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The total nominal or design volumetric capacity of the tank. Usually measured in cubic metre (m3)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal volumetric capacity"@en .
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:nominalWaterFlowCooling a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Nominal water flow (refers to nominal cooling capacity). Usually measured in m3/s."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal water flow cooling"@en .
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:nominalWaterFlowHeating a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Nominal water flow (refers to nominal heating capacity). Usually measured in m3/s."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal water flow heating"@en .
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:nominalWidthOrDiameter a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The nominal width or, in the case of a horizontal cylindrical tank, the nominal diameter of the tank. Note: Not required for a vertical cylindrical tank. Usually measured in millimeters (mm)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nominal width or diameter"@en .
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:nomminalRotationSpeed a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Pump rotational speed under nominal conditions. Usually measured in cycles/s."@en ;
	rdfs:label "nomminal rotation speed"@en .
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:openPressureDrop a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Total pressure drop across damper. Usually measured in Pascals (Pa, N/m2)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "open pressure drop"@en .
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:operatingWeight a owl:ObjectProperty ;
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	rdfs:comment "Operating weight of the tank including all of its contents. Usually measured in kilograms (kg) or grams (g)."@en ;
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	rdfs:label "operating weight"@en .
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:operationTemperatureMax a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Allowable operation ambient (air, fluid) temperature range. Usually measured in degrees Kelvin (K)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "operation temperature range"@en .
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:operationTemperatureMin a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Allowable operation ambient (air, fluid) temperature range. Usually measured in degrees Kelvin (K)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "operation temperature range"@en .
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:operationalRiterial a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Time of operation at maximum operational ambient air temperature. Measured in seconds (s) or days (d) or other units of time."@en ;
	rdfs:label "operational riterial"@en .
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:outletConnectionSize a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Size of the outlet connection. Usually measured in millimeters (mm)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "outlet connection size"@en .
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:outletTemperatureMax a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Allowable outlet temperature of either the water or the steam. Usually measured in degrees Kelvin (K)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "outlet temperature range"@en .
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:outletTemperatureMin a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Allowable outlet temperature of either the water or the steam. Usually measured in degrees Kelvin (K)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "outlet temperature range"@en .
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:outputCapacity a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Total nominal heat output as listed by the manufacturer. Usually measured in Watts (W, J/s)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "output capacity"@en .
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:outsideDiameter a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Actual outside diameter of the tube in the tube bundle. Usually measured in millimeters (mm)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "outside diameter"@en .
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:partLoadRatioMax a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Maximum part load ratio as a fraction of nominal capacity."@en ;
	rdfs:label "maximum part load ratio"@en .
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:partLoadRatioMin a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Minimum part load ratio as a fraction of nominal capacity."@en ;
	rdfs:label "minimum part load ratio"@en .
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:powerOutputMax a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The maximum output power rating of the engine. Usually measured in Watts (W, J/s)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "maximum power output"@en .
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:pressureRating a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Nominal pressure rating of the boiler as rated by the agency having jurisdiction. Usually measured in Pascals (Pa, N/m2)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "pressure rating"@en .
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:primaryAirFlowRateMax a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Maximum primary airflow that can be delivered. Usually measured in m3/s."@en ;
	rdfs:label "primary air flow rate range"@en .
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:primaryAirFlowRateMin a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Minimum primary airflow that can be delivered. Usually measured in m3/s."@en ;
	rdfs:label "primary air flow rate range"@en .
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:primaryApparentPower a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The power in VA (volt ampere) that has been transformed and that runs into the transformer on the primary side. Usually measured in Watts (W, J/s)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "primary apparent power"@en .
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:primaryCurrent a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The current that is going to be transformed and that runs into the transformer on the primary side. Usually measured in Ampere (A)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "primary current"@en .
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:primaryFrequency a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The frequency that is going to be transformed and that runs into the transformer on the primary side. Usually measured in cycles/s or Hertz (Hz)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "primary frequency"@en .
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:primaryVoltage a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The voltage that is going to be transformed and that runs into the transformer on the primary side. Usually measured in Volts (V, W/A)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "primary voltage"@en .
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:pumpFlowRateMax a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Allowable range of volume of fluid being pumped against the resistance specified. Usually measured in kg/s."@en ;
	rdfs:label "pump flow rate range"@en .
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:pumpFlowRateMin a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Allowable range of volume of fluid being pumped against the resistance specified. Usually measured in kg/s."@en ;
	rdfs:label "pump flow rate range"@en .
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:realImpedanceRatio a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The ratio between the real part of the zero sequence impedance and the real part of the positive impedance (i.e. real part of the short-circuit voltage) of the transformer. Used for three-phase transformer which includes a N-conductor."@en ;
	rdfs:label "real impedance ratio"@en .
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:secondCurvatureRadius a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "SecondCurvatureRadius should be defined as the top or right side radius of curvature value. Usually measured in millimeters (mm)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "second curvature radius"@en .
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:secondaryAirFlowRateMax a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Maximum secondary airflow that can be delivered. Usually measured in Pascals (Pa, N/m2)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "secondary air flow rate range"@en .
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:secondaryAirFlowRateMin a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "Maximum secondary airflow that can be delivered. Usually measured in Pascals (Pa, N/m2)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "secondary air flow rate range"@en .
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:secondaryApparentPower a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The power in VA (volt ampere) that has been transformed and is running out of the transformer on the secondary side. Usually measured in Watts (W, J/s)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "secondary apparent power"@en .
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:secondaryCurrent a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The current that has been transformed and is running out of the transformer on the secondary side. Usually measured in Ampere (A)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "secondary current"@en .
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:secondaryFrequency a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The frequency that has been transformed and is running out of the transformer on the secondary side. Usually measured in cycles/s or Hertz (Hz)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "secondary frequency"@en .
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:secondaryVoltage a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The voltage that has been transformed and is running out of the transformer on the secondary side. Usually measured in Volts (V, W/A)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "secondary voltage"@en .
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:shortCircuitVoltage a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "A complex number that specifies the real and imaginary parts of the short-circuit voltage at rated current of a transformer given in %."@en ;
	rdfs:label "short circuit voltage"@en .
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:size a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The size of the connection to the valve (or to each connection for faucets, mixing valves, etc.). Usually measured in millimeters (mm)."@en ;
	rdfs:label "size"@en .
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:solarReflectance a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "(Rsol): The ratio of incident solar radiation that is reflected by a shading system (also named _e). Note the following equation Asol + Rsol + Tsol = 1"@en ;
	rdfs:label "solar reflectance"@en .
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:solarTransmittance a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "(Tsol) The ratio of incident solar radiation that directly passes through a shading system (also named _e). Note the following equation Asol + Rsol + Tsol = 1"@en ;
	rdfs:label "solar transmittance"@en .
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:spectrumMax a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The spectrum of radiation describes its composition with regard to wavelength. Light, for example, as the portion of electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye, is radiation with wavelengths in the range of approx. 380 to 780 nm (1 nm = 10 m). The corresponding range of colours varies from violet to indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. These colours form a continuous spectrum, in which the various spectral sectors merge into each other."@en ;
	rdfs:label "maximum spectrum"@en .
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:spectrumMin a owl:ObjectProperty ;
	rdfs:comment "The spectrum of radiation describes its composition with regard to wavelength. Light, for example, as the portion of electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye, is radiation with wavelengths in the range of approx. 380 to 780 nm (1 nm = 10 m). The corresponding range of colours varies from violet to indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. These colours form a continuous spectrum, in which the various spectral sectors merge into each other."@en ;
	rdfs:label "minimum spectrum"@en .