diff --git a/doc/catalogs.md b/doc/catalogs.md index 3b3538d0b5dcaedf1690154bea22e70caf85551b..f1c07b44715e87a443323f9cccf707539dc3902f 100644 --- a/doc/catalogs.md +++ b/doc/catalogs.md @@ -37,16 +37,41 @@ You can leave the Alias and Unit of Measure as is. Check also the is Default. +### OSM NS LCM Status + +When a Service is deployed, OpenSlice provides the ability to see the status messages from the NFVO. This status can be regarding NS instantiation, primitive execution, etc. + +Going to `ResourceFacingService (RFS)` -> `Contextual Features` -> `MANO NSLCM`, you will be able to see a beautified view of the status messages retrieved by OSM. + +MANO NSLCM Section + ### Day 2 Primitive Actions -NFVOs like OSM allow to perform actions while a service is running, for example change attributes or make actions on a specific VNF. To design this do something similar to the following example: +NFVOs like OSM allow to perform actions while a service is running, for example change attributes or make actions on a specific VNF. +OpenSlice supports the invocation of day 2 primitives using Open Source MANO (OSM). This feature allows users to perform various actions while a service is running, such as changing attributes or executing specific actions on a Network Service's (NSD) Virtual Network Function (VNF). This capability enhances the flexibility and control over network services, making it easier to manage them in real-time. + +#### Invoking Primitives in OpenSlice + +To design and invoke primitives in OpenSlice, do the following steps: + +1. When a service is instantiated, go to its `ResourceFacingService (RFS)` -> `Contextual Features` -> `MANO Primitives List`; + MANO Primitives List Section + +2. There, you will find that VNF available primitives; +3. Click on the `Execute Primitive` button of the chosen VNF; +4. On the `Execute MANO Primitives` window: + 1. Select the desired primitive on the `Primitive Parameter Name`; + 2. Provide the `Primitive Parameter Value`; + + Execute MANO Primitives Window + +5. Click on the `Submit` button. + +After the previous steps, after a while, you should be able to see the status of the primitive execution above on the same page, on the `MANO NSLCM` section. -- Go to the RFS related to the NSD that contains VNFs with primitives -- create a characteristic named Primitive:: , e.g. Primitive::touch -- select Value Type: ARRAY -- add Service Characteristic Value: i) alias=primitive, value= (e.g. touch), ii) alias=member_vnf_index, value= (e.g. 1), iii) add the params that the user will change in alias the name of param and in value an initial value (e.g. alias=filename, value=myfile.txt) +> ***IMPORTANT NOTE:*** +As of now, OpenSlice still only supports the invoking of VNF-level primitives. We expect to have VDU-level primitives in the future. -In the above example, when the service is running and the user goes to service inventory to MODIFY it, changes the value of the alias=filename, value=myfile.txt, to value =secondfile.txt. Then inside the VNF a file will be created called secondfile.txt diff --git a/doc/deployment.md b/doc/deployment.md index 48aa4950f66ab2832035d882083496724d291e2e..7a0f6d571f5e51677079942534ad3e8c2129bc30 100644 --- a/doc/deployment.md +++ b/doc/deployment.md @@ -1,619 +1,9 @@ -## Requirements +# OpenSlice Deployment -### Hardware requirements: +This section is meant to guide the user through the installation of OpenSlice. +Following, you may thorough guides depending on the installation type of your choice: -| **Minimum Hardware Requirements** | **Recomended Hardware Requirements** | -| --------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ | -| 4 CPU cores | 8 CPU cores | -| 8 GB RAM | 16 GB RAM | -| 20 GB storage | 40 GB storage | +- [Installing via Docker Compose guide](./deploymentCompose.md) +- [Installing via Kubernetes guide](./deploymentK8s.md) -### Software Requirements: - -* Docker (Docker Compose installation) -* Kubernetes (Kubernetes installation - experimental) - - -## Preparing the environment - -> See the [Kubernetes section](#Kubernetes-installation), if you would like to deploy OpenSlice in a Kubernetes cluster. - - -### 1. Backup your previous database if necessary: -```bash -sudo docker exec amysql /usr/bin/mysqldump -u root --password=letmein ostmfdb > backup_ostmfdb.sql -``` -### 2. Install docker - -> Since July 2023 Docker Compose V1 stopped receiving updates. OpenSlice fully reverted to Compose V2, which is integrated in the Docker installation. - -### 3. Configure containers to properly resolve the DNS of your domain (optional) - -``` -sudo nano /etc/docker/daemon.json -``` - -and add: - -``` -{ - "dns": ["", ""] -} -``` -After editing daemon.json restart docker daemon for the changes to take place - -```bash -sudo systemctl restart docker -``` - -## Downloading the project - -### 1. Create a new folder to download the project - -```bash -mkdir openslice -``` -```bash -cd openslice -``` - -### 2. Download the deployment script - -Download the deployment / environment preparation script - -```bash -wget https://labs.etsi.org/rep/osl/code/org.etsi.osl.main/-/raw/main/compose/deploy.sh -``` -Make it executable -```bash -sudo chmod +x deploy.sh -``` - -### 3. Run the deployment script - -OpenSlice is a multi repo project. This script selects the same branch for all repositories of the project to pull from. - -After that it builds the respective jar files locally and installs all the npm packages needed for the UI. - -If you run the script without selecting a branch the the main branch is going to be selected. - -We recommend: - -* main branch for the most stable experience and -* develop branch for an experience with the latest features (for develop branch installation, it is strongly advisable that you may as well follow the [develop documentation](https://osl.etsi.org/documentation/develop/deployment/)) - -```bash -sudo ./deploy.sh main #[or replace main with other branch name] -``` - -> **We recommend running the deploy.sh script with root permissions! In other case, some directories may not be accessible by the project building tools and hinder the smooth installation.** - - -## Configure docker-compose services - -### 1. Create configuration specific Docker Compose file from the template - -```bash -cd org.etsi.osl.main/compose/ -``` -```bash -sudo cp docker-compose.yaml.configure docker-compose.yaml -``` -### 2. Configure mysql-portal container *(optional)* - -1. In folder `org.etsi.osl.main/compose/mysql-init` edit the file `01-databases.sql`. -2. In the `org.etsi.osl.main/compose/docker-compose.yaml` edit the credentials of the users that services use to connect to the databases, if you wish. - * portaluser (default is 12345) and - * keycloak (default is password) - - -### 3. Configure keycloak container *(optional)* - -1. If you made changes to keycloak's mysql credentials: - - In folder `org.etsi.osl.main/compose/` edit the file `docker-compose.yaml`. - -``` -DB_DATABASE: keycloak -DB_USER: keycloak -DB_PASSWORD: password -``` - -2. If you want to change the keycloak admin password: - - In folder `org.etsi.osl.main/compose/` edit the file `docker-compose.yaml` - -``` -KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD: Pa55w0rd -``` - -### 4. Configure bugzilla container *(optional)* - -If you want to utilise the Bugzilla connector: - -In folder `org.etsi.osl.main/compose/` edit the file `docker-compose.yaml` - -``` -SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON: '{ - "spring.activemq.brokerUrl": "tcp://anartemis:61616?jms.watchTopicAdvisories=false", - "spring.activemq.user": "artemis", - "spring.activemq.password": "artemis", - "bugzillaurl":"", - "bugzillakey":"", - "main_operations_product":"" -}' -``` - -And add the provided Bugzilla installation information: - -``` -"bugzillaurl":"bugzillaurl.xx:443/bugzilla/", -"bugzillakey":"exampleKeyeqNNwxBlgxZgMEIne0Oeq0Bz", -"main_operations_product":"Main Site Operations" // this is the default product to issue tickets -``` - -Bugzilla should have the following components under the specified product: - -* NSD Deployment Request: Component used to schedule deployment req -* Onboarding: Issues related to VNF/NSD Onboarding -* Operations Support: Default component for operations support -* Validation: Use to track validation processes of VNFs and NSDs -* VPN Credentials/Access: Used for requesting VPN Credentials/Access - -Also in the 'Main Site Operations' product, a version named 'unspecified' must be created. - -### 5. Configure osportalapi container (NFV services) *(conditional)* - -Change the respective fields: - -- If you made changes to mysql and keycloak credentials. -- If you want to change logging level (TRACE / DEBUG / INFO / WARN / ERROR). - -> ***If you are using a non-local domain, replace everywhere the http://keycloak:8080 with the respective {{protocol://domain.name}}, as well as "spring.portal.main.domain" property.*** - -In folder `org.etsi.osl.main/compose/` edit the file `docker-compose.yaml` - -``` -SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON: '{ - "spring.datasource.username":"root", - "spring.datasource.password":"letmein", - "spring-addons.issuers[0].uri": "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/openslice", - "spring.security.oauth2.resourceserver.jwt.issuer-uri": "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/openslice", - "springdoc.oAuthFlow.authorizationUrl": "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/openslice/protocol/openid-connect/auth", - "springdoc.oAuthFlow.tokenUrl": "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/openslice/protocol/openid-connect/token", - "spring.portal.main.domain": "http://localhost", - "logging.level.org.springframework" : "INFO" -}' -``` - -### 6. osscapi container (TMF API service) *(conditional)* - -Change the respective fields: - -- If you made changes to mysql and keycloak credentials. -- If you want to change logging level (TRACE / DEBUG / INFO / WARN / ERROR). - -> **If you are using a non-local domain, replace everywhere the http://keycloak:8080 with the respective {{protocol://domain.name}}.** - -In folder `org.etsi.osl.main/compose/` edit the file `docker-compose.yaml` - -``` -SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON: '{ - "spring.datasource.username":"root", - "spring.datasource.password":"letmein", - "spring-addons.issuers[0].uri": "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/openslice", - "spring.security.oauth2.resourceserver.jwt.issuer-uri": "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/openslice", - "springdoc.oAuthFlow.authorizationUrl": "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/openslice/protocol/openid-connect/auth", - "springdoc.oAuthFlow.tokenUrl": "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/openslice/protocol/openid-connect/token", - "logging.level.org.springframework" : "INFO" -}' -``` - -## Configure nginx - -In folder `org.etsi.osl.main/compose/nginx` create a configuration specific `nginx.conf` file. - - -```bash -cd org.etsi.osl.main/compose/nginx/ -``` - -```bash -sudo cp nginx.conf.default nginx.conf -``` - -If needed, in the nginx.conf file, edit the server_name for an non-local deployment. - - - -## Configure Web UI - -In folder `org.etsi.osl.portal.web/src/js/` create a configuration specific `config.js` file. - -```bash -cd org.etsi.osl.portal.web/src/js -``` - -```bash -sudo cp config.js.default config.js -``` - -Edit the `config.js` file with the information of your domain - - -``` -{ - TITLE: "OpenSlice by ETSI", - WIKI: "https://openslice.readthedocs.io/en/stable/", - BUGZILLA: "ROOTURL/bugzilla/", - STATUS: "ROOTURL/status/", - APIURL: "http://localost:13000", - WEBURL: "ROOTURL/nfvportal", - APIOAUTHURL: "ROOTURL/auth/realms/openslice", - APITMFURL: "ROOTURL/tmf-api/serviceCatalogManagement/v4" -} -``` - -## Configure TMF Web UI - -In the folder `org.etsi.osl.tmf.web/src/assets/config` there are 3 files available for configuration: - -* config.prod.json (Basic information + API configuration) -* theming.scss (CSS color palette theming) -* config.theming.json (HTML configuration - Logo, Favicon, Footer) - - -The first 2 files above (i.e. config.prod.json, theming.scss) are essential for the successful deployment of OpenSlice, thus created automatically during the initial deployment at `org.etsi.osl.tmf.web/src/assets/config` directory as a copy of the default ones from the remote repository. - -Ensure that you check the `config.prod.json` file and readjust to your deployment if needed. - -```bash -# Starting from the root project directory -cd org.etsi.osl.tmf.web/src/assets/config -``` -```bash -sudo cp config.theming.default.json config.theming.json -``` - -E.g. Edit "TITLE" or "WIKI" property with your domain title -``` -{ - TITLE: "OpenSlice by ETSI", - WIKI: "https://osl.etsi.org/documentation/latest/deployment/", -} -``` - -> The {BASEURL} placeholder in the file automatically detects the Origin (Protocol://Domain:Port) of the deployment and applies it to every respective property. E.g. If you are attempting a local deployment of Openslice, then {BASEURL} is automatically translated to "http://localhost". Similarly, you may use {BASEURL} to translate to a public deployment configuration, e.g. "https://portal.openslice.io". - -If further customization, apart from the default provided, is needed for branding (Logo, Footer) then config.theming.json needs to be created in io.openslice.tmf.web/src/assets/config directory, as follows: - -```bash -# Starting from the root project directory -cd org.etsi.osl.tmf.web/src/assets/config -``` - -```bash -sudo cp config.theming.default.json config.theming.json -``` - -> ***IMPORTANT NOTE:*** -If you want to apply changes to the JSON configuration files without the need to rebuild the application, you have to apply the changes at the `org.etsi.osl.tmf.web/dist/io-openslice-portal-web/assets/config` directory. Although, it is mandatory to also apply these changes to the `org.etsi.osl.tmf.web/src/assets/config` for persistancy, as after any future rebuild of OpenSlice the `/dist` directory is being overwritten along with its contents. The OpenSlice team strongly recommends to always apply your changes to the TMF web UI configuration files at `org.etsi.osl.tmf.web/src/assets/config` and rebuild the application. - -## Deploy OpenSlice via Docker Compose - -After configuring the services, and editing the docker compose file accordingly, the docker compose instantiation command can be performed. - -```bash -# Starting from the root project directory -cd org.etsi.osl.main/compose/ -``` - -```bash -sudo docker compose --profile prod down;sudo docker compose --profile prod up -d --build -``` - -> Depending on your machine, this process might take time. if for any reason the deployment fails during first time, please rerun the above before any further measures. - - -## Validating deployments and container monitoring - -You can monitor containers' status with portainer at port 9000 (http://your-ip:9000). - -Initially, you may monitor the local machine at portainer. - -Please check that all containers are in running state. - - -## Post installation steps - -After the successful deployment of OpenSlice, to ensure the E2E user experience, **this section is mandatory**. It contains crucial configuration in regard of authentication and user creation. - -### Configure Keycloak server - -The Keycloack server is managing authentication and running on a container at port 8080. It is also proxied to your host via nginx under http://localhost/auth. - -- Navigate to http://domain.com/auth/ or https://domain.com/auth/, (http://ipaddress:8080/auth/ or https://ipaddress:8443/auth/ which are directly accessible without proxy) - -- Navigate to Administration Console - -- Login with the credentials from section [Configure keycloak container](#3-configure-keycloak-container-optional). Default values are: - - user: admin and - - password: KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD - -> if you are running in HTTP you will get a message: HTTPS required. - -To resolve this issue when running in HTTP: - -- Select the master realm from top left corner -- Go to login Tab and select "Require SSL": None -- Repeat for realm Openslice - - -> If you are running in HTTPS, then "Require SSL" can be left unchanged to external requests. - -#### 1. Configure redirects - -Navigate to realm Openslice > client > osapiWebClientId and change the Root URL to your domain. - -Also, insert your domain, e.g. http://example.org/*, at: -* Valid Redirect URIs -* Web Origins - -#### 2. Configure email - -Keycloak allows new users to register. Subsequently, this will also allow new users to register to the OpenSlice portal. - -On Tab Login > check User registration, Verify email, Forgot password etc. - -Also, enter the details on Realm > Email > Enable Authentication. - -#### 3. Add an OpenSlice admin user - -This step is mandatory so as to access the OpenSlice Web UI. To add an OpenSlice admin user you must: -- Navigate to manage/users and add an OpenSlice admin user, e.g. username=admin. -- Set a password -- Navigate to Role Mappings and add ADMIN and MENTOR to Assigned Roles. - -> That user is different from the Keycloak admin user. It is required to login and browse the OpenSlice Web UI. The Roles ADMIN and MENTOR guarantee full access through the Openslice UI, thus such a user is always required. - -### Keycloak at localhost - -> **This is an important step if you run Keycloak on localhost!** - -1 - Edit your Hosts File, adding the line below - -``` keycloak``` - -Hosts File Location: - - - In Linux/Unix, the file's location is at /etc/hosts - - - In Windows, its location is at c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts - -2 - Replace http://localhost/auth/ with http://keycloak:8080/auth/ in your Keycloak config for AngularJS and Angular (see examples below). - - -> Explanation - -Nginx uses the http://keycloak:8080 URL, which is accessible via the internal docker system's network. -The Front-end (TS/Angular) shall also use the http://keycloak:8080. -This way, you will not get the invalid token error, as the API is acquiring the token from http://keycloak:8080 (internally) and the Front-end is getting verified by an issuer at the same URL, as well. - - - -2.1 - For the Angular configuration (TMF portal UI), navigate to org.etsi.osl.tmf.web/src/assets/config and edit config.prod.json - -```bash -# Starting from the root project directory -cd org.etsi.osl.tmf.web/src/assets/config -``` - -```bash -nano config.prod.json -``` - -After editing it should look like the example bellow: - -```yaml -{ - "TITLE": "OpenSlice by ETSI", - "PORTALVERSION":"2023-Q3 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT", - "WIKI": "https://openslice.readthedocs.io/en/stable/", - "BUGZILLA": "{BASEURL}/bugzilla/", - "STATUS": "http://status.localhost/", - "WEBURL": "{BASEURL}", - "PORTAL_REPO_APIURL": "{BASEURL}/osapi", - "ASSURANCE_SERVICE_MGMT_APIURL": "{BASEURL}/oas-api", - "APITMFURL": "{BASEURL}/tmf-api", - "OAUTH_CONFIG" : { - "issuer": "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/openslice", - "loginUrl": "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/openslice/protocol/openid-connect/auth", - "tokenEndpoint": "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/openslice/protocol/openid-connect/token", - "userinfoEndpoint": "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/openslice/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo", - "redirectUri": "{BASEURL}/redirect", - "logoutUrl": "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/openslice/protocol/openid-connect/logout", - "postLogoutRedirectUri": "{BASEURL}", - - "responseType": "code", - "oidc": false, - "clientId": "osapiWebClientId", - "dummyClientSecret": "secret", - - "requireHttps": false, - "useHttpBasicAuth": true, - clearHashAfterLogin": false, - - "showDebugInformation": true - } -} -``` - -> Note the difference in changing {BASEURL} -> http://keycloak:8080 - -> If you want the changes to take place immediately without rebuilding the project, then repeat the process for org.etsi.osl.tmf.web/dist/org.etsi.osl.tmf.web/assets/config/config.prod.json - -2.2 - For the AngularJS configuration (NVF portal UI), navigate to org.etsi.osl.portal.web/src/js and edit config.js - -```bash -# Starting from the root project directory -cd org.etsi.osl.portal.web/src/js -``` - -```bash -nano config.js -``` - -after editing it should look like the example bellow: - -``` -var appConfig = angular.module('portalwebapp.config',[]); - - -appConfig.factory('APIEndPointService', function() { - return { - TITLE: "OpenSlice by ETSI", - WIKI: "https://openslice.readthedocs.io/en/stable/", - BUGZILLA: "ROOTURL/bugzilla/", - STATUS: "ROOTURL/status/", - APIURL: "http://localost:13000", - WEBURL: "ROOTURL/nfvportal", - APIOAUTHURL: "ROOTURL/auth/realms/openslice", - APITMFURL: "ROOTURL/tmf-api/serviceCatalogManagement/v4" - }; -}); -``` - -> Note the difference in "APIOAUTHURL" property - - -### NFV Orchestrator Configuration - -After successfully deploying and configuring OpenSlice, you may configure its environment (e.g. the NFVO) that will facilitate the deployment of NFV artifacts. - -See [NFV Orchestrator Configuration](./nfvoconfig.md). - - -
- -## Kubernetes installation - -Openslice can be installed in a Kubernetes cluster. - -**This is a work in progress, and should be used for stable deployments!**. - -Please reference "develop" tagged documentation for any latest progress. - -The related scripts are inside the kubernetes folder. Follow these steps along the lines. You need to configure the ingress properly depending on how you want to expose Openslice. - -1 - Create an openslice namespace - -```bash -kubectl create namespace openslice -``` - -2 - Apply or create an ingress. Ingress exposes HTTP and HTTPS routes from outside the cluster to services within the cluster. Traffic routing is controlled by rules defined on the Ingress resource. -An Ingress may be configured to give Services externally-reachable URLs, load balance traffic, terminate SSL / TLS, and offer name-based virtual hosting. An Ingress controller is responsible for fulfilling the Ingress, usually with a load balancer, though it may also configure your edge router or additional frontends to help handle the traffic. You must have an Ingress controller to satisfy an Ingress. -You may need to deploy an Ingress controller such as ingress-nginx. - -You can also adapt it to connect to public cloud load balancers depending on your needs. - -The following will expose an ingress resource from one of your a k8s nodes on port 80. - -```bash - kubectl apply -f openslice-ingress.yaml -``` - - -Finding the ingress IP: - - -```bash - -kubectl describe -f openslice-ingress.yaml - - -Name: openslice-ingress -Namespace: openslice -Address: -Default backend: default-http-backend:80 () -Rules: - Host Path Backends - ---- ---- -------- - * - /services tmfweb:80 () - /tmf-api osscapi:13082 () - /auth keycloak:8080 () - /osapi osportalapi:13000 () - / portalweb:80 () -Annotations: kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx -Events: - Type Reason Age From Message - ---- ------ ---- ---- ------- - Normal Sync 9m29s (x2 over 9m58s) nginx-ingress-controller Scheduled for sync - -``` - -From the above example, our exposed ingress is at Address: - -3 - We need to configure the expose address and deploy openslice (IP or URL e.g. http://myopenslice.xxx) - -```bash -./k8sdeploy.sh -``` - - -4 - Check the status of Openslice in the cluster. Should be similar to the following: - -```bash - -kubectl get pods --namespace=openslice -o wide - -NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE READINESS GATES -activemq-59d4bfdb4b-bvjqr 1/1 Running 0 109s kc-2 -bugzilla-client-7dd7cb47cb-8qb8m 1/1 Running 0 100s kc-3 -centrallog-95bbf7867-k8fpt 1/1 Running 0 100s kc-3 -consul-b5dd76b76-64dzk 1/1 Running 0 107s kc-2 -keycloak-7c5b6bbc95-k2qfl 1/1 Running 0 105s kc-3 -manoclient-95f68f4c9-c9t6r 1/1 Running 0 104s kc-3 -mysql-portal-0 1/1 Running 0 107s kc-2 -osom-6d548cf555-q8ptj 1/1 Running 0 104s kc-2 -osportalapi-5fff744db8-5g4zs 1/1 Running 0 103s kc-2 -osscapi-6d68b54d97-jn8tz 0/1 Running 0 102s kc-3 -portalweb-8469d57df4-94tfj 1/1 Running 0 101s kc-nfs -tmfweb-868f7bb9c5-x4lfh 1/1 Running 0 102s kc-nfs -``` -```bash -kubectl get deployments --namespace=openslice -o wide - -NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE CONTAINERS IMAGES SELECTOR -activemq 1/1 1 1 2m15s anactivemq webcenter/activemq:5.14.3 org.etsi.osl.service=activemq -bugzilla-client 1/1 1 1 2m6s bugzilla-client openslice/org.etsi.osl.bugzilla:latest org.etsi.osl.service=bugzilla-client -centrallog 1/1 1 1 2m6s centrallog openslice/org.etsi.osl.centrallog.service org.etsi.osl.service=centrallog -consul 1/1 1 1 2m13s aconsul consul org.etsi.osl.service=consul -keycloak 1/1 1 1 2m11s keycloak quay.io/keycloak/keycloak:11.0.3 org.etsi.osl.service=keycloak -manoclient 1/1 1 1 2m10s manoclient openslice/org.etsi.osl.mano:latest org.etsi.osl.service=manoclient -osom 1/1 1 1 2m10s openslice-osom openslice/org.etsi.osl.osom:latest org.etsi.osl.service=osom -osportalapi 1/1 1 1 2m9s openslice-portalapi openslice/org.etsi.osl.portal.api:latest org.etsi.osl.service=osportalapi -osscapi 1/1 1 1 2m8s openslice-scapi openslice/org.etsi.osl.tmf.api:latest org.etsi.osl.service=osscapi -portalweb 1/1 1 1 2m7s openslice-portalweb openslice/org.etsi.osl.portal.web:latest org.etsi.osl.service=portalweb -tmfweb 1/1 1 1 2m8s openslice-tmfweb openslice/org.etsi.osl.tmf.web:latest org.etsi.osl.service=tmfweb -``` -```bash -kubectl get services --namespace=openslice -o wide - -NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE SELECTOR -activemq ClusterIP 8161/TCP,61616/TCP 2m22s org.etsi.osl.service=activemq -bugzilla-client ClusterIP 13010/TCP 2m14s org.etsi.osl.service=bugzilla-client -centrallog ClusterIP 13013/TCP 2m14s org.etsi.osl.service=centrallog -consul ClusterIP 8500/TCP,8600/TCP 2m21s org.etsi.osl.service=consul -keycloak ClusterIP 8080/TCP,8443/TCP 2m19s org.etsi.osl.service=keycloak -manoclient ClusterIP 13011/TCP 2m18s org.etsi.osl.service=manoclient -mysql-portal ClusterIP None 3306/TCP 2m19s org.etsi.osl.service=mysql-portal -osom ClusterIP 13100/TCP 2m18s org.etsi.osl.service=osom -osportalapi ClusterIP 13000/TCP 2m17s org.etsi.osl.service=osportalapi -osscapi ClusterIP 13082/TCP 2m16s org.etsi.osl.service=osscapi -portalweb ClusterIP 80/TCP 2m15s org.etsi.osl.service=portalweb -tmfweb ClusterIP 80/TCP 2m15s org.etsi.osl.service=tmfweb - -``` \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/deploymentCompose.md b/doc/deploymentCompose.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4dc5686009747201bbd22d92e65b3e50f2ae7625 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/deploymentCompose.md @@ -0,0 +1,494 @@ +# OpenSlice Deployment Guide with Docker Compose + +## Requirements + +### Hardware requirements: + + +| **Minimum Hardware Requirements** | **Recomended Hardware Requirements** | +| --------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ | +| 4 CPU cores | 8 CPU cores | +| 8 GB RAM | 16 GB RAM | +| 30 GB storage | 50 GB storage | + +### Software Requirements: + +* **Docker:** A running environment for Docker Compose services + +## Preparing the environment + +### 1. Backup your previous database if necessary: +```bash +sudo docker exec amysql /usr/bin/mysqldump -u root --password=letmein ostmfdb > backup_ostmfdb.sql +``` +### 2. Install docker + +> Since July 2023 Docker Compose V1 stopped receiving updates. OpenSlice fully reverted to Compose V2, which is integrated in the Docker installation. + +### 3. Configure containers to properly resolve the DNS of your domain (optional) + +``` +sudo nano /etc/docker/daemon.json +``` + +and add: + +``` +{ + "dns": ["", ""] +} +``` +After editing daemon.json restart docker daemon for the changes to take place + +```bash +sudo systemctl restart docker +``` + +## Downloading the project + +### 1. Create a new folder to download the project + +```bash +mkdir openslice +``` +```bash +cd openslice +``` + +### 2. Download the deployment script + +Download the deployment / environment preparation script + +```bash +wget https://labs.etsi.org/rep/osl/code/org.etsi.osl.main/-/raw/develop/compose/deploy.sh +``` +Make it executable +```bash +sudo chmod +x deploy.sh +``` + +### 3. Run the deployment script + +OpenSlice is a multi repo project. This script selects the same branch for all repositories of the project to pull from. + +After that it builds the respective jar files locally and installs all the npm packages needed for the UI. + +If you run the script without selecting a branch the the main branch is going to be selected. + +We recommend: + +* main branch for the most stable experience and +* develop branch for an experience with the latest features (for develop branch installation, it is strongly advisable that you may as well follow the [develop documentation](https://osl.etsi.org/documentation/develop/deployment/)) + +```bash +sudo ./deploy.sh develop #[or replace main with other branch name] +``` + +> **We recommend running the deploy.sh script with root permissions! In other case, some directories may not be accessible by the project building tools and hinder the smooth installation.** + + +## Configure Docker Compose services + +### 1. Create configuration specific Docker Compose file from the template + +```bash +cd org.etsi.osl.main/compose/ +``` +```bash +sudo cp docker-compose.yaml.configure docker-compose.yaml +``` +### 2. Configure mysql-portal container *(optional)* + +1. In folder `org.etsi.osl.main/compose/mysql-init` edit the file `01-databases.sql`. +2. In the `org.etsi.osl.main/compose/docker-compose.yaml` edit the credentials of the users that services use to connect to the databases, if you wish. + * portaluser (default is 12345) and + * keycloak (default is password) + + +### 3. Configure keycloak container *(optional)* + +1. If you made changes to keycloak's mysql credentials: + + In folder `org.etsi.osl.main/compose/` edit the file `docker-compose.yaml`. + +``` +DB_DATABASE: keycloak +DB_USER: keycloak +DB_PASSWORD: password +``` + +2. If you want to change the keycloak admin password: + + In folder `org.etsi.osl.main/compose/` edit the file `docker-compose.yaml` + +``` +KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD: Pa55w0rd +``` + +### 4. Configure bugzilla container *(optional)* + +If you want to utilise the Bugzilla connector: + +In folder `org.etsi.osl.main/compose/` edit the file `docker-compose.yaml` + +``` +SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON: '{ + "spring.activemq.brokerUrl": "tcp://anartemis:61616?jms.watchTopicAdvisories=false", + "spring.activemq.user": "artemis", + "spring.activemq.password": "artemis", + "bugzillaurl":"", + "bugzillakey":"", + "main_operations_product":"" +}' +``` + +And add the provided Bugzilla installation information: + +``` +"bugzillaurl":"bugzillaurl.xx:443/bugzilla/", +"bugzillakey":"exampleKeyeqNNwxBlgxZgMEIne0Oeq0Bz", +"main_operations_product":"Main Site Operations" // this is the default product to issue tickets +``` + +Bugzilla should have the following components under the specified product: + +* NSD Deployment Request: Component used to schedule deployment req +* Onboarding: Issues related to VNF/NSD Onboarding +* Operations Support: Default component for operations support +* Validation: Use to track validation processes of VNFs and NSDs +* VPN Credentials/Access: Used for requesting VPN Credentials/Access + +Also in the 'Main Site Operations' product, a version named 'unspecified' must be created. + +### 5. Configure osportalapi container (NFV services) *(conditional)* + +Change the respective fields: + +- If you made changes to mysql and keycloak credentials. +- If you want to change logging level (TRACE / DEBUG / INFO / WARN / ERROR). + +> ***If you are using a non-local domain, replace everywhere the http://keycloak:8080 with the respective {{protocol://domain.name}}, as well as "spring.portal.main.domain" property.*** + +In folder `org.etsi.osl.main/compose/` edit the file `docker-compose.yaml` + +``` +SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON: '{ + "spring.datasource.username":"root", + "spring.datasource.password":"letmein", + "spring-addons.issuers[0].uri": "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/openslice", + "spring.security.oauth2.resourceserver.jwt.issuer-uri": "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/openslice", + "springdoc.oAuthFlow.authorizationUrl": "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/openslice/protocol/openid-connect/auth", + "springdoc.oAuthFlow.tokenUrl": "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/openslice/protocol/openid-connect/token", + "spring.portal.main.domain": "http://localhost", + "logging.level.org.springframework" : "INFO" +}' +``` + +### 6. osscapi container (TMF API service) *(conditional)* + +Change the respective fields: + +- If you made changes to mysql and keycloak credentials. +- If you want to change logging level (TRACE / DEBUG / INFO / WARN / ERROR). + +> **If you are using a non-local domain, replace everywhere the http://keycloak:8080 with the respective {{protocol://domain.name}}.** + +In folder `org.etsi.osl.main/compose/` edit the file `docker-compose.yaml` + +``` +SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON: '{ + "spring.datasource.username":"root", + "spring.datasource.password":"letmein", + "spring-addons.issuers[0].uri": "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/openslice", + "spring.security.oauth2.resourceserver.jwt.issuer-uri": "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/openslice", + "springdoc.oAuthFlow.authorizationUrl": "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/openslice/protocol/openid-connect/auth", + "springdoc.oAuthFlow.tokenUrl": "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/openslice/protocol/openid-connect/token", + "logging.level.org.springframework" : "INFO" +}' +``` + +## Configure nginx + +In folder `org.etsi.osl.main/compose/nginx` create a configuration specific `nginx.conf` file. + + +```bash +cd org.etsi.osl.main/compose/nginx/ +``` + +```bash +sudo cp nginx.conf.default nginx.conf +``` + +If needed, in the nginx.conf file, edit the server_name for an non-local deployment. + + + +## Configure Web UI + +In folder `org.etsi.osl.portal.web/src/js/` create a configuration specific `config.js` file. + +```bash +cd org.etsi.osl.portal.web/src/js +``` + +```bash +sudo cp config.js.default config.js +``` + +Edit the `config.js` file with the information of your domain. `ROOTURL` will automatically extract the the Origin (Protocol://Domain:Port) of the deployment, but you must change `APIURL` property, if you are not aiming for a localhost installation, e.g. "https://portal.openslice.io". + +Example file: + +``` +{ + BUGZILLA: "ROOTURL/bugzilla/", + STATUS: "ROOTURL/status/", + APIURL: "http://localhost", + WEBURL: "ROOTURL/nfvportal", + APIOAUTHURL: "ROOTURL/auth/realms/openslice", + APITMFURL: "ROOTURL/tmf-api/serviceCatalogManagement/v4" +} +``` + +## Configure TMF Web UI + +In the folder `org.etsi.osl.tmf.web/src/assets/config` there are 3 files available for configuration: + +* config.prod.json (Basic information + API configuration) +* theming.scss (CSS color palette theming) +* config.theming.json (HTML configuration - Logo, Favicon, Footer) + + +The first 2 files above (i.e. config.prod.json, theming.scss) are essential for the successful deployment of OpenSlice, thus created automatically during the initial deployment at `org.etsi.osl.tmf.web/src/assets/config` directory as a copy of the default ones from the remote repository. + +Ensure that you check the `config.prod.json` and `theming.scss` files and readjust to your deployment if needed. + +```bash +# Starting from the root project directory +cd org.etsi.osl.tmf.web/src/assets/config +``` + +E.g. You may edit "TITLE", "WIKI", etc properties with your domain title. Also configure TMF's API and Keycloak's location for the web application, if needed. + +Example file: + +``` +{ + "TITLE": "OpenSlice by ETSI", + "PORTALVERSION":"2024Q2", + "WIKI": "https://osl.etsi.org/documentation", + "BUGZILLA": "{BASEURL}/bugzilla/", + "STATUS": "{BASEURL}/status/", + "WEBURL": "{BASEURL}", + "PORTAL_REPO_APIURL": "{BASEURL}/osapi", + "ASSURANCE_SERVICE_MGMT_APIURL": "{BASEURL}/oas-api", + "APITMFURL": "{BASEURL}/tmf-api", + "OAUTH_CONFIG" : { + "issuer": "{BASEURL}/auth/realms/openslice", + "loginUrl": "{BASEURL}/auth/realms/openslice/protocol/openid-connect/auth", + "tokenEndpoint": "{BASEURL}/auth/realms/openslice/protocol/openid-connect/token", + "userinfoEndpoint": "{BASEURL}/auth/realms/openslice/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo", + "redirectUri": "{BASEURL}/redirect", + "logoutUrl": "{BASEURL}/auth/realms/openslice/protocol/openid-connect/logout", + "postLogoutRedirectUri": "{BASEURL}", + + "responseType": "code", + "oidc": false, + "clientId": "osapiWebClientId", + "dummyClientSecret": "secret", + + "requireHttps": false, + "useHttpBasicAuth": true, + "clearHashAfterLogin": false, + + "showDebugInformation": true + } +} +``` + +> The {BASEURL} placeholder in the file automatically detects the Origin (Protocol://Domain:Port) of the deployment and applies it to every respective property. E.g. If you are attempting a local deployment of OpenSlice, then {BASEURL} is automatically translated to "http://localhost". Similarly, you may use {BASEURL} to translate to a public deployment configuration, e.g. "https://portal.openslice.io". + +If further customization, apart from the default provided, is needed for branding (Logo, Footer) then `config.theming.json` needs to be created in io.openslice.tmf.web/src/assets/config directory, as follows: + +```bash +# Starting from the root project directory +cd org.etsi.osl.tmf.web/src/assets/config +``` + +```bash +sudo cp config.theming.default.json config.theming.json +``` + +> ***IMPORTANT NOTE:*** +If you want to apply changes to the JSON configuration files without the need to rebuild the application, you have to apply the changes at the `org.etsi.osl.tmf.web/dist/io-openslice-portal-web/assets/config` directory. Although, it is mandatory to also apply these changes to the `org.etsi.osl.tmf.web/src/assets/config` for persistancy, as after any future rebuild of OpenSlice the `/dist` directory is being overwritten along with its contents. The OpenSlice team strongly recommends to always apply your changes to the TMF web UI configuration files at `org.etsi.osl.tmf.web/src/assets/config` and rebuild the application. + +## Deploy OpenSlice via Docker Compose + +After configuring the services, and editing the docker compose file accordingly, the docker compose instantiation command can be performed. + +```bash +# Starting from the root project directory +cd org.etsi.osl.main/compose/ +``` + +```bash +sudo docker compose --profile prod down;sudo docker compose --profile prod up -d --build +``` + +> Depending on your machine, this process might take time. if for any reason the deployment fails during first time, please rerun the above before any further measures. + + +## Validating deployments and container monitoring + +You can monitor containers' status with portainer at port 9000 (http://your-ip:9000). + +Initially, you may monitor the local machine at portainer. + +Please check that all containers are in running state. + + +## Post installation steps + +After the successful deployment of OpenSlice, to ensure the E2E user experience, **this section is mandatory**. It contains crucial configuration in regard of authentication and user creation. + +### Configure Keycloak server + +The Keycloack server is managing authentication and running on a container at port 8080. It is also proxied to your host via nginx under http://localhost/auth. + +- Navigate to http://domain.com/auth/ or https://domain.com/auth/, (http://ipaddress:8080/auth/ or https://ipaddress:8443/auth/ which are directly accessible without proxy) + +- Navigate to Administration Console + +- Login with the credentials from section [Configure keycloak container](#3-configure-keycloak-container-optional). Default values are: + - user: admin and + - password: Pa55w0rd + +> if you are running in HTTP you will get a message: HTTPS required. + +To resolve this issue when running in HTTP: + +- Select the master realm from top left corner +- Go to login Tab and select "Require SSL": None +- Repeat for realm Openslice + + +> If you are running in HTTPS, then "Require SSL" can be left unchanged to external requests. + +#### 1. Configure redirects + +Navigate to realm Openslice > Clients > osapiWebClientId and change the Root URL to your domain. + +Also, insert your domain, e.g. http://example.org/*, at: +* Valid Redirect URIs +* Web Origins + +#### 2. Configure email + +Keycloak allows new users to register. Subsequently, this will also allow new users to register to the OpenSlice portal. + +Navigate to realm Openslice > Realm Settings > Login Tab > check User registration, Verify email, Forgot password etc. + +Finally, enter the details of the mail server at the Email Tab. + +> Email configuration is optional for test runs, but if not provided the above functionalities (e.g. external user registration) will not be possible. + + +#### 3. Add an OpenSlice admin user + +This step is mandatory so as to access the OpenSlice Web UI. To add an OpenSlice admin user you must: + +- Navigate to realm Openslice > Users > Add user +- Set a password +- Upon creation, navigate to Role Mappings and add ADMIN to Assigned Roles list + +> That user is different from the Keycloak admin user. It is required to login and browse the OpenSlice Web UI. The Role ADMIN guarantee full access through the OpenSlice UI, thus such a user is always required. + +### Keycloak at localhost + +> **This is an important step if you run Keycloak on localhost!** + +1 - Edit your Hosts File, adding the line below + +``` keycloak``` + +Hosts File Location: + + - In Linux/Unix, the file's location is at /etc/hosts + + - In Windows, its location is at c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts + +2 - Replace http://localhost/auth/ with http://keycloak:8080/auth/ in your Keycloak config for AngularJS and Angular (see examples below). + + +> Explanation + +Nginx uses the http://keycloak:8080 URL, which is accessible via the internal docker system's network. +The Front-end (TS/Angular) shall also use the http://keycloak:8080. +This way, you will not get the invalid token error, as the API is acquiring the token from http://keycloak:8080 (internally) and the Front-end is getting verified by an issuer at the same URL, as well. + + + +2.1 - For the Angular configuration (TMF portal UI), navigate to org.etsi.osl.tmf.web/src/assets/config and edit config.prod.json + +```bash +# Starting from the root project directory +cd org.etsi.osl.tmf.web/src/assets/config +``` + +```bash +nano config.prod.json +``` + +After editing, the displayed properties should look like the example below: + +```yaml +{ + "OAUTH_CONFIG" : { + "issuer": "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/openslice", + "loginUrl": "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/openslice/protocol/openid-connect/auth", + "tokenEndpoint": "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/openslice/protocol/openid-connect/token", + "userinfoEndpoint": "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/openslice/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo", + "redirectUri": "{BASEURL}/redirect", + "logoutUrl": "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/openslice/protocol/openid-connect/logout", + "postLogoutRedirectUri": "{BASEURL}", + } +} +``` + +> Note the difference in changing {BASEURL} -> http://keycloak:8080 + +> If you want the changes to take place immediately without rebuilding the project, then repeat the process for org.etsi.osl.tmf.web/dist/org.etsi.osl.tmf.web/assets/config/config.prod.json + +2.2 - For the AngularJS configuration (NVF portal UI), navigate to org.etsi.osl.portal.web/src/js and edit config.js + +```bash +# Starting from the root project directory +cd org.etsi.osl.portal.web/src/js +``` + +```bash +nano config.js +``` + +After editing, the displayed properties should look like the example below: + +``` +var appConfig = angular.module('portalwebapp.config',[]); + + +appConfig.factory('APIEndPointService', function() { + return { + APIOAUTHURL: "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/openslice", + }; +}); +``` + +> Note the difference in "APIOAUTHURL" property, changing ROOTURL -> http://keycloak:8080 + + +### NFV Orchestrator Configuration + +After successfully deploying and configuring OpenSlice, you may configure its environment (e.g. the NFVO) that will facilitate the deployment of NFV artifacts. + +See [NFV Orchestrator Configuration](./nfvoconfig.md). diff --git a/doc/deploymentK8s.md b/doc/deploymentK8s.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2a0e9636417f48d9a03e0ad882098e806437984b --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/deploymentK8s.md @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# OpenSlice Deployment Guide with Kubernetes + +This is WIP. + +Please refer to this [guide](https://labs.etsi.org/rep/osl/code/org.etsi.osl.main/-/blob/2024Q2_RC/kubernetes/helm/README.md). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/images/catalogs/execute_mano_primitives.png b/doc/images/catalogs/execute_mano_primitives.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e8b6713dcad1b2ec1bdddcbcadfb3252558944c3 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/images/catalogs/execute_mano_primitives.png differ diff --git a/doc/images/catalogs/mano_nslcm.png b/doc/images/catalogs/mano_nslcm.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..28f3e3ad5d8a92fca70462d989dad2e5924644af Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/images/catalogs/mano_nslcm.png differ diff --git a/doc/images/catalogs/mano_primitives_list.png b/doc/images/catalogs/mano_primitives_list.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e93ef0ed468fab41472cca076a5737e121944f93 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/images/catalogs/mano_primitives_list.png differ diff --git a/doc/index.md b/doc/index.md index e8c0cbc224a790cb4d22acc2ef3d2a0fdf3b1de3..0fabaa1f9acc09dabf868e542cc28c981224fe78 100644 --- a/doc/index.md +++ b/doc/index.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ drawing -version: 2023Q4 - Release 0 +version: 2024Q2 - SNAPSHOT The ETSI Software Development Group for OpenSlice (SDG OSL) is developing an open source service based Operations Support System (OSS) to deliver Network Slice as a Service (NSaaS) following specifications from major SDOs including ETSI, TM Forum and GSMA. See more details [here](https://osl.etsi.org/about/). diff --git a/doc/nfvoconfig.md b/doc/nfvoconfig.md index 91efd366f981905fa7cd16fdf3838b2c6954c4ed..ed437de5155ddaec707405ce63817e37de248232 100644 --- a/doc/nfvoconfig.md +++ b/doc/nfvoconfig.md @@ -1,19 +1,22 @@ # NFV Orchestrator configuration -NOTE: Currently we support Open Source MANO version SEVEN/EIGHT/TEN/ELEVEN. Later versions of OSM may also be supported by the existing configuration, as from OSM 9+ the project converged to the SOL005 interface, regarding the NBI, and SOL006 (YANG model), regarding the NFV/NSD packaging. Also an implementation of a generic SOL005 interface is supported, but not extensively tested. +> Currently we support Open Source MANO version EIGHT/NINE/TEN/ELEVEN/THIRTEEN. Later versions of OSM may also be supported by the existing configuration, as from OSM 9+ the project converged to the SOL005 interface, regarding the NBI, and SOL006 (YANG model), regarding the NFV/NS packaging. Also an implementation of a generic SOL005 interface is supported, but not extensively tested. Configuration of your target(s) NFVOs/MANO services with Openslice is performed through the NFV portal. -Login to http://yourdomain/nfvportal/ +1. Login to {{yourdomain}}/nfvportal/ -Navigate to Admin->Manage MANO Platforms and pick one of the supported MANO platform(s), e.g. Name=OSMvTEN, Version=OSMvTEN and save +2. Navigate to Admin > Manage MANO Platforms > Add New MANO Platform, pick one of the supported MANO platform(s), e.g. Name=OSMvTHIRTEEN, Version=OSMvTHIRTEEN and save. You may edit the saved MANO platforms after this. -Navigate to Admin->Manage MANO providers and enter a New MANO Provider: +3. Navigate to Admin > Manage MANO providers > Add New MANO Provider and enter its details: -* Name whatever you wish -* API URL Endpoint, eg: (This is the SOL005 NBI endpoint) -* Username, password and Project of your OSM tenant. + - Name and description of your choice. The selected name will supplement the NFV artifacts of this provider. + - One of the already defined MANO platformssynchronization + - API URL Endpoint, eg: (This is the SOL005 NBI endpoint - *Note the port 9999*) + - Username, Password and Project of your OSM tenant. -Check EnabledForONBOARDING, so when users onboard VNFs/NSDs they will be automatically ONBOARDED to this MANO. If left unchecked, the onboarding must be performed manually after the VNF/NSD is uploaded to the portal. +Check EnabledForONBOARDING, if you want VNF/NS packages uploaded through the UI by the user, to also be automatically ONBOARDED to this MANO (1 step process). If left unchecked, the onboarding process must be performed manually after the VNF/NS package is uploaded to the portal, by the designated UI (2 step process). -Check EnabledForSYNC, if you want to support MANO->Openslice auto synchronization. When enabled, the existing VNFs/NSDs and VIMs (and any updates on them) of the registered MANO are also reflected to the portal. \ No newline at end of file +Check EnabledForSYNC, if you want to support the automatic synchronization of this MANO with OpenSlice. When enabled, the existing VNF/NS packages and VIMs (and any updates on them) of the registered MANO are also reflected to the portal to the respective UIs (Registered VNFs/NSDs and Manage Infrastructures). + +The synchronization is a continuous process that will confirm that the artifacts are still present in the MANO, updating the status field of the respective artifacts to `OSM_PRESENT`. If during this process, an artifact is deleted from the MANO, the respective status field will be updated to `OSM_MISSING`. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mkdocs.yml b/mkdocs.yml index 2236d6a58e132d88d413d4b156c44b7b3ce958bf..19f5665078bdf26c230112dc4122e07831355048 100644 --- a/mkdocs.yml +++ b/mkdocs.yml @@ -72,7 +72,10 @@ nav: - Overview: - Introduction: index.md - Getting Started: - - Deployment/Installation: deployment.md + - Deployment: + - Introduction: deployment.md + - Docker Compose: deploymentCompose.md + - Kubernetes: deploymentK8s.md - NFV Orchestrator Configuration: nfvoconfig.md - Service Catalogs: catalogs.md - NFV Catalogs: nfvcatalogs.md