# baseURI: http://ontology.tno.nl/examples/saref4agri-ex1 # imports: http://w3id.org/def/saref4agri @prefix ex: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix geosp: . @prefix obo: . @prefix org: . @prefix owl: . @prefix org: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix s4agri: . @prefix saref: . @prefix ssn: . @prefix time: . @prefix xsd: . rdf:type owl:Ontology ; owl:imports ; owl:versionInfo "Created with TopBraid Composer"^^xsd:string ; . rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ; . ex:Animalia rdf:type obo:TAXRANK_0000017 ; rdfs:label "Animalia"^^xsd:string ; . ex:BioCompostIntake rdf:type ex:CompostIntake ; . ex:Bos_Taurus rdf:type obo:TAXRANK_0000006 ; rdfs:label "Bos Taurus"^^xsd:string ; . ex:Bovidae rdf:type obo:TAXRANK_0000004 ; rdfs:label "Bovidae"^^xsd:string ; . ex:Compartment_A rdf:type s4agri:BuildingSpace ; rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ; s4agri:isContainedIn ex:Milk_Cow_Barn ; . ex:Compartment_B rdf:type s4agri:BuildingSpace ; rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ; s4agri:isContainedIn ex:Milk_Cow_Barn ; . ex:CompostIntake rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Fertilizer intake"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:subClassOf s4agri:Intake ; . ex:Compost_2019-02-02 rdf:type ; saref:hasValue 370 ; saref:isMeasuredIn ; saref:relatesToProperty ex:CompostIntake ; . ex:Compost_2019-02-16 rdf:type ; saref:hasFeatureOfInterest ex:Parcel_East ; saref:hasValue 240 ; saref:isMeasuredIn ; saref:relatesToProperty ex:CompostIntake ; . ex:ConcentrateIntake rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Concentrate intake"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:subClassOf s4agri:Intake ; . ex:Cow1 rdf:type ex:LactatingCow ; obo:TAXRANK_1000000 ex:Animalia ; obo:TAXRANK_1000000 ex:Bos_Taurus ; obo:TAXRANK_1000000 ex:Bovidae ; s4agri:hasBirthDate "2016-05-29"^^xsd:string ; s4agri:isMemberOf ex:Cow_Group_A ; . ex:Cow2 rdf:type ex:LactatingCow ; obo:TAXRANK_1000000 ex:Animalia ; obo:TAXRANK_1000000 ex:Bos_Taurus ; obo:TAXRANK_1000000 ex:Bovidae ; s4agri:hasBirthDate "2016-05-22"^^xsd:string ; s4agri:isMemberOf ex:Cow_Group_A ; . ex:Cow3 rdf:type ex:LactatingCow ; obo:TAXRANK_1000000 ex:Animalia ; obo:TAXRANK_1000000 ex:Bos_Taurus ; obo:TAXRANK_1000000 ex:Bovidae ; s4agri:hasBirthDate "2018-03-15"^^xsd:string ; . ex:Cow_1_Birth rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ; rdf:type time:Instant ; . ex:Cow_2_Birth rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ; rdf:type time:Instant ; . ex:Cow_2_Death rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ; rdf:type time:Instant ; . ex:Cow_3_Birth rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ; rdf:type time:Instant ; . ex:Cow_Activity_2019_03_01-14_00 rdf:type ; saref:hasFeatureOfInterest ex:Cow3 ; saref:hasValue "20"^^xsd:string ; saref:isMeasuredIn time:minute ; saref:relatesToProperty ex:Eating_Activity_in_minutes_per__hour ; . ex:Cow_Activity_2019_03_01-15_00 rdf:type ; saref:hasFeatureOfInterest ex:Cow3 ; saref:hasValue "15"^^xsd:string ; saref:isMeasuredIn time:minute ; saref:relatesToProperty ex:Eating_Activity_in_minutes_per__hour ; . ex:Cow_Eating_Activity_Sensor_33 rdf:type ex:EatingActivitySensor ; rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ; saref:relatesToProperty ex:Eating_Activity_in_minutes_per__hour ; ex:Cow_Activity_2019_03_01-14_00 ; ex:Cow_Activity_2019_03_01-15_00 ; . ex:Cow_Group_A rdf:type s4agri:AnimalGroup ; s4agri:generates ex:MilkYield ; . ex:Cow_Group_B rdf:type s4agri:AnimalGroup ; s4agri:contains ex:Cow3 ; . ex:CropIntake rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Crop intake"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:subClassOf s4agri:Intake ; . ex:CropYield rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:comment "Produced crops (i.e. cultivated plant)"@en ; rdfs:label "Crop Yield"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:subClassOf s4agri:Yield ; ; . ex:Cyperales rdf:type obo:TAXRANK_0000003 ; rdfs:label "Cyperales"^^xsd:string ; . ex:EatingActivitySensor rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ; . ex:Eating_Activity_in_minutes_per__hour rdf:type s4agri:Property ; . ex:EggYield rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Egg Yield"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:subClassOf s4agri:Yield ; . ex:FarmHolding rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:comment "An organization specialized in farming."^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "Farmer holding"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:subClassOf org:Organization ; . ex:Farm_Jansen_and_Sons_Eindhoven rdf:type geosp:Feature ; rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ; s4agri:contains ex:Heated_Glass_Greenhouse ; s4agri:contains ex:Milk_Cow_Barn ; s4agri:contains ex:Parcel_East ; s4agri:contains ex:Parcel_North ; s4agri:contains ex:Parcel_South ; s4agri:contains ex:Parcel_West ; . ex:Farmer rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:comment "A Person which is a farmer as profession"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "Farmer"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:subClassOf foaf:Person ; . ex:FarmingBuilding rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:comment "A building specialized for farming purposes."^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "Farming building"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:subClassOf s4agri:Building ; . ex:Greenhouse rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:comment "A glass building in which crops that need protection from cold weather are grown."^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "Greenhouse"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:subClassOf s4agri:Building ; . rdf:type ex:Farmer ; s4agri:isMemberOf ex:Jansen_and_Sons ; s4agri:hasName "Hendricus Jansen"@en ; . ex:Heated_Glass_Greenhouse rdf:type ex:Greenhouse ; . ex:Humidity_Percentage rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ; . ex:Intake_Sugar_Corn rdf:type ex:CropIntake ; . rdf:type ex:Farmer ; s4agri:isMemberOf ex:Jansen_and_Sons ; s4agri:hasName "Johannes Jansen"@en ; . ex:Jansen_and_Sons rdf:type ex:FarmHolding ; s4agri:managesFarm ex:Farm_Jansen_and_Sons_Eindhoven ; . ex:Kilogram rdf:type saref:Property ; rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ; . ex:LactatingCow rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:comment "A domesticated cow specialized for the production of milk."^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "Milk cow"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:subClassOf s4agri:Animal ; . ex:MeatYield rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Meat Yield"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:subClassOf s4agri:Yield ; ; . ex:Milk rdf:type ex:MilkYield ; rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ; . ex:MilkYield rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Milk Yield"^^xsd:string ; rdfs:subClassOf s4agri:Yield ; . ex:MilkYieldSensor rdf:type ex:MilkingSensor ; saref:measuresProperty ex:MilkYield ; ex:Milk_Yield_2019-03-01_1 ; ex:Milk_Yield_2019-03-01_2 ; ex:Milk_Yield_2019-03-02_1 ; ex:Milk_Yield_2019-03-02_2 ; ex:Milk_Yield_2019-03-03_1 ; ex:Milk_Yield_2019-03-03_2 ; . ex:Milk_Cow_Barn rdf:type ex:FarmingBuilding ; . ex:Milk_Cow_Meat rdf:type ex:MeatYield ; . ex:Milk_Yield_2019-03-01_1 rdf:type ; saref:hasFeatureOfInterest ex:Cow_Group_A ; saref:hasValue "4,7"@en ; saref:isMeasuredIn ; saref:relatesToProperty ex:MilkYield ; . ex:Milk_Yield_2019-03-01_2 rdf:type ; saref:hasFeatureOfInterest ex:Cow_Group_A ; saref:hasValue "3,9"@en ; saref:isMeasuredIn ; saref:relatesToProperty ex:MilkYield ; . ex:Milk_Yield_2019-03-02_1 rdf:type ; saref:hasFeatureOfInterest ex:Cow_Group_A ; saref:hasValue "2,1"@en ; saref:isMeasuredIn ; saref:relatesToProperty ex:MilkYield ; . ex:Milk_Yield_2019-03-02_2 rdf:type ; saref:hasFeatureOfInterest ex:Cow_Group_A ; saref:hasValue "2,7"@en ; saref:isMeasuredIn ; saref:relatesToProperty ex:MilkYield ; . ex:Milk_Yield_2019-03-03_1 rdf:type ; saref:hasFeatureOfInterest ex:Cow_Group_B ; saref:hasValue "5,2"@en ; saref:isMeasuredIn ; saref:relatesToProperty ex:MilkYield ; . ex:Milk_Yield_2019-03-03_2 rdf:type ; saref:hasFeatureOfInterest ex:Cow_Group_B ; saref:hasValue "3,7"@en ; saref:isMeasuredIn ; saref:relatesToProperty ex:MilkYield ; . ex:MilkingSensor rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ; . ex:Milking_Machine rdf:type ; rdfs:label "Milking Machine"^^xsd:string ; ex:MilkYieldSensor ; . ex:Minutes rdf:type saref:Time ; rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ; . ex:MovementActivitySensor rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ; . ex:Parcel_East rdf:type s4agri:Parcel ; s4agri:contains ex:Sugar_Snaps_1 ; s4agri:hasName "Field Frontyard"^^xsd:string ; s4agri:receives ex:Compost_2019-02-16 ; . ex:Parcel_North rdf:type s4agri:Parcel ; s4agri:contains ex:Cow_Group_A ; s4agri:hasName "Grazing Plot"^^xsd:string ; . ex:Parcel_South rdf:type s4agri:Parcel ; . ex:Parcel_West rdf:type s4agri:Parcel ; s4agri:contains ex:Sweet_Corn_2 ; s4agri:receives ex:Compost_2019-02-02 ; . rdf:type obo:TAXRANK_0000016 ; rdfs:label "Pisum sativum var. macrocarpon Ser."^^xsd:string ; . ex:Plantae rdf:type obo:TAXRANK_0000017 ; rdfs:label "Plantae"^^xsd:string ; . ex:Rosanae_Fabales rdf:type obo:TAXRANK_0000003 ; rdfs:label "Rosanae Fabales"^^xsd:string ; . ex:Soil_Acidity rdf:type s4agri:Property ; rdf:type ; rdfs:label "Acidity"^^xsd:string ; . ex:Soil_Acidity_2019_03_04 rdf:type ; saref:hasFeatureOfInterest ex:Parcel_East ; saref:hasValue "7.4"^^xsd:string ; saref:isMeasuredIn ; saref:relatesToProperty ex:Soil_Acidity ; . ex:Soil_Acidity_2019_03_05 rdf:type ; saref:hasFeatureOfInterest ex:Parcel_East ; saref:hasValue "7.5"^^xsd:string ; saref:isMeasuredIn ; saref:relatesToProperty ex:Soil_Acidity ; . ex:Soil_Measurement_Deployment rdf:type s4agri:Deployment ; s4agri:hasDeploymentPeriod time:unitYear ; s4agri:isDeployedAtSpace ex:Parcel_East ; rdfs:label "Soil Measurement Deployment"^^xsd:string ; ssn:deployedOnPlatform ex:Soil_Platform ; ssn:deployedSystem ex:Soil_Sensor ; . ex:Soil_Platform rdf:type s4agri:Platform ; rdfs:label "Soil Platform"^^xsd:string ; . ex:Soil_Sensor rdf:type ; saref:measuresProperty ex:Humidity_Percentage ; saref:measuresProperty ex:Soil_Acidity ; ex:Soil_Acidity_2019_03_04 ; ex:Soil_Acidity_2019_03_05 ; . ex:Storage_Barn rdf:type ex:FarmingBuilding ; . ex:Sugar_Corn_Yield rdf:type s4agri:Yield ; . ex:Sugar_Snaps_1 rdf:type s4agri:Crop ; obo:TAXRANK_1000000 ; obo:TAXRANK_1000000 ex:Plantae ; . ex:Sweet_Corn_1 rdf:type s4agri:Crop ; obo:TAXRANK_1000000 ex:Plantae ; obo:TAXRANK_1000000 ex:Rosanae_Fabales ; obo:TAXRANK_1000000 ; . ex:Sweet_Corn_2 rdf:type s4agri:Crop ; obo:TAXRANK_1000000 ex:Plantae ; obo:TAXRANK_1000000 ex:Rosanae_Fabales ; obo:TAXRANK_1000000 ; . ex:Vermicompost rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ; . rdf:type obo:TAXRANK_0000006 ; rdfs:label "Zea mays L."^^xsd:string ; . s4agri:Location rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; . s4agri:hasID rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; . s4agri:hasMember rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "has member"^^xsd:string ; . s4agri:hasPlantDate rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; . s4agri:hasSpace rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; . s4agri:isProducedBy rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; . s4agri:managesFarm rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; . s4agri:receives rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; . saref:hasFeatureOfInterest owl:inverseOf saref:isFeatureOfInterestOf ; . rdf:type ; rdfs:comment "pH is a scale used to specify how acidic or basic a water-based solution is. Acidic solutions have a lower pH, basic solutions have a higher pH. At room temperature, pure water is neither acidic nor basic and has a pH of 7."^^xsd:string ; rdfs:label "ph"^^xsd:string ; . rdf:type ; .