diff --git a/examples/saref4agri-ex1.ttl b/examples/saref4agri-ex1.ttl
index aed842849259549163d9da8d7065d6e6562da84d..1b252a9329c0f8af06dd357ca4080b08e05f5f6a 100644
--- a/examples/saref4agri-ex1.ttl
+++ b/examples/saref4agri-ex1.ttl
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 @prefix ex: <https://saref.etsi.org/saref4agri/v2.1.1/example/saref4agri-ex1/> .
 @prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> .
-@prefix geosp: <http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#> .
+@prefix geo: <http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#> .
 @prefix obo: <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/> .
 @prefix org: <https://schema.org/> .
 @prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 @prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
 @prefix dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .
 @prefix dctype: <http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/> .
+@prefix om: <http://www.ontology-of-units-of-measure.org/resource/om-2/> .
 <https://saref.etsi.org/saref4agri/v2.1.1/example/saref4agri-ex1#> a dctype:Dataset ;
   dcterms:license <https://forge.etsi.org/etsi-software-license> ;
@@ -33,10 +34,6 @@ obo:TAXRANK_0000003 a owl:Class .
 obo:TAXRANK_0000016 a owl:Class .
 obo:TAXRANK_0000017 a owl:Class .
-  rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ;
   rdf:type obo:TAXRANK_0000017 ;
   rdfs:label "Animalia"^^xsd:string ;
@@ -68,17 +65,17 @@ ex:CompostIntake
   rdfs:subClassOf s4agri:Intake ;
-  rdf:type saref:Measurement ;
+  rdf:type saref:Observation, saref:PropertyValue ;
   saref:hasValue "370"^^xsd:float ;
-  saref:isMeasuredIn <http://www.wurvoc.org/vocabularies/om-1.8/Liter> ;
-  saref:relatesToProperty ex:CompostIntake ;
+  saref:isMeasuredIn om:Liter ;
+  saref:isValueOfProperty ex:CompostIntake ;
-  rdf:type saref:Measurement ;
+  rdf:type saref:Observation, saref:PropertyValue ;
   saref:isMeasurementOf ex:Parcel_East ;
   saref:hasValue "240"^^xsd:float ;
-  saref:isMeasuredIn <http://www.wurvoc.org/vocabularies/om-1.8/Liter> ;
-  saref:relatesToProperty ex:CompostIntake ;
+  saref:isMeasuredIn om:Liter ;
+  saref:isValueOfProperty ex:CompostIntake ;
   rdf:type owl:Class ;
@@ -125,23 +122,23 @@ ex:Cow_3_Birth
   rdf:type time:Instant ;
-  rdf:type saref:Measurement ;
+  rdf:type saref:Observation, saref:PropertyValue ;
   saref:isMeasurementOf ex:Cow3 ;
   saref:hasValue "20"^^xsd:float ;
   saref:isMeasuredIn time:minute ;
-  saref:relatesToProperty ex:Eating_Activity_in_minutes_per__hour ;
+  saref:isValueOfProperty ex:Eating_Activity_in_minutes_per__hour ;
-  rdf:type saref:Measurement ;
+  rdf:type saref:Observation, saref:PropertyValue  ;
   saref:isMeasurementOf ex:Cow3 ;
   saref:hasValue "15"^^xsd:float ;
   saref:isMeasuredIn time:minute ;
-  saref:relatesToProperty ex:Eating_Activity_in_minutes_per__hour ;
+  saref:isValueOfProperty ex:Eating_Activity_in_minutes_per__hour ;
   rdf:type ex:EatingActivitySensor ;
   rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ;
-  saref:relatesToProperty ex:Eating_Activity_in_minutes_per__hour ;
+  saref:madeExecution ex:Eating_Activity_in_minutes_per__hour ;
   saref:makesMeasurement ex:Cow_Activity_2019_03_01-14_00 ;
   saref:makesMeasurement ex:Cow_Activity_2019_03_01-15_00 ;
@@ -188,7 +185,7 @@ ex:FarmHolding
   rdfs:subClassOf foaf:Organization ;
-  rdf:type geosp:Feature ;
+  rdf:type geo:Feature ;
   rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ;
   s4agri:contains ex:Heated_Glass_Greenhouse ;
   s4agri:contains ex:Milk_Cow_Barn ;
@@ -218,7 +215,7 @@ ex:Greenhouse
   rdfs:label "Greenhouse"^^xsd:string ;
   rdfs:subClassOf s4agri:Building ;
   rdf:type ex:Farmer ;
   s4agri:isMemberOf ex:Jansen_and_Sons ;
   rdfs:label "Hendricus Jansen" ;
@@ -232,7 +229,7 @@ ex:Humidity_Percentage
   rdf:type ex:CropIntake ;
   rdf:type ex:Farmer ;
   s4agri:isMemberOf ex:Jansen_and_Sons ;
   rdfs:label "Johannes Jansen" ;
@@ -272,12 +269,12 @@ ex:MilkYield
   rdf:type ex:MilkingSensor ;
   saref:measuresProperty ex:MilkYield ;
-  saref:makesMeasurement ex:Milk_Yield_2019-03-01_1 ;
-  saref:makesMeasurement ex:Milk_Yield_2019-03-01_2 ;
-  saref:makesMeasurement ex:Milk_Yield_2019-03-02_1 ;
-  saref:makesMeasurement ex:Milk_Yield_2019-03-02_2 ;
-  saref:makesMeasurement ex:Milk_Yield_2019-03-03_1 ;
-  saref:makesMeasurement ex:Milk_Yield_2019-03-03_2 ;
+  saref:madeExecution ex:Milk_Yield_2019-03-01_1 ;
+  saref:madeExecution ex:Milk_Yield_2019-03-01_2 ;
+  saref:madeExecution ex:Milk_Yield_2019-03-02_1 ;
+  saref:madeExecution ex:Milk_Yield_2019-03-02_2 ;
+  saref:madeExecution ex:Milk_Yield_2019-03-03_1 ;
+  saref:madeExecution ex:Milk_Yield_2019-03-03_2 ;
   rdf:type ex:FarmingBuilding ;
@@ -286,46 +283,46 @@ ex:Milk_Cow_Meat
   rdf:type ex:MeatYield ;
-  rdf:type saref:Measurement ;
+  rdf:type saref:Observation, saref:PropertyValue ;
   saref:isMeasurementOf ex:Cow_Group_A ;
   saref:hasValue "4.7"^^xsd:float ;
-  saref:isMeasuredIn <http://www.wurvoc.org/vocabularies/om-1.8/Liter> ;
-  saref:relatesToProperty ex:MilkYield ;
+  saref:isMeasuredIn om:Liter ;
+  saref:isValueOfPropertyex:MilkYield ;
-  rdf:type saref:Measurement ;
+  rdf:type saref:Observation, saref:PropertyValue ;
   saref:isMeasurementOf ex:Cow_Group_A ;
   saref:hasValue "3.9"^^xsd:float ;
-  saref:isMeasuredIn <http://www.wurvoc.org/vocabularies/om-1.8/Liter> ;
-  saref:relatesToProperty ex:MilkYield ;
+  saref:isMeasuredIn om:Liter ;
+  saref:isValueOfPropertyex:MilkYield ;
-  rdf:type saref:Measurement ;
+  rdf:type saref:Observation, saref:PropertyValue ;
   saref:isMeasurementOf ex:Cow_Group_A ;
   saref:hasValue "2.1"^^xsd:float ;
-  saref:isMeasuredIn <http://www.wurvoc.org/vocabularies/om-1.8/Liter> ;
-  saref:relatesToProperty ex:MilkYield ;
+  saref:isMeasuredIn om:Liter ;
+  saref:isValueOfProperty ex:MilkYield ;
-  rdf:type saref:Measurement ;
+  rdf:type saref:Observation, saref:PropertyValue ;
   saref:isMeasurementOf ex:Cow_Group_A ;
   saref:hasValue "2.7"^^xsd:float ;
-  saref:isMeasuredIn <http://www.wurvoc.org/vocabularies/om-1.8/Liter> ;
-  saref:relatesToProperty ex:MilkYield ;
+  saref:isMeasuredIn om:Liter ;
+  saref:isValueOfProperty ex:MilkYield ;
-  rdf:type saref:Measurement ;
+  rdf:type saref:Observation, saref:PropertyValue ;
   saref:isMeasurementOf ex:Cow_Group_B ;
   saref:hasValue "5.2"^^xsd:float ;
-  saref:isMeasuredIn <http://www.wurvoc.org/vocabularies/om-1.8/Liter> ;
-  saref:relatesToProperty ex:MilkYield ;
+  saref:isMeasuredIn om:Liter ;
+  saref:isValueOfProperty ex:MilkYield ;
-  rdf:type saref:Measurement ;
+  rdf:type saref:Observation, saref:PropertyValue ;
   saref:isMeasurementOf ex:Cow_Group_B ;
   saref:hasValue "3.7"^^xsd:float ;
-  saref:isMeasuredIn <http://www.wurvoc.org/vocabularies/om-1.8/Liter> ;
-  saref:relatesToProperty ex:MilkYield ;
+  saref:isMeasuredIn om:Liter ;
+  saref:isValueOfProperty ex:MilkYield ;
   rdf:type owl:Class ;
@@ -363,7 +360,7 @@ ex:Parcel_West
   s4agri:contains ex:Sweet_Corn_2 ;
   s4agri:receives ex:Compost_2019-02-02 ;
   rdf:type obo:TAXRANK_0000016 ;
   rdfs:label "Pisum sativum var. macrocarpon Ser."^^xsd:string ;
@@ -380,18 +377,18 @@ ex:Soil_Acidity
   rdfs:label "Acidity"^^xsd:string ;
-  rdf:type saref:Measurement ;
+  rdf:type saref:PropertyValue ;
   saref:isMeasurementOf ex:Parcel_East ;
   saref:hasValue "7.4"^^xsd:float ;
   saref:isMeasuredIn <http://www.wurvoc.org/vocabularies/om-1.8/Acidity> ;
-  saref:relatesToProperty ex:Soil_Acidity ;
+  saref:isValueOfProperty ex:Soil_Acidity ;
-  rdf:type saref:Measurement ;
+  rdf:type saref:PropertyValue ;
   saref:isMeasurementOf ex:Parcel_East ;
   saref:hasValue "7.5"^^xsd:float ;
   saref:isMeasuredIn <http://www.wurvoc.org/vocabularies/om-1.8/Acidity> ;
-  saref:relatesToProperty ex:Soil_Acidity ;
+  saref:isValueOfProperty ex:Soil_Acidity ;
   rdf:type s4agri:Deployment ;
@@ -409,9 +406,18 @@ ex:Soil_Sensor
   rdf:type saref:Sensor ;
   saref:measuresProperty ex:Humidity_Percentage ;
   saref:measuresProperty ex:Soil_Acidity ;
-  saref:makesMeasurement ex:Soil_Acidity_2019_03_04 ;
-  saref:makesMeasurement ex:Soil_Acidity_2019_03_05 ;
+  saref:madeExecution ex:Soil_Acidity_2019_03_04 ;
+  saref:madeExecution ex:Soil_Acidity_2019_03_05 ;
+ex:Soil_Acidity_2019_03_04_Observations rdf:type saref:Observation ;
+  saref:hasResult ex:Soil_Acidity_2019_03_04 ;
+ex:Soil_Acidity_2019_03_05_Observations rdf:type saref:Observation ;
+  saref:hasResult ex:Soil_Acidity_2019_03_05 ;
   rdf:type ex:FarmingBuilding ;
@@ -420,34 +426,27 @@ ex:Sugar_Corn_Yield
   rdf:type s4agri:Crop ;
-  obo:TAXRANK_1000000 <https://saref.etsi.org/saref4agri/v1.1.2/example/saref4agri-ex1/Pisum_sativum_var._macrocarpon_Ser.> ;
+  obo:TAXRANK_1000000 <https://saref.etsi.org/saref4agri/v2.1.1/example/saref4agri-ex1/Pisum_sativum_var._macrocarpon_Ser.> ;
   obo:TAXRANK_1000000 ex:Plantae ;
   rdf:type s4agri:Crop ;
   obo:TAXRANK_1000000 ex:Plantae ;
   obo:TAXRANK_1000000 ex:Rosanae_Fabales ;
-  obo:TAXRANK_1000000 <https://saref.etsi.org/saref4agri/v1.1.2/example/saref4agri-ex1/Zea_mays_L.> ;
+  obo:TAXRANK_1000000 <https://saref.etsi.org/saref4agri/v2.1.1/example/saref4agri-ex1/Zea_mays_L.> ;
   rdf:type s4agri:Crop ;
   obo:TAXRANK_1000000 ex:Plantae ;
   obo:TAXRANK_1000000 ex:Rosanae_Fabales ;
-  obo:TAXRANK_1000000 <https://saref.etsi.org/saref4agri/v1.1.2/example/saref4agri-ex1/Zea_mays_L.> ;
-  rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ;
+  obo:TAXRANK_1000000 <https://saref.etsi.org/saref4agri/v2.1.1/example/saref4agri-ex1/Zea_mays_L.> ;
   rdf:type obo:TAXRANK_0000006 ;
   rdfs:label "Zea mays L."^^xsd:string ;
-  rdf:type saref:UnitOfMeasure ;
-  rdfs:comment "pH is a scale used to specify how acidic or basic a water-based solution is. Acidic solutions have a lower pH, basic solutions have a higher pH. At room temperature, pure water is neither acidic nor basic and has a pH of 7."^^xsd:string ;
-  rdfs:label "ph"^^xsd:string ;
   rdf:type saref:UnitOfMeasure ;
 time:Instant a owl:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy time: .
diff --git a/ontology/saref4agri.ttl b/ontology/saref4agri.ttl
index 5e86d95c5639d1c3c9a47240cf12c1b7690f8a39..b5d4fb20ba64bcbba0034705af4b4411e60e3a20 100644
--- a/ontology/saref4agri.ttl
+++ b/ontology/saref4agri.ttl
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 @prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
 @prefix dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>.
 @prefix s4agri: <https://saref.etsi.org/saref4agri/> .
+@prefix s4bldg: <https://saref.etsi.org/saref4bldg/> .
 @prefix saref: <https://saref.etsi.org/core/> .
 @prefix sosa: <http://www.w3.org/ns/sosa/> .
 @prefix ssn: <http://www.w3.org/ns/ssn/> .
@@ -53,40 +54,8 @@ wgs84:SpatialThing a owl:Class .
 foaf:Organization a owl:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy foaf: .
 foaf:Person a owl:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy foaf: .
-###  http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#alt
-wgs84:alt rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
-  rdfs:comment "The WGS84 altitude of a SpatialThing (decimal meters above the local reference ellipsoid)."@en ;
-  rdfs:label "altitude"@en ;
-  rdfs:domain wgs84:SpatialThing .
-###  http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#lat
-wgs84:lat rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
-  rdfs:comment "The WGS84 latitude of a SpatialThing (decimal degrees)."@en ;
-  rdfs:label "latitude"@en ;
-  rdfs:domain wgs84:SpatialThing .
 ###  http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#location
-wgs84:location rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
-  rdfs:comment """The relation between something and the point, 
- or other geometrical thing in space, where it is.  For example, the realtionship between
- a radio tower and a Point with a given lat and long.
- Or a relationship between a park and its outline as a closed arc of points, or a road and
- its location as a arc (a sequence of points).
- Clearly in practice there will be limit to the accuracy of any such statement, but one would expect
- an accuracy appropriate for the size of the object and uses such as mapping .
- """@en ;
-  rdfs:label "location"@en ;
-  rdfs:subPropertyOf foaf:based_near .
-###  http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#long
-wgs84:long rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
-  rdfs:comment "The WGS84 longitude of a SpatialThing (decimal degrees)."@en ;
-  rdfs:label "longitude"@en ;
-  rdfs:domain wgs84:SpatialThing .
+wgs84:location rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy wgs84: .
 ###  http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/based_near
 foaf:based_near rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty .
@@ -441,22 +410,14 @@ s4agri:AnimalGroup rdf:type owl:Class ;
   rdfs:label "Animal Group"@en .
-###  https://saref.etsi.org/saref4agri/Building
+###  https://saref.etsi.org/saref4bldg/Building
 s4agri:Building rdf:type owl:Class ;
-  rdfs:subClassOf geosp:Feature ,
-    [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
-      owl:onProperty s4agri:contains ;
-      owl:someValuesFrom s4agri:BuildingSpace
-    ]  ;
-  rdfs:comment "A building represents a structure that provides shelter for its occupants or contents and stands in one place. The building is also used to provide a basic element within the spatial structure hierarchy for the components of a building project (together with site, storey, and space)."@en ;
-  rdfs:label "Building"@en .
+  rdfs:isDefinedBy s4bldg: .
-###  https://saref.etsi.org/saref4agri/BuildingSpace
-s4agri:BuildingSpace rdf:type owl:Class ;
-  rdfs:subClassOf geosp:Feature ;
-  rdfs:comment "An entity used to define the physical spaces of the building. A building space contains devices or building objects."@en ;
-  rdfs:label "Building space"@en .
+###  https://saref.etsi.org/saref4bldg/BuildingSpace
+s4bldg:BuildingSpace rdf:type owl:Class ;
+  rdfs:isDefinedBy s4bldg: .
 ###  https://saref.etsi.org/saref4agri/Crop