Candidate architectural ODP in SAREF4ENVI for measurement, property, unit of measure
SAREF4ENVI defines architectural ODPs that, given a property (Height, Frequency, Period), defines a sub-class of saref:Property, a sub-class of saref:Measurement, and a sub-class of saref:UnitOfMeasure of it. The definitions always look parallel:
- s4envi:FrequencyMeasurement: “Represents the measured value made over a frequency property. It is also linked to the frequency unit of measure in which the value is expressed and the timestamp of the measurement.”
- s4envi:HeightMeasurement: “Represents the measured value made over a height property. It is also linked to the height unit of measure in which the value is expressed and the timestamp of the measurement.”
- s4envi:PeriodMeasurement: “Represents the measured value over a period property. It is also linked to the period unit of measure in which the value is expressed and the timestamp of the measurement."
In addition, SAREF4ENVI uses a Naming ODP: the local name for these three measurement sub-classes end with string “Measurement” (s4envi:HeightMeasurement, s4envi:FrequencyMeasurement, s4envi:PeriodMeasurement)
SAREF4ENVI defines several instances of saref:Property, almost always using the same pattern, including the how the comment and label are formatted: "An individual representing the {typeOfProperty}property {label}."@en.