diff --git a/ontology/saref4auto.ttl b/ontology/saref4auto.ttl
index fdbf6d26ac0f394522c14899a32266637def8fd8..90e3308d1e5db7ba5ceb9778bd7a7404bb25fc68 100644
--- a/ontology/saref4auto.ttl
+++ b/ontology/saref4auto.ttl
@@ -1,23 +1,17 @@
@prefix : .
-@prefix dc: .
-@prefix sf: .
@prefix owl: .
-@prefix rdf: .
-@prefix xml: .
@prefix xsd: .
@prefix rdfs: .
-@prefix time: .
+@prefix skos: .
+@prefix dcterms: .
@prefix vann: .
-@prefix geo: .
@prefix saref: .
-@prefix s4city: .
@prefix s4syst: .
@prefix s4auto: .
-@prefix dcterms: .
-@prefix skos: .
+@prefix geo: .
@base .
- rdf:type owl:Ontology ;
+ a owl:Ontology ;
dcterms:description "This ontology extends the SAREF ontology for the automotive domain. This work has been developed in the context of the STF 566, which was established with the goal to create four SAREF extensions, one of them for the automotive domain."@en ;
dcterms:creator , ;
dcterms:contributor ;
@@ -42,808 +36,475 @@
# Annotation properties
-dcterms:contributor rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
-dcterms:issued rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
-dcterms:modified rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+dcterms:contributor a owl:AnnotationProperty .
+dcterms:issued a owl:AnnotationProperty .
+dcterms:modified a owl:AnnotationProperty .
-dcterms:creator rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+dcterms:creator a owl:AnnotationProperty .
### http://purl.org/dc/terms/description
-dcterms:description rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+dcterms:description a owl:AnnotationProperty .
### http://purl.org/dc/terms/license
-dcterms:license rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+dcterms:license a owl:AnnotationProperty .
### http://purl.org/dc/terms/publisher
-dcterms:publisher rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+dcterms:publisher a owl:AnnotationProperty .
### http://purl.org/dc/terms/source
-dcterms:source rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+dcterms:source a owl:AnnotationProperty .
### http://purl.org/dc/terms/title
-dcterms:title rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+dcterms:title a owl:AnnotationProperty .
### http://purl.org/vocab/vann/preferredNamespacePrefix
-vann:preferredNamespacePrefix rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
+vann:preferredNamespacePrefix a owl:AnnotationProperty .
### http://purl.org/vocab/vann/preferredNamespaceUri
-vann:preferredNamespaceUri rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
-:hasEnvironment rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:range :VehicleEnvironment ;
- rdfs:comment "A relation that allows to describe the environment of a vehicle"@en ;
- rdfs:label "has Environment"@en .
-### https://saref.etsi.org/saref4auto/hasPlatoonRole
-:hasPlatoonRole rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasRole ;
- rdfs:range :PlatoonRole ;
- rdfs:comment "A relation to specify that in a platoon a vehicle can assume roles such as: unknown, leader, follower, ready-for-leading, trailing, etc."@en ;
- rdfs:label "hasPlatoonRole"@en .
-### https://saref.etsi.org/saref4auto/hasRole
-:hasRole rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:range :Role ;
- rdfs:comment "A general relation to express that an entity can have a role"@en ;
- rdfs:label "hasRole"@en .
-### https://saref.etsi.org/saref4auto/usesProperty
-:usesProperty rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
- rdfs:range :Property ;
- rdfs:comment "A relation to express that a device can use different types of properties, such as speed, position of detected road objects (e.g., bicycles, vehicles). This applies in particular to the ElectronicControlUnit and TrafficLightController classes."@en ;
- rdfs:label "usesProperty"@en .
+vann:preferredNamespaceUri a owl:AnnotationProperty .
# Data properties
-:hasConfidenceLevel rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
+:hasConfidenceLevel a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
rdfs:domain [ a owl:Class ; owl:unionOf ( saref:Observation saref:PropertyValue ) ] ;
rdfs:range xsd:decimal ;
rdfs:comment "Associates a confidence level (a decimal value between 0 and 1) to an observation or its result, stating that the actual value of the property is estimated to be inside the result's value."@en ;
rdfs:label "has Confidence Level"@en .
-### https://saref.etsi.org/saref4auto/hasMaxSize
-:hasMaxSize rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
- rdfs:range xsd:integer ;
- rdfs:comment "A relation to express the max size of a platoon. Note that it is defined as a datatype property as this is a fixed/static value of the platoon that does not change over time. In contrast, the current size of the platoon may change over time and is therefore defined as a property (see s4auto:PlatoonSize)."@en ;
- rdfs:label "hasMaxSize"@en .
-# Classes
-### https://saref.etsi.org/saref4auto/AutomotiveObject
-:AutomotiveObject rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:comment "The main objects of interest in the automotive domain."@en ;
- rdfs:label "AutomotiveObject"@en .
-### https://saref.etsi.org/saref4auto/ElectronicControlUnit
-:ElectronicControlUnit rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf saref:Device ,
- s4syst:System ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:observes ;
- owl:hasValue :Acceleration
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:observes ;
- owl:hasValue :Heading
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:observes ;
- owl:hasValue :Speed
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:observes ;
- owl:hasValue :Position
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty :usesProperty ;
- owl:someValuesFrom saref:Property
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty s4syst:subSystemOf ;
- owl:someValuesFrom :Vehicle
- ] ;
- rdfs:comment "An electronic control unit (ECU) is any embedded system in automotive electronics that monitors and controls one or more of the electrical systems or subsystems in a vehicle. The ECU provides observations about relevant properties of the vehicle, such as speed, acceleration, position, etc."@en ;
- rdfs:label "ElectronicControlUnit"@en .
-### https://saref.etsi.org/saref4auto/NotifiedEvent
-:NotifiedEvent rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing ;
- rdfs:comment "The relevant types of events are trafficCondition, accident, roadworks, impassability, adverseWeatherCondition-Adhesion, aquaplannning, hazardousLocation-SurfaceCondition, hazardousLocation-ObstacleOnTheRoad, hazardousLocation-AnimalOnTheRoad, humanPresenceOnTheRoad, wrongWayDriving, rescueAndRecoveryWorkInProgress, adverseWeatherCondition-ExtremeWeatherCondition, adverseWeatherCondition-Visibility, adverseWeatherCondition-Precipitation, slowVehicle, dangerousEndOfQueue, vehicleBreakdown, postCrash, humanProblem, stationaryVehicle, emergencyVehicleApproaching, hazardousLocation-DangerousCurve, collisionRisk, signalViolation, dangerousSituation"@en ;
- rdfs:label "NotifiedEvent"@en .
-### https://saref.etsi.org/saref4auto/PersonalDevice
-:PersonalDevice rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf saref:Device ,
- :AutomotiveObject ;
- rdfs:comment "A personal device is a nomadic device used by a pedestrian or the rider of a two-wheeler. A personal device in modelled as a different type of automotive object, as it normally does not have access to the vehicle CAN bus."@en ;
- rdfs:label "PersonalDevice"@en .
-### https://saref.etsi.org/saref4auto/Platoon
-:Platoon rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:hasProperty ;
- owl:hasValue :Destination
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:hasIdentifier ;
- owl:minCardinality 1
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:hasProperty ;
- owl:hasValue :Length
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:consistsOf ;
- owl:someValuesFrom :Vehicle
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:hasState ;
- owl:someValuesFrom :PlatoonState
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:hasProperty ;
- owl:someValuesFrom :Route
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:hasProperty ;
- owl:hasValue :PlatoonSize
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty :hasMaxSize ;
- owl:cardinality 1
- ] ;
- rdfs:comment "A group of vehicles automatically following each other at a relatively close distance" ;
- rdfs:label "Platoon"@en .
-### https://saref.etsi.org/saref4auto/PlatoonRole
-:PlatoonRole rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf :Role ;
- rdfs:comment "In platoon a vehicle can assume roles such as: unknown, leader, follower, ready-for-leading, trailing, etc."@en ;
- rdfs:label "PlatoonRole"@en .
-### https://saref.etsi.org/saref4auto/RoadEntity
-:RoadEntity rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf saref:FeatureOfInterest ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:consistsOf ;
- owl:someValuesFrom :RoadSideEquipment
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:consistsOf ;
- owl:someValuesFrom :NotifiedEvent
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:consistsOf ;
- owl:someValuesFrom [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty saref:hasFeatureKind ; owl:hasValue :CriticalObject ] ;
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:consistsOf ;
- owl:someValuesFrom :VulnerableRoadUser
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:hasProperty ;
- owl:hasValue :AbsolutePosition
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:hasProperty ;
- owl:hasValue :Height
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:hasProperty ;
- owl:hasValue :Length
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:hasState ;
- owl:someValuesFrom :Movement
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:hasProperty ;
- owl:hasValue :RelativePosition
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:hasProperty ;
- owl:hasValue :Shape
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty :hasWidth ;
- owl:hasValue :Width
- ] ;
- rdfs:comment "An entity present on the road in the neighbouring area of a vehicle"@en ;
- rdfs:label "RoadEntity"@en .
-### https://saref.etsi.org/saref4auto/RoadObject
-:RoadObject rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf saref:FeatureOfInterest ;
- rdfs:comment "Road side sensors measure properties (such as speed, position, dimension, direction, etc.) of road objects. Types of relevant road objects are Pedestrian, vehicles, obstacles, traffic signs, etc."@en ;
- rdfs:label "RoadObject"@en .
-### https://saref.etsi.org/saref4auto/RoadSideActuator
-:RoadSideActuator rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf saref:Actuator ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty :usesMeasurement ;
- owl:someValuesFrom saref:Observation
- ] ;
- rdfs:comment "Devices deployed along the road that produce signals based on road side sensor data measurements. Types of road side actuators that are relevant are devices such as traffic light controllers changing from red to green based on detected vehicles."@en ;
- rdfs:label """RoadSideActuator
-"""@en .
-### https://saref.etsi.org/saref4auto/RoadSideEquipment
-:RoadSideEquipment rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf :AutomotiveObject ;
- rdfs:comment "A road side equipment can be either a simple data relay between vehicles and infrastructure or between the vehicles themselves, or it can run applications. It is usually high mounted in existing equipment, such as a street light, city traffic light, VMS or highway sign, or has its own pole."@en ;
- rdfs:label "RoadSideEquipment"@en .
-### https://saref.etsi.org/saref4auto/RoadSideSensor
-:RoadSideSensor rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf saref:Sensor ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:observes ;
- owl:hasValue :Heading
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:observes ;
- owl:hasValue :Height
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:observes ;
- owl:hasValue :Length
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:observes ;
- owl:hasValue :Speed
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:observes ;
- owl:hasValue :Width
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:observes ;
- owl:hasValue :Position
- ] ;
- rdfs:comment "Sensors such as cameras, radars that are deployed along the road (e.g. at intersections and at poles along a highway). Road side sensors perform measurements, such as speed, position (relative or absolute), dimension, direction, etc. of road objects."@en ;
- rdfs:label "RoadSideSensor"@en .
-### https://saref.etsi.org/saref4auto/Role
-:Role rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:comment "The role that can be assumed by a vehicle or a platoon"@en ;
- rdfs:label "Role"@en .
-### https://saref.etsi.org/saref4auto/Route
-:Route rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf saref:FeatureOfInterest , geo:Feature ;
- rdfs:subClassOf [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:hasProperty ;
- owl:hasValue :Destination
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:hasProperty ;
- owl:hasValue :Origin
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:hasProperty ;
- owl:hasValue :RoutePoint
- ] ;
- rdfs:comment "The route of a vehicle or of a platoon. The route of a platoon is defined as the route of the current vehicle leader in the platoon that other follower vehicles (partially) share. The route is a geo:Feature and can thus have a geometry."@en ;
- rdfs:label "Route"@en .
-### https://saref.etsi.org/saref4auto/TrafficLightController
-:TrafficLightController rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf :RoadSideActuator ;
- rdfs:comment "A device that automatically operates coloured lights, typically red, amber, and green, for controlling traffic at road junctions, pedestrian crossings, and roundabouts."@en ;
- rdfs:label "TrafficLight"@en .
-### https://saref.etsi.org/saref4auto/TrafficManagementCentre
-:TrafficManagementCentre rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf :AutomotiveObject ;
- rdfs:comment "A traffic centre provides services to road users: exploiting data for road traffic management, providing information about mobility zones, operational management of the road infrastructure, etc."@en ;
- rdfs:label "TrafficManagementCentre"@en .
-### https://saref.etsi.org/saref4auto/Vehicle
-:Vehicle rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf saref:FeatureOfInterest ,
- :AutomotiveObject ,
- s4syst:System ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:hasProperty ;
- owl:hasValue :AbsolutePosition
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty :hasFeatureKind ;
- owl:someValuesFrom :VehicleKind
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:hasState ;
- owl:hasValue :VehicleAutomationLevel
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:hasState ;
- owl:hasValue :PlatoonAutomationLevel
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty :hasBrakeCapacity ;
- owl:hasValue :BrakeCapacity
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:hasProperty ;
- owl:hasValue :Destination
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty :hasEnvironment ;
- owl:someValuesFrom :VehicleEnvironment
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:hasProperty ;
- owl:hasValue :RendezvousLocation
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty :hasHeight ;
- owl:hasValue :Height
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:hasIdentifier ;
- owl:minCardinality 1
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:hasProperty ;
- owl:hasValue :Length
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:hasState ;
- owl:someValuesFrom :PlatoonVehicleState
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:hasProperty ;
- owl:hasValue :PlatoonPosition
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty :hasPlatoonRole ;
- owl:someValuesFrom :PlatoonRole
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:hasProperty ;
- owl:hasValue :RelativePosition
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:hasProperty ;
- owl:hasValue :RoadTopologyPosition
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:hasProperty ;
- owl:someValuesFrom :Route
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty :hasProperty ;
- owl:hasValue :Width
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty s4syst:hasSubSystem ;
- owl:someValuesFrom :ElectronicControlUnit
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:hasProperty ;
- owl:hasValue :EstimatedJoiningTime
- ] ;
- rdfs:comment "A vehicle is the main object of interest in the automotive domain. Example of types of vehicles are car, truck, public transport and two-wheeler. See ETSI TS 102 894-2 spec for full list of vehicles, which are type of \"stations\". See also the SENSORIS data model for possible type of vehicles. The main IoT device considered in the vehicle is the ECU (part of the vehicle on board equipment, or OBE), see s4auto:ElectronicControlUnit class."@en ;
- rdfs:label "Vehicle"@en .
-### https://saref.etsi.org/saref4auto/VehicleKind
-:VehicleKind rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf saref:FeatureKind ;
- rdfs:comment "Category s4auto:VehicleKind groups archetypes of vehicles."@en ;
- rdfs:label "Vehicle Kind"@en .
-### https://saref.etsi.org/saref4auto/VehicleEnvironment
-:VehicleEnvironment rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:consistsOf ;
- owl:someValuesFrom :RoadEntity
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:consistsOf ;
- owl:someValuesFrom :Vehicle
- ] ;
- rdfs:comment "The vehicle environment is made of entities which are present on the road in the area around the vehicle"@en ;
- rdfs:label "VehicleEnvironment"@en .
-### https://saref.etsi.org/saref4auto/VulnerableRoadUser
-:VulnerableRoadUser rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf saref:FeatureOfInterest ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty :hasFeatureKind ;
- owl:someValuesFrom :VulnerableRoadUserKind
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty :hasHeight ;
- owl:hasValue :Height
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:hasProperty ;
- owl:hasValue :Length
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty saref:hasState ;
- owl:someValuesFrom :Movement
- ] ,
- [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
- owl:onProperty :hasWidth ;
- owl:hasValue :Width
- ] ;
- rdfs:comment "Non-motorized road users as well as users of VRU vehicles (L class of vehicles, for example mopeds or motorcycles, etc.) participating to the road traffic" ;
- rdfs:label "VulnerableRoadUser"@en .
-### https://saref.etsi.org/saref4auto/VulnerableRoadUserKind
-:VulnerableRoadUserKind rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf saref:FeatureKind ;
- rdfs:comment "Category s4auto:VulnerableRoadUserKind groups archetypes of vulnerable road users, which are non-motorized road users as well as users of VRU vehicles (L class of vehicles, for example mopeds or motorcycles, etc.) participating to the road traffic."@en ;
- rdfs:label "Vulnerable Road User Kind"@en .
-# Individuals
+# Feature Kinds
+:ElectronicControlUnit a saref:DeviceKind ;
+ saref:observes :Acceleration , :Heading , :Speed , :Position ;
+ s4syst:subSystemOf :Vehicle ;
+ rdfs:comment "An electronic control unit (ECU) is any embedded system in automotive electronics that monitors and controls one or more of the electrical systems or subsystems in a vehicle. The ECU provides observations about relevant properties of the vehicle, such as speed, acceleration, position, etc."@en ;
+ rdfs:label "ElectronicControlUnit"@en .
+:PersonalDevice a saref:DeviceKind ;
+ rdfs:comment "A personal device is a nomadic device used by a pedestrian or the rider of a two-wheeler. A personal device in modelled as a different type of automotive object, as it normally does not have access to the vehicle CAN bus."@en ;
+ rdfs:label "PersonalDevice"@en .
+:Platoon a :FeatureKind ;
+ saref:hasProperty :Route , :Destination , :Length , :PlatoonSize ;
+ saref:consistsOf :Vehicle ;
+ saref:hasState :PlatoonState ;
+ rdfs:comment "A group of vehicles automatically following each other at a relatively close distance" ;
+ rdfs:label "Platoon"@en .
+:RoadEntity a saref:FeatureKind ;
+ saref:consistsOf :RoadSideEquipment , :CriticalObject , :VulnerableRoadUser ;
+ saref:hasProperty :AbsolutePosition , :Height , :Length , :RelativePosition , :Shape , :Width ;
+ saref:hasState :Movement ;
+ rdfs:comment "An entity present on the road in the neighbouring area of a vehicle"@en ;
+ rdfs:label "RoadEntity"@en .
+:RoadObject a saref:FeatureKind ;
+ rdfs:comment "Road side sensors measure properties (such as speed, position, dimension, direction, etc.) of road objects. Types of relevant road objects are Pedestrian, vehicles, obstacles, traffic signs, etc."@en ;
+ rdfs:label "RoadObject"@en .
+:RoadSideEquipment a saref:DeviceKind ;
+ rdfs:comment "A road side equipment can be either a simple data relay between vehicles and infrastructure or between the vehicles themselves, or it can run applications. It is usually high mounted in existing equipment, such as a street light, city traffic light, VMS or highway sign, or has its own pole."@en ;
+ rdfs:label "RoadSideEquipment"@en .
+:RoadSideActuator a saref:ActuatorKind ;
+ skos:broader :RoadSideEquipment ;
+ rdfs:comment "Devices deployed along the road that produce signals based on road side sensor data measurements. Types of road side actuators that are relevant are devices such as traffic light controllers changing from red to green based on detected vehicles."@en ;
+ rdfs:label "RoadSideActuator"@en .
+:TrafficLightController a saref:ActuatorKind ;
+ skos:broader :RoadSideActuator ;
+ rdfs:comment "A device that automatically operates coloured lights, typically red, amber, and green, for controlling traffic at road junctions, pedestrian crossings, and roundabouts."@en ;
+ rdfs:label "TrafficLight"@en .
+:RoadSideSensor a saref:SensorKind ;
+ skos:broader :RoadSideEquipment ;
+ saref:observes :Heading , :Height , :Length , :Speed , :Width , :Position ;
+ rdfs:comment "Sensors such as cameras, radars that are deployed along the road (e.g. at intersections and at poles along a highway). Road side sensors perform measurements, such as speed, position (relative or absolute), dimension, direction, etc. of road objects."@en ;
+ rdfs:label "RoadSideSensor"@en .
+:Route a saref:Property , geo:Feature ;
+ saref:hasProperty :Origin, :Destination, :RoutePoint ;
+ rdfs:comment "The route of a vehicle or of a platoon. The route of a platoon is defined as the route of the current vehicle leader in the platoon that other follower vehicles (partially) share. The route is a geo:Feature and can thus have a geometry."@en ;
+ rdfs:label "Route"@en .
+:TrafficManagementCentre a saref:FeatureKind ;
+ rdfs:comment "A traffic centre provides services to road users: exploiting data for road traffic management, providing information about mobility zones, operational management of the road infrastructure, etc."@en ;
+ rdfs:label "TrafficManagementCentre"@en .
+:Vehicle a saref:FeatureKind ;
+ saref:hasProperty :AbsolutePosition , :RelativePosition , :RoadTopologyPosition ;
+ saref:hasProperty :BrakeCapacity , :Height , :Length , :Width ;
+ saref:hasProperty :Destination , :Route , :RendezvousLocation , :JoiningTime ;
+ saref:hasProperty :PlatoonPosition ;
+ saref:hasState :VehicleAutomationLevel , :PlatoonAutomationLevel , :PlatoonVehicleState , :PlatoonRole ;
+ s4syst:hasSubSystem :ElectronicControlUnit ;
+ rdfs:comment "A vehicle is the main object of interest in the automotive domain. Example of types of vehicles are car, truck, public transport and two-wheeler. See ETSI TS 102 894-2 spec for full list of vehicles, which are type of \"stations\". See also the SENSORIS data model for possible type of vehicles. The main IoT device considered in the vehicle is the ECU (part of the vehicle on board equipment, or OBE), see s4auto:ElectronicControlUnit class."@en ;
+ rdfs:label "Vehicle"@en .
+:VehicleEnvironment a saref:FeatureKind ;
+ saref:consistsOf :RoadEntity , :Vehicle ;
+ saref:hasState :VehicleEnvironmentState ;
+ rdfs:comment "The vehicle environment is made of entities which are present on the road in the area around the vehicle"@en ;
+ rdfs:label "VehicleEnvironment"@en .
### Instances of CriticalObject
-:CriticalObject rdf:type saref:FeatureKind ;
+:CriticalObject a saref:FeatureKind ;
saref:hasProperty :Height , :Length , :Width , :Shape ;
saref:hasState :Movement ;
rdfs:comment "A critical object located on the road. Critical objects are small object, medium object, large object"@en ;
rdfs:label "Critical Object"@en .
-:LargeObject rdf:type saref:FeatureKind ;
+:LargeObject a saref:FeatureKind ;
skos:broader :CriticalObject ;
rdfs:comment "A kind of Critical Object"@en ;
rdfs:label "Large Object"@en .
-:MediumObject rdf:type saref:FeatureKind ;
+:MediumObject a saref:FeatureKind ;
skos:broader :CriticalObject ;
rdfs:comment "A kind of Critical Object"@en ;
rdfs:label "Medium Object"@en .
-:SmallObject rdf:type saref:FeatureKind ;
+:SmallObject a saref:FeatureKind ;
skos:broader :CriticalObject ;
rdfs:comment "A kind of Critical Object"@en ;
rdfs:label "Small Object"@en .
-### Instances of VehicleKind
+### kinds of Vehicle
-:Car rdf:type :VehicleKind ;
+:Car a :FeatureKind ;
+ skos:broader :Vehicle ;
rdfs:comment "A type of vehicle. Example of a car is a passenger car"@en ;
rdfs:label "car"@en .
-:PassengerCar rdf:type :VehicleKind ;
+:PassengerCar a :FeatureKind ;
+ skos:broader :Vehicle ;
skos:broader :Car ;
rdfs:comment "A type of car"@en ;
rdfs:label "passenger car"@en .
-:PublicTransport rdf:type :VehicleKind ;
+:PublicTransport a :FeatureKind ;
+ skos:broader :Vehicle ;
rdfs:comment "A type of vehicle. Example of public transport is a bus or a tram"@en ;
rdfs:label "public transport"@en .
-:Bus rdf:type :VehicleKind ;
+:Bus a :FeatureKind ;
+ skos:broader :Vehicle ;
skos:broader :PublicTransport ;
rdfs:comment "A type of public transport"@en ;
rdfs:label "bus"@en .
-:Tram rdf:type :VehicleKind ;
+:Tram a :FeatureKind ;
+ skos:broader :Vehicle ;
skos:broader :PublicTransport ;
rdfs:comment "A type of public transport"@en ;
rdfs:label "tram"@en .
-:Truck rdf:type :VehicleKind ;
+:Truck a :FeatureKind ;
+ skos:broader :Vehicle ;
rdfs:comment "A type of vehicle. Example of trucks are heavy trucks or light trucks."@en ;
rdfs:label "truck"@en .
-:HeavyTruck rdf:type :VehicleKind ;
+:HeavyTruck a :FeatureKind ;
+ skos:broader :Vehicle ;
skos:broader :Truck ;
rdfs:comment "A type of truck"@en ;
rdfs:label "heavy truck"@en .
-:LightTruck rdf:type :VehicleKind ;
+:LightTruck a :FeatureKind ;
+ skos:broader :Vehicle ;
skos:broader :Truck ;
rdfs:comment "A type of truck"@en ;
rdfs:label "light truck"@en .
-:TwoWheeler rdf:type :VehicleKind ;
+:TwoWheeler a :FeatureKind ;
+ skos:broader :Vehicle ;
rdfs:comment "A type of vehicle. This class involves all sorts of two wheelers, from motorcycles to bicycles and (e-)scooters."@en ;
rdfs:label "two wheeler"@en .
-:AgriculturalVehicle rdf:type :VehicleKind ;
+:AgriculturalVehicle a :FeatureKind ;
+ skos:broader :Vehicle ;
rdfs:comment "A type of vehicle"@en ;
rdfs:label "agricultural vehicle"@en .
-:CommercialVehicle rdf:type :VehicleKind ;
+:CommercialVehicle a :FeatureKind ;
+ skos:broader :Vehicle ;
rdfs:comment "A type of vehicle"@en ;
rdfs:label "commercial vehicle"@en .
-:DangerousGoodVehicle rdf:type :VehicleKind ;
+:DangerousGoodVehicle a :FeatureKind ;
+ skos:broader :Vehicle ;
rdfs:comment "A type of vehicle"@en ;
rdfs:label "dangerous goods vehicle"@en .
-:EmergencyVehicle rdf:type :VehicleKind ;
+:EmergencyVehicle a :FeatureKind ;
+ skos:broader :Vehicle ;
rdfs:comment "A type of vehicle"@en ;
rdfs:label "emergency vehicle"@en .
-:MilitaryVehicle rdf:type :VehicleKind ;
+:MilitaryVehicle a :FeatureKind ;
+ skos:broader :Vehicle ;
rdfs:comment "A type of vehicle"@en ;
rdfs:label "military vehicle"@en .
-:RescueVehicle rdf:type :VehicleKind ;
+:RescueVehicle a :FeatureKind ;
+ skos:broader :Vehicle ;
rdfs:comment "A type of vehicle"@en ;
rdfs:label "rescue vehicle"@en .
-:RoadOperatorVehicle rdf:type :VehicleKind ;
+:RoadOperatorVehicle a :FeatureKind ;
+ skos:broader :Vehicle ;
rdfs:comment "A type of vehicle"@en ;
rdfs:label "road operator vehicle"@en .
-:RoadWorkVehicle rdf:type :VehicleKind ;
+:RoadWorkVehicle a :FeatureKind ;
+ skos:broader :Vehicle ;
rdfs:comment "A type of vehicle"@en ;
rdfs:label "road work vehicle"@en .
-:SafetyCarVehicle rdf:type :VehicleKind ;
+:SafetyCarVehicle a :FeatureKind ;
+ skos:broader :Vehicle ;
rdfs:comment "A type of vehicle"@en ;
rdfs:label "safety car vehicle"@en .
-:SpecialTransportVehicle rdf:type :VehicleKind ;
+:SpecialTransportVehicle a :FeatureKind ;
+ skos:broader :Vehicle ;
rdfs:comment "A type of vehicle"@en ;
rdfs:label "special transport vehicle"@en .
-:Taxi rdf:type :VehicleKind ;
+:Taxi a :FeatureKind ;
+ skos:broader :Vehicle ;
rdfs:comment "A type of vehicle"@en ;
rdfs:label "taxi vehicle"@en .
### Instances of VulnerableRoadUserKind
-:P1Pedestrian rdf:type :VulnerableRoadUserKind ;
+:VulnerableRoadUser a saref:FeatureKind ;
+ saref:hasProperty :Height , :Length , :Width ;
+ saref:hasState :Movement ;
+ rdfs:comment "Archetype of vulnerable road users, which are non-motorized road users as well as users of VRU vehicles (L class of vehicles, for example mopeds or motorcycles, etc.) participating to the road traffic."@en ;
+ rdfs:label "Vulnerable Road User"@en .
+:P1Pedestrian a saref:FeatureKind ;
+ skos:broader :VulnerableRoadUser ;
rdfs:comment "VRU Profile 1 users, for example: adult, child, elderly person, pram, animal, blind person guided by a dog, rider off its bike"@en ;
rdfs:label "P1 Pedestrian"@en .
-:P2Bicyclist rdf:type :VulnerableRoadUserKind ;
+:P2Bicyclist a saref:FeatureKind ;
+ skos:broader :VulnerableRoadUser ;
rdfs:comment "VRU Profile 2 users, for example: user of bicycle, wheelchair, skater, scooter, Segway, or a mounted horse rider"@en ;
rdfs:label "P2 Bicyclist"@en .
-:P3Motorcyclist rdf:type :VulnerableRoadUserKind ;
+:P3Motorcyclist a saref:FeatureKind ;
+ skos:broader :VulnerableRoadUser ;
rdfs:comment "VRU Profile 3 users are Motorcyclists, which are equipped with engines that allow them to move on the road. It includes users (driver and passengers, e.g. children and animals) of Powered Two Wheelers (PTW) such as mopeds (motorized scooters), motorcycles or side-cars."@en ;
rdfs:label "P3 Motorcyclist"@en .
-:P4Animal rdf:type :VulnerableRoadUserKind ;
+:P4Animal a saref:FeatureKind ;
+ skos:broader :VulnerableRoadUser ;
rdfs:comment "VRU Profile 4 animals presenting a safety risk to other road users, for example : dogs, wild animals, horses, cows, sheep, kangaroos, etc."@en ;
rdfs:label "P4 Animal"@en .
+### Instances of PlatoonRole
-### https://saref.etsi.org/saref4auto/follower
-:Follower rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
- :PlatoonRole ;
- rdfs:comment "A type of platoon role"@en ;
- rdfs:label "follower"@en .
+:PlatoonRole a saref:State ;
+ rdfs:comment "In platoon a vehicle can assume roles such as: unknown, leader, follower, ready-for-leading, trailing, etc."@en ;
+ rdfs:label "PlatoonRole"@en .
+:Follower a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :PlatoonRole ;
+ rdfs:comment "A type of platoon role"@en ;
+ rdfs:label "follower"@en .
-### https://saref.etsi.org/saref4auto/leader
-:Leader rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
- :PlatoonRole ;
- rdfs:comment "A type of platoon role"@en ;
- rdfs:label "leader"@en .
+:Leader a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :PlatoonRole ;
+ rdfs:comment "A type of platoon role"@en ;
+ rdfs:label "leader"@en .
+:ReadyForLeading a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :PlatoonRole ;
+ rdfs:comment "A type of platoon role"@en ;
+ rdfs:label "ready for leading"@en .
-### https://saref.etsi.org/saref4auto/ready_for_leading
-:ReadyForLeading rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
- :PlatoonRole ;
- rdfs:comment "A type of platoon role"@en ;
- rdfs:label "ready for leading"@en .
-### https://saref.etsi.org/saref4auto/trailing
-:Trailing rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
- :PlatoonRole ;
- rdfs:comment "A type of platoon role"@en ;
- rdfs:label "trailing"@en .
-### https://saref.etsi.org/saref4auto/UnknownPlatoonRole
-:UnknownPlatoonRole rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
- :PlatoonRole ;
- rdfs:comment "A type of platoon role"@en ;
- rdfs:label "unknown platoon role"@en .
+:Trailing a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :PlatoonRole ;
+ rdfs:comment "A type of platoon role"@en ;
+ rdfs:label "trailing"@en .
+:UnknownPlatoonRole a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :PlatoonRole ;
+ rdfs:comment "A type of platoon role"@en ;
+ rdfs:label "unknown platoon role"@en .
### SAREF pattern for properties:
-:Acceleration rdf:type saref:Property ;
+:Acceleration a saref:Property ;
rdfs:comment "A Property of interest for the automotive domain"@en ;
rdfs:label "Acceleration"@en .
-:LateralAcceleration rdf:type saref:Property ;
+:LateralAcceleration a saref:Property ;
skos:broader :Acceleration ;
rdfs:comment "A type of acceleration"@en ;
rdfs:label "Lateral Acceleration"@en .
-:LongitudinalAcceleration rdf:type saref:Property ;
+:LongitudinalAcceleration a saref:Property ;
skos:broader :Acceleration ;
rdfs:comment "A type of acceleration"@en ;
rdfs:label "LongitudinalAcceleration"@en .
-:BrakeCapacity rdf:type saref:Property ;
+:BrakeCapacity a saref:Property ;
rdfs:comment "A Property of interest for the automotive domain"@en ;
rdfs:label "BrakeCapacity"@en .
-:Heading rdf:type saref:Property ;
+:Heading a saref:Property ;
rdfs:comment "A Property of interest for the automotive domain"@en ;
rdfs:label "Heading"@en .
-:AngularDirection rdf:type saref:Property ;
+:AngularDirection a saref:Property ;
skos:broader :Heading ;
rdfs:comment "A type of heading"@en ;
rdfs:label "AngularDirection"@en .
-:YawRate rdf:type saref:Property ;
+:YawRate a saref:Property ;
skos:broader :Heading ;
rdfs:comment "A type of heading"@en ;
rdfs:label "YawRate"@en .
-:Height rdf:type saref:Property ;
+:Height a saref:Property ;
rdfs:comment "A Property of interest for the automotive domain"@en ;
rdfs:label "Height"@en .
-:Length rdf:type saref:Property ;
+:Length a saref:Property ;
rdfs:comment "A Property for the automotive domain"@en ;
rdfs:label "Length"@en .
-:PlatoonLength rdf:type saref:Property ;
+:PlatoonLength a saref:Property ;
rdfs:comment "Sum of all vehicles' length + inter-vehicle distances."@en ;
rdfs:label "Platoon Length"@en .
-:PlatoonSize rdf:type saref:Property ;
+:PlatoonSize a saref:Property ;
rdfs:comment "The total number of vehicles currently in the platoon."@en ;
rdfs:label "Platoon Size"@en .
-:Speed rdf:type saref:Property ;
+:PlatoonMaxSize a saref:Property ;
+ rdfs:comment "The max size of a platoon. This is expected to be a fixed/static value of the platoon that does not change over time, and can therefore be described with saref:PropertyValue directly attached to the platoon instance (a feature of interest). In contrast, the current size of the platoon may change over time and is therefore defined with property (see s4auto:PlatoonSize)."@en ;
+ rdfs:label "Platoon Max Size"@en .
+:Speed a saref:Property ;
rdfs:comment "A Property for the automotive domain"@en ;
rdfs:label "Speed"@en .
-:AbsoluteSpeed rdf:type saref:Property ;
+:AbsoluteSpeed a saref:Property ;
skos:broader :Speed ;
rdfs:comment "A type of speed"@en ;
rdfs:label "AbsoluteSpeed"@en .
-:RelativeSpeed rdf:type saref:Property ;
+:RelativeSpeed a saref:Property ;
skos:broader :Speed ;
rdfs:comment "A type of speed"@en ;
rdfs:label "RelativeSpeed"@en .
-:Weight rdf:type saref:Property ;
+:Weight a saref:Property ;
rdfs:comment "A Property for the automotive domain"@en ;
rdfs:label "Weight"@en .
-:Width rdf:type saref:Property ;
+:Width a saref:Property ;
rdfs:comment "A Property for the automotive domain"@en ;
rdfs:label "Width"@en .
-:Origin rdf:type saref:Property ;
+:Origin a saref:Property ;
rdfs:comment "The origin of an entity (e.g., a vehicle or a route)"@en ;
rdfs:label "Origin"@en .
-:Destination rdf:type saref:Property ;
+:Destination a saref:Property ;
rdfs:comment "The destination of an automotive object. For example, in a platoon, the current platoon leader defines the platoon destination. Following vehicles will share (partially) the route of the leader and can, therefore, have different final destinations."@en ;
rdfs:label "Origin"@en .
-:RoutePoint rdf:type saref:Property ;
+:RoutePoint a saref:Property ;
rdfs:comment "The intermediate point of a route."@en ;
rdfs:label "Route Point"@en .
-:Position rdf:type saref:Property ;
+:Position a saref:Property ;
rdfs:comment "The position of an entity in the automotive domain"@en ;
rdfs:label "Position"@en .
-:Address rdf:type saref:Property ;
+:Address a saref:Property ;
skos:broader :Position ;
rdfs:comment "A position defined in terms of an address. It is out of scope of SAREF4AUTO to define the details of such an address. It is instead recommended to reuse existing ontologies that specify how to model an address in terms of Street, Postal Code, City, Region, Country, etc."@en ;
rdfs:label "Address"@en .
-:AbsolutePosition rdf:type saref:Property ;
+:AbsolutePosition a saref:Property ;
skos:broader :Position ;
rdfs:comment "Absolute position of an entity, e.g., a vehicle or road entity, defined in some coordinate system (e.g., a car is x,y,z)"@en ;
rdfs:label "Absolute Position"@en .
-:RelativePosition rdf:type saref:Property ;
+:RelativePosition a saref:Property ;
skos:broader :Position ;
rdfs:comment "Relative position of an entity, e.g., a vehicle or road entity, with respect to another entity, defined in some coordinate system (e.g., a car is x,y,z in front of another car)"@en ;
rdfs:label "Relative Position"@en .
-:RoadTopologyPosition rdf:type saref:Property ;
+:RoadTopologyPosition a saref:Property ;
skos:broader :Position ;
rdfs:comment "Position with respect to road topology (e.g. road, segment or lane) and lane characteristics (highway lane, road lane, bicycle lane, pavement, off-road)."@en ;
rdfs:label "Road Topology Position"@en .
-:PlatoonPosition rdf:type saref:Property ;
+:PlatoonPosition a saref:Property ;
skos:broader :Position ;
rdfs:comment "A position defined as the index of the vehicle in the platoon starting from zero (leader) up to N (trailing vehicle)"@en ;
rdfs:label "Platoon Position"@en .
-:JoiningTime rdf:type saref:Property ;
+:JoiningTime a saref:Property ;
rdfs:comment "The time a vehicle is joining a platoon" ;
rdfs:label "Joining Time"@en .
-:RendezvousLocation rdf:type saref:Property ;
+:RendezvousLocation a saref:Property ;
rdfs:comment "The location where the vehicle member joins a platoon" ;
rdfs:label "Rendez-vous Location"@en .
-:Shape rdf:type saref:Property ;
+:Shape a saref:Property ;
rdfs:comment "The shape of an entity: i.e., Sphere, Torus, Cylinder, Cone, Ellipsoid, Cube, Cuboid, Pyramid, Prism, Multiple shapes"@en ;
rdfs:label "Shape"@en .
-:OpeningTimeAvailability rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
+:OpeningTimeAvailability a saref:Property ;
rdfs:comment "The opening time of a parking spot."@en ;
- rdfs:label "has opening time availability"@en .
-### SAREF patterns for states: Categorizing states for the automotive domain
-:AutomotiveState a owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf saref:State ;
- rdfs:label "Automotive State"@en ;
- rdfs:comment "Class of states related to the automotive domain."@en .
+ rdfs:label "Opening Time Availability"@en .
### SAREF patterns for feature kinds: for parking spots
-:ParkingSpot rdf:type saref:FeatureKind ;
+:ParkingSpot a saref:FeatureKind ;
saref:hasProperty :Height , :Length , :Width , :OpeningTimeAvailability ;
saref:hasState :ParkingSpotState ;
rdfs:comment "A location that is designated for parking. A parking spot is a geo:Feature and can thus have a geometry."@en ;
rdfs:label "ParkingSpot"@en .
-:ElectricChargingParkingSpot rdf:type saref:FeatureKind ;
+:ElectricChargingParkingSpot a saref:FeatureKind ;
skos:broader :ParkingSpot ;
rdfs:comment "A type pf parking spot"@en ;
rdfs:label "ElectricChargingParkingSpot"@en .
-:RegularParkingSpot rdf:type saref:FeatureKind ;
+:RegularParkingSpot a saref:FeatureKind ;
skos:broader :ParkingSpot ;
rdfs:comment "A type pf parking spot"@en ;
rdfs:label "RegularParkingSpot"@en .
-:SpecialPermitParkingSpot rdf:type saref:FeatureKind ;
+:SpecialPermitParkingSpot a saref:FeatureKind ;
skos:broader :ParkingSpot ;
rdfs:comment "A type pf parking spot. Parking spot reserved for special permits (authorities, disabled, blue Zone, resident ...)"@en ;
rdfs:label "SpecialPermitParkingSpot"@en .
@@ -851,218 +512,217 @@ vann:preferredNamespaceUri rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
### SAREF patterns for states: for parking spots
-:ParkingSpotState rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf :AutomotiveState ;
- rdfs:comment "The class of states related to parking spots. Possible values for parking spot state are Free, occupied, reserved, closed, charging"@en ;
+:ParkingSpotState a saref:State ;
+ rdfs:comment "The state related to parking spots. Possible values for parking spot state are Free, occupied, reserved, closed, charging"@en ;
rdfs:label "Parking Spot State"@en ;
- rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty saref:isStateOf ; owl:hasValue :ParkingSpot ] .
+ saref:isStateOf :ParkingSpot .
-:ParkingSpotStateFree rdf:type saref:State, :ParkingSpotState ;
+:ParkingSpotStateFree a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :ParkingSpotState ;
rdfs:comment "A type of state for Parking Spot"@en ;
- rdfs:label "Parking Spot State free"@en ;
- saref:isStateOf :ParkingSpot .
+ rdfs:label "Parking Spot State free"@en .
-:ParkingSpotStateOccupied rdf:type saref:State, :ParkingSpotState ;
+:ParkingSpotStateOccupied a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :ParkingSpotState ;
rdfs:comment "A type of state for Parking Spot"@en ;
- rdfs:label "Parking Spot State occupied"@en ;
- saref:isStateOf :ParkingSpot .
+ rdfs:label "Parking Spot State occupied"@en .
-:ParkingSpotStateReserved rdf:type saref:State, :ParkingSpotState ;
+:ParkingSpotStateReserved a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :ParkingSpotState ;
rdfs:comment "A type of state for Parking Spot"@en ;
- rdfs:label "Parking Spot State reserved"@en ;
- saref:isStateOf :ParkingSpot .
+ rdfs:label "Parking Spot State reserved"@en .
-:ParkingSpotStateClosed rdf:type saref:State, :ParkingSpotState ;
+:ParkingSpotStateClosed a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :ParkingSpotState ;
rdfs:comment "A type of state for Parking Spot"@en ;
- rdfs:label "Parking Spot State closed"@en ;
- saref:isStateOf :ParkingSpot .
+ rdfs:label "Parking Spot State closed"@en .
-:ParkingSpotStateCharging rdf:type saref:State, :ParkingSpotState ;
+:ParkingSpotStateCharging a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :ParkingSpotState ;
rdfs:comment "A type of state for Parking Spot"@en ;
- rdfs:label "Parking Spot State charging"@en ;
- saref:isStateOf :ParkingSpot .
+ rdfs:label "Parking Spot State charging"@en .
### SAREF patterns for states: for parking vehicle
-:ParkingVehicleState rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf :AutomotiveState ;
- rdfs:comment "The class of states related to the parking phases of a vehicle."@en ;
+:ParkingVehicleState a saref:State ;
+ rdfs:comment "The state related to the parking phases of a vehicle."@en ;
rdfs:label "Parking Vehicle State"@en ;
- saref:isStateOf :ParkingVehicle .
+ saref:isStateOf :Vehicle .
-:ParkingVehicleStateParked rdf:type saref:State, :ParkingVehicleState ;
+:ParkingVehicleStateParked a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :ParkingVehicleState ;
rdfs:comment "A type of state for Parking Vehicle"@en ;
- rdfs:label "Parking Vehicle State parked"@en ;
- saref:isStateOf :ParkingVehicle .
+ rdfs:label "Parking Vehicle State parked"@en .
-:ParkingVehicleStateParking rdf:type saref:State, :ParkingVehicleState ;
+:ParkingVehicleStateParking a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :ParkingVehicleState ;
rdfs:comment "A type of state for Parking Vehicle"@en ;
- rdfs:label "Parking Vehicle State parking"@en ;
- saref:isStateOf :ParkingVehicle .
+ rdfs:label "Parking Vehicle State parking"@en .
-:ParkingVehicleStateDrivingToParkingSpot rdf:type saref:State, :ParkingVehicleState ;
+:ParkingVehicleStateDrivingToParkingSpot a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :ParkingVehicleState ;
rdfs:comment "A type of state for Parking Vehicle"@en ;
- rdfs:label "Parking Vehicle State Driving To Parking Spot"@en ;
- saref:isStateOf :ParkingVehicle .
+ rdfs:label "Parking Vehicle State Driving To Parking Spot"@en .
-:ParkingVehicleStateDrivingToPickUpSpot rdf:type saref:State, :ParkingVehicleState ;
+:ParkingVehicleStateDrivingToPickUpSpot a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :ParkingVehicleState ;
rdfs:comment "A type of state for Parking Vehicle"@en ;
- rdfs:label "Parking Vehicle State Driving To Pick Up Spot"@en ;
- saref:isStateOf :ParkingVehicle .
+ rdfs:label "Parking Vehicle State Driving To Pick Up Spot"@en .
-:ParkingVehicleStateAtDropOffSpot rdf:type saref:State, :ParkingVehicleState ;
+:ParkingVehicleStateAtDropOffSpot a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :ParkingVehicleState ;
rdfs:comment "A type of state for Parking Vehicle"@en ;
- rdfs:label "Parking Vehicle State At Drop Off Spot"@en ;
- saref:isStateOf :ParkingVehicle .
+ rdfs:label "Parking Vehicle State At Drop Off Spot"@en .
-:ParkingVehicleStateAtPickUpSpot rdf:type saref:State, :ParkingVehicleState ;
+:ParkingVehicleStateAtPickUpSpot a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :ParkingVehicleState ;
rdfs:comment "A type of state for Parking Vehicle"@en ;
- rdfs:label "Parking Vehicle State At Pick Up Spot"@en ;
- saref:isStateOf :ParkingVehicle .
+ rdfs:label "Parking Vehicle State At Pick Up Spot"@en .
-:ParkingVehicleStateCharging rdf:type saref:State, :ParkingVehicleState ;
+:ParkingVehicleStateCharging a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :ParkingVehicleState ;
rdfs:comment "A type of state for Parking Vehicle"@en ;
- rdfs:label "Parking Vehicle State charging"@en ;
- saref:isStateOf :ParkingVehicle .
+ rdfs:label "Parking Vehicle State charging"@en .
### SAREF patterns for states: for platoon vehicle
-:PlatoonVehicleState rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf :AutomotiveState ;
- rdfs:comment "The class of states of platoon vehicles. Examples of states are: standalone, engaging, platooning, disengaging, searching, forming."@en ;
- rdfs:label "Platoon Vehicle State"@en .
+:PlatoonVehicleState a saref:State ;
+ rdfs:comment "The state of platoon vehicles. Examples of states are: standalone, engaging, platooning, disengaging, searching, forming."@en ;
+ rdfs:label "Platoon Vehicle State"@en ;
+ saref:isStateOf :Vehicle .
-:PlatoonVehicleStateSearching rdf:type saref:State, :PlatoonVehicleState ;
+:PlatoonVehicleStateSearching a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :PlatoonVehicleState ;
rdfs:comment "A type of state for a Vehicle in a Platoon"@en ;
- rdfs:label "Platoon Vehicle State Searching"@en ;
- saref:isStateOf :PlatoonVehicle .
+ rdfs:label "Platoon Vehicle State Searching"@en .
-:PlatoonVehicleStateStandalone rdf:type saref:State, :PlatoonVehicleState ;
+:PlatoonVehicleStateStandalone a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :PlatoonVehicleState ;
rdfs:comment "A type of state for a Vehicle in a Platoon"@en ;
- rdfs:label "Platoon Vehicle State standalone"@en ;
- saref:isStateOf :PlatoonVehicle .
+ rdfs:label "Platoon Vehicle State standalone"@en .
-:PlatoonVehicleStateDisengaging rdf:type saref:State, :PlatoonVehicleState ;
+:PlatoonVehicleStateDisengaging a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :PlatoonVehicleState ;
rdfs:comment "A type of state for a Vehicle in a Platoon"@en ;
- rdfs:label "Platoon Vehicle State disengaging"@en ;
- saref:isStateOf :PlatoonVehicle .
+ rdfs:label "Platoon Vehicle State disengaging"@en .
-:PlatoonVehicleStatePlatooning rdf:type saref:State, :PlatoonVehicleState ;
+:PlatoonVehicleStatePlatooning a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :PlatoonVehicleState ;
rdfs:comment "A type of state for a Platoon"@en ;
- rdfs:label "Platoon Vehicle State platooning"@en ;
- saref:isStateOf :PlatoonVehicle .
+ rdfs:label "Platoon Vehicle State platooning"@en .
-:PlatoonVehicleStateEngaging rdf:type saref:State, :PlatoonVehicleState ;
+:PlatoonVehicleStateEngaging a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :PlatoonVehicleState ;
rdfs:comment "A type of state for a Vehicle in a Platoon"@en ;
- rdfs:label "Platoon Vehicle State engaging"@en ;
- saref:isStateOf :PlatoonVehicle .
+ rdfs:label "Platoon Vehicle State engaging"@en .
-:PlatoonVehicleStateForming rdf:type saref:State, :PlatoonVehicleState ;
- rdfs:subClassOf :PlatoonVehicleState ;
+:PlatoonVehicleStateForming a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :PlatoonVehicleState ;
rdfs:comment "A type of state for a Vehicle in a Platoon"@en ;
- rdfs:label "Platoon Vehicle State forming"@en ;
- saref:isStateOf :PlatoonVehicle .
+ rdfs:label "Platoon Vehicle State forming"@en .
-:PlatoonVehicleStateUnknown rdf:type saref:State, :PlatoonVehicleState ;
- rdfs:subClassOf :PlatoonVehicleState ;
+:PlatoonVehicleStateUnknown a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :PlatoonVehicleState ;
rdfs:comment "A type of state for a Vehicle in a Platoon"@en ;
- rdfs:label "Platoon Vehicle State unknown"@en ;
- saref:isStateOf :PlatoonVehicle .
+ rdfs:label "Platoon Vehicle State unknown"@en .
### SAREF patterns for states: for platoon
-:PlatoonState rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf :AutomotiveState ;
- rdfs:comment "The class of states of platoons. Examples of states for a platoon are: unknown, standalone, assembling, platooning, disengaging, etc."@en ;
- rdfs:label "Platoon State"@en .
+:PlatoonState a saref:State ;
+ rdfs:comment "The state of platoons. Examples of states for a platoon are: unknown, standalone, assembling, platooning, disengaging, etc."@en ;
+ rdfs:label "Platoon State"@en ;
+ saref:isStateOf :Platoon .
-:PlatoonStateStandalone rdf:type saref:State, :PlatoonState ;
+:PlatoonStateStandalone a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :PlatoonState ;
rdfs:comment "A type of state for a Platoon"@en ;
- rdfs:label "Platoon State standalone"@en ;
- saref:isStateOf :Platoon .
+ rdfs:label "Platoon State standalone"@en .
-:PlatoonStateAssembling rdf:type saref:State, :PlatoonState ;
+:PlatoonStateAssembling a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :PlatoonState ;
rdfs:comment "A type of state for Platoon"@en ;
- rdfs:label "Platoon State assembling"@en ;
- saref:isStateOf :Platoon .
+ rdfs:label "Platoon State assembling"@en .
-:PlatoonStatePlatooning rdf:type saref:State, :PlatoonState ;
+:PlatoonStatePlatooning a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :PlatoonState ;
rdfs:comment "A type of state for a Platoon"@en ;
- rdfs:label "Platoon Stateplatooning"@en ;
- saref:isStateOf :Platoon .
+ rdfs:label "Platoon Stateplatooning"@en .
-:PlatoonStateDisengaging rdf:type saref:State, :PlatoonState ;
+:PlatoonStateDisengaging a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :PlatoonState ;
rdfs:comment "A type of state for a Platoon"@en ;
- rdfs:label "Platoon State disengaging"@en ;
- saref:isStateOf :Platoon .
+ rdfs:label "Platoon State disengaging"@en .
-:PlatoonStateUnknown rdf:type saref:State, :PlatoonState ;
+:PlatoonStateUnknown a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :PlatoonState ;
rdfs:comment "A type of state for a Platoon"@en ;
- rdfs:label "Platoon State unknown"@en ;
- saref:isStateOf :Platoon .
+ rdfs:label "Platoon State unknown"@en .
### SAREF patterns for states: for perception
-:PerceptionState rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf :AutomotiveState ;
+:PerceptionState a saref:State ;
rdfs:comment "The class of states describing the relation of a vehicle with respect to its environment"@en ;
rdfs:label "Perception State"@en .
### SAREF Pattern for states: movements
-:Movement rdf:type owl:Class ;
- rdfs:subClassOf saref:State ;
+:Movement a saref:State ;
rdfs:comment "The state of movement of an object: Static (position only), moving in same direction (speed, acceleration), moving in reverse direction (speed acceleration), crossing (speed, acceleration, direction)"@en ;
rdfs:label "Movement"@en .
-:CrossingLeft rdf:type saref:State, :Movement ;
+:CrossingLeft a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :Movement ;
rdfs:comment "A type of movement"@en ;
rdfs:label "crossing Left"@en .
-:CrossingRight rdf:type saref:State, :Movement ;
+:CrossingRight a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :Movement ;
rdfs:comment "A type of movement"@en ;
rdfs:label "crossing Right"@en .
-:ReverseDirection rdf:type saref:State, :Movement ;
+:ReverseDirection a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :Movement ;
rdfs:comment "A type of movement"@en ;
rdfs:label "reverse Direction"@en .
-:SameDirection rdf:type saref:State, :Movement ;
+:SameDirection a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :Movement ;
rdfs:comment "A type of movement"@en ;
rdfs:label "same Direction"@en .
-:Static rdf:type saref:State, :Movement ;
+:Static a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :Movement ;
rdfs:comment "A type of movement"@en ;
rdfs:label "static"@en .
### SAREF Pattern for states: automation level
-:PlatoonAutomationLevel rdf:type saref:State ;
+:PlatoonAutomationLevel a saref:State ;
rdfs:comment "A level of automation is defined for a vehicle that it is platooning. For example, in the ENSEMBLE project there are three levels of platoon automation defined: Level A, Level B, Level C. Level C represents the highest level of automation for platooning in terms of longitudinal and lateral control, shortest time gap supported, wider range of situations handled and support for merging of entire platoons."@en ;
- rdfs:label "PlatoonAutomationLevel"@en .
+ rdfs:label "PlatoonAutomationLevel"@en ;
+ saref:isStateOf :Vehicle .
-:PlatoonAutomationLevelA rdf:type saref:State ;
+:PlatoonAutomationLevelA a saref:State ;
skos:broader :PlatoonAutomationLevel ;
rdfs:label "Platoon Automation Level A"@en ;
rdfs:comment "Platoon Automation Level A [Source: ENSEMBLE project]."@en .
-:PlatoonAutomationLevelB rdf:type saref:State ;
+:PlatoonAutomationLevelB a saref:State ;
skos:broader :PlatoonAutomationLevel ;
rdfs:label "Platoon Automation Level B"@en ;
rdfs:comment "Platoon Automation Level B [Source: ENSEMBLE project]."@en .
-:PlatoonAutomationLevelC rdf:type saref:State ;
+:PlatoonAutomationLevelC a saref:State ;
skos:broader :PlatoonAutomationLevel ;
rdfs:label "Platoon Automation Level C"@en ;
rdfs:comment "Platoon Automation Level C [Source: ENSEMBLE project]."@en .
-:VehicleAutomationLevel rdf:type saref:State ;
+:VehicleAutomationLevel a saref:State ;
rdfs:comment """According to SAE J3016, there are five levels of automation for a vehicle:
- Level 0: No Driving Automation.
- Level 1: Driver assistance.
@@ -1070,46 +730,200 @@ vann:preferredNamespaceUri rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty .
- Level 3: Conditional driving automation.
- Level 4: High driving automation.
- Level 5: Full Driving automation."""@en ;
- rdfs:label "Vehicle Automation Level"@en .
+ rdfs:label "Vehicle Automation Level"@en ;
+ saref:isStateOf :Vehicle .
-:VehicleAutomationLevel0 rdf:type saref:State ;
+:VehicleAutomationLevel0 a saref:State ;
skos:broader :VehicleAutomationLevel ;
rdfs:label "Vehicle Automation Level 0"@en ;
rdfs:comment "Vehicle Automation Level 0: No Driving Automation [Source: SAE J3016]."@en .
-:VehicleAutomationLevel1 rdf:type saref:State ;
+:VehicleAutomationLevel1 a saref:State ;
skos:broader :VehicleAutomationLevel ;
rdfs:label "Vehicle Automation Level 1"@en ;
rdfs:comment "Vehicle Automation Level 1: Driver assistance [Source: SAE J3016]."@en .
-:VehicleAutomationLevel2 rdf:type saref:State ;
+:VehicleAutomationLevel2 a saref:State ;
skos:broader :VehicleAutomationLevel ;
rdfs:label "Vehicle Automation Level 2"@en ;
rdfs:comment "Vehicle Automation Level 2: Partial driving automation [Source: SAE J3016]."@en .
-:VehicleAutomationLevel3 rdf:type saref:State ;
+:VehicleAutomationLevel3 a saref:State ;
skos:broader :VehicleAutomationLevel ;
rdfs:label "Vehicle Automation Level 3"@en ;
rdfs:comment "Vehicle Automation Level 3: Conditional driving automation [Source: SAE J3016]."@en .
-:VehicleAutomationLevel4 rdf:type saref:State ;
+:VehicleAutomationLevel4 a saref:State ;
skos:broader :VehicleAutomationLevel ;
rdfs:label "Vehicle Automation Level 4"@en ;
rdfs:comment "Vehicle Automation Level 4: High driving automation [Source: SAE J3016]."@en .
-:VehicleAutomationLevel5 rdf:type saref:State ;
+:VehicleAutomationLevel5 a saref:State ;
skos:broader :VehicleAutomationLevel ;
rdfs:label "Vehicle Automation Level 5"@en ;
rdfs:comment "Vehicle Automation Level 5: Full Driving automation [Source: SAE J3016]."@en .
### SAREF Pattern for identifiers
-:hasStationID rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
+:hasStationID a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf saref:hasIdentifier ;
rdfs:comment "Links vehicles and platoons to their identifier as defined in ETSI TS 102 894-2."@en ;
rdfs:label "has Station ID"@en .
-:hasUUID rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
+:hasUUID a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf saref:hasIdentifier ;
rdfs:comment "A universally unique identifier (UUID) is a 128-bit number used to identify items and is also known as: globally unique identifier (GUID). In its canonical textual representation, the sixteen octets of a UUID are represented as 32 hexadecimal (base 16) digits, displayed in five groups separated by hyphens, in the form 8-4-4-4-12 for a total of 36 characters (32 alphanumeric characters and four hyphens). UUID are documented in ISO/IEC 11578:1996 \"Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Remote Procedure Call (RPC)\" and in ITU-T Rec. X.667 ISO/IEC 9834-8:2005."@en ;
rdfs:label "has UUID"@en .
+### enviroment states
+:VehicleEnvironmentState a saref:State ;
+ rdfs:comment "The relevant types of events are trafficCondition, accident, roadworks, impassability, adverseWeatherCondition-Adhesion, aquaplannning, hazardousLocation-SurfaceCondition, hazardousLocation-ObstacleOnTheRoad, hazardousLocation-AnimalOnTheRoad, humanPresenceOnTheRoad, wrongWayDriving, rescueAndRecoveryWorkInProgress, adverseWeatherCondition-ExtremeWeatherCondition, adverseWeatherCondition-Visibility, adverseWeatherCondition-Precipitation, slowVehicle, dangerousEndOfQueue, vehicleBreakdown, postCrash, humanProblem, stationaryVehicle, emergencyVehicleApproaching, hazardousLocation-DangerousCurve, collisionRisk, signalViolation, dangerousSituation"@en ;
+ rdfs:label "Vehicle Environment State"@en .
+:TrafficCondition a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :VehicleEnvironmentState ;
+ rdfs:label "Traffic Condition"@en ;
+ rdfs:comment "A state describing the flow and congestion level of vehicles on a roadway, including factors like speed, volume, and incidents."@en .
+:Accident a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :VehicleEnvironmentState ;
+ rdfs:label "Accident"@en ;
+ rdfs:comment "An unexpected event involving vehicles that causes damage, injury, or disruption to traffic flow."@en .
+:Roadworks a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :VehicleEnvironmentState ;
+ rdfs:label "roadworks"@en ;
+ rdfs:comment "Construction or maintenance activities on a roadway that can disrupt normal traffic flow and reduce road capacity."@en .
+:Impassability a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :VehicleEnvironmentState ;
+ rdfs:label "Impassability"@en ;
+ rdfs:comment "A condition where a road is unusable by vehicles due to obstacles, severe weather, or other hindrances."@en .
+:HazardousLocation a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :VehicleEnvironmentState ;
+ rdfs:label "Hazardous Location"@en ;
+ rdfs:comment "A specific area on the road where conditions or obstacles pose significant risks to vehicle safety."@en .
+:SurfaceCondition a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :HazardousLocation ;
+ rdfs:label "Hazardous Location - Surface Condition"@en ;
+ rdfs:comment "A road segment where the surface condition poses risks to vehicle safety, such as slipperiness, unevenness, or debris."@en .
+:ObstacleOnTheRoad a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :HazardousLocation ;
+ rdfs:label "Hazardous Location - Obstacle On The Road"@en ;
+ rdfs:comment "A road segment where an object obstructs the roadway, creating potential danger for vehicles."@en .
+:AnimalOnTheRoad a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :HazardousLocation ;
+ rdfs:label "Hazardous Location - Animal On The Road"@en ;
+ rdfs:comment "A road segment where the presence of an animal creates a potential danger for vehicles."@en .
+:HumanPresenceOnTheRoad a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :VehicleEnvironmentState ;
+ rdfs:label "Human Presence On The Road"@en ;
+ rdfs:comment "A situation where people are on or near the roadway, posing potential risks to vehicle safety."@en .
+:WrongWayDriving a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :VehicleEnvironmentState ;
+ rdfs:label "Wrong Way Driving"@en ;
+ rdfs:comment "A situation where a vehicle is traveling against the legal direction of traffic, posing significant safety risks."@en .
+:RescueAndRecoveryWorkInProgress a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :VehicleEnvironmentState ;
+ rdfs:label "Rescue And Recovery Work In Progress"@en ;
+ rdfs:comment "An ongoing operation to assist and recover vehicles or individuals after an incident on the road."@en .
+:AdverseWeatherCondition a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :VehicleEnvironmentState ;
+ rdfs:label "Adverse Weather Condition"@en ;
+ rdfs:comment "Weather conditions that negatively impact road safety and driving conditions, such as rain, snow, fog, or strong winds."@en .
+:Adhesion a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :AdverseWeatherCondition ;
+ rdfs:label "Adverse Weather Condition - Adhesion"@en ;
+ rdfs:comment "Weather conditions that reduce the friction between vehicle tires and the road surface, affecting vehicle control and safety."@en .
+:Aquaplanning a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :Adhesion ;
+ rdfs:label "Aquaplanning"@en ;
+ rdfs:comment "A condition where a layer of water causes a vehicle's tires to lose contact with the road, leading to loss of traction and control."@en .
+:ExtremeWeatherCondition a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :AdverseWeatherCondition ;
+ rdfs:label "Adverse Weather Condition - Extreme Weather Condition"@en ;
+ rdfs:comment "Severe weather conditions, such as hurricanes or blizzards, that significantly impact road safety and vehicle control."@en .
+:Visibility a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :AdverseWeatherCondition ;
+ rdfs:label "Adverse Weather Condition - Visibility"@en ;
+ rdfs:comment "Weather conditions that reduce drivers' ability to see the road clearly, such as fog, heavy rain, or snow."@en .
+:Precipitation a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :AdverseWeatherCondition ;
+ rdfs:label "Adverse Weather Condition - Precipitation"@en ;
+ rdfs:comment "Weather conditions involving rain, snow, sleet, or hail that can affect road traction and visibility."@en .
+:SlowVehicle a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :VehicleEnvironmentState ;
+ rdfs:label "Slow Vehicle"@en ;
+ rdfs:comment "A vehicle traveling at a significantly lower speed than the normal traffic flow, potentially causing delays and safety concerns."@en .
+:DangerousEndOfQueue a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :VehicleEnvironmentState ;
+ rdfs:label "Dangerous End Of Queue"@en ;
+ rdfs:comment "The sudden end of a line of slow-moving or stationary traffic, posing a collision risk to approaching vehicles."@en .
+:VehicleBreakdown a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :VehicleEnvironmentState ;
+ rdfs:label "Vehicle Breakdown"@en ;
+ rdfs:comment "A vehicle that has become inoperative on the road due to mechanical failure or other issues, affecting traffic flow."@en .
+:PostCrash a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :VehicleEnvironmentState ;
+ rdfs:label "PostCrash"@en ;
+ rdfs:comment "The condition and aftermath following a vehicular collision, including potential hazards and disruptions to traffic."@en .
+:HumanProblem a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :VehicleEnvironmentState ;
+ rdfs:label "Human Problem"@en ;
+ rdfs:comment "An issue caused by human actions or behavior that affects road safety or traffic flow."@en .
+:StationaryVehicle a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :VehicleEnvironmentState ;
+ rdfs:label "Stationary Vehicle"@en ;
+ rdfs:comment "A vehicle that is stopped on the road, potentially creating an obstacle or hazard for other traffic."@en .
+:EmergencyVehicleApproaching a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :VehicleEnvironmentState ;
+ rdfs:label "Emergency Vehicle Approaching"@en ;
+ rdfs:comment "A situation where an emergency vehicle is en route and approaching, requiring other vehicles to yield and clear the way."@en .
+:HazardousLocation a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :VehicleEnvironmentState ;
+ rdfs:label "Hazardous Location"@en ;
+ rdfs:comment "A road segment or area where conditions pose significant risks to vehicle safety and traffic flow."@en .
+:DangerousCurve a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :HazardousLocation ;
+ rdfs:label "Dangerous Curve"@en ;
+ rdfs:comment "A road segment with a sharp or blind curve that poses a significant risk to vehicle safety."@en .
+:CollisionRisk a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :VehicleEnvironmentState ;
+ rdfs:label "Collision Risk"@en ;
+ rdfs:comment "A situation where there is a high likelihood of a vehicular collision due to traffic conditions or road layout."@en .
+:SignalViolation a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :VehicleEnvironmentState ;
+ rdfs:label "Signal Violation"@en ;
+ rdfs:comment "An incident where a driver disregards traffic signals, such as running a red light, creating potential hazards."@en .
+:DangerousSituation a saref:State ;
+ skos:broader :VehicleEnvironmentState ;
+ rdfs:label "Dangerous Situation"@en ;
+ rdfs:comment "Any condition or event on the road that poses an immediate threat to the safety of road users."@en .