stages: - dev_pulling_repo - dev_secrets_in_repo - dev_linting_code - dev_linting_docker - docker_login variables: GITLAB_API: "" CI_JOB_TOKEN: $CI_JOB_TOKEN CI_DEBUG_TRACE: "false" CI_REGISTRY_USER: $CI_REGISTRY_USER CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD: $CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD CI_REGISTRY: $CI_REGISTRY CAPIF_DOCKER_REGISTRY: $CAPIF_DOCKER_REGISTRY .dev_common: &dev_common tags: - shell #dev_pulling_repo: # stage: dev_pulling_repo # script: # - git clone https://oauth2:${CI_JOB_TOKEN} # <<: *dev_common dev_secrets_in_repo: stage: dev_secrets_in_repo script: - | pip install trufflehog cd ../ trufflehog capif --exclude_paths capif/cicd/exclusions --max_depth=5 # needs: ["dev_pulling_repo"] <<: *dev_common # define the process to do linting code: Sonarque, ruff? dev_linting_code: stage: dev_linting_code script: - | echo "###ruff checks###" pip install ruff ruff check --config cicd/ruff.toml . || true needs: ["dev_secrets_in_repo"] <<: *dev_common dev_linting_docker: stage: dev_linting_docker script: - | # Download hadolint binary wget -O hadolint # Make it executable chmod +x hadolint # Move it to your binaries folder mv hadolint ../ # Verify the installation ../hadolint --version #find . -name 'services/Dockerfile*' -exec hadolint --no-fail -f gitlab_codeclimate {} + > docker-lint.json ../hadolint services/capif-client/Dockerfile || true ../hadolint services/vault/Dockerfile || true echo "### nginx ###" ../hadolint services/nginx/Dockerfile || true echo "### register ###" ../hadolint services/register/Dockerfile || true echo "### TS29222_CAPIF_Access_Control_Policy_API ###" ../hadolint services/TS29222_CAPIF_Access_Control_Policy_API/Dockerfile || true echo "### TS29222_CAPIF_API_Invoker_Management_API ###" ../hadolint services/TS29222_CAPIF_API_Invoker_Management_API/Dockerfile || true echo "### TS29222_CAPIF_API_Provider_Management_API ###" ../hadolint services/TS29222_CAPIF_API_Provider_Management_API/Dockerfile || true echo "### TS29222_CAPIF_Auditing_API ###" ../hadolint services/TS29222_CAPIF_Auditing_API/Dockerfile || true echo "### TS29222_CAPIF_Discover_Service_API ###" ../hadolint services/TS29222_CAPIF_Discover_Service_API/Dockerfile || true echo "### TS29222_CAPIF_Events_API ###" ../hadolint services/TS29222_CAPIF_Events_API/Dockerfile || true echo "### TS29222_CAPIF_Logging_API_Invocation_API ###" ../hadolint services/TS29222_CAPIF_Logging_API_Invocation_API/Dockerfile || true echo "### TS29222_CAPIF_Publish_Service_API ###" ../hadolint services/TS29222_CAPIF_Publish_Service_API/Dockerfile || true echo "### TS29222_CAPIF_Routing_Info_API ###" ../hadolint services/TS29222_CAPIF_Routing_Info_API/Dockerfile || true echo "### TS29222_CAPIF_Security_API ###" ../hadolint services/TS29222_CAPIF_Security_API/Dockerfile || true # artifacts: # name: "$CI_JOB_NAME artifacts from $CI_PROJECT_NAME on $CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG" # when: always # reports: # codequality: # - docker-lint.json # interruptible: true needs: ["dev_linting_code"] <<: *dev_common # NOT WORKING: failed when docker login. seem we need to use docker-in-docker rather than # shell alpine runners docker_login: stage: docker_login image: docker:19.03.12 services: - docker:19.03.12-dind tags: - docker script: - | cd services/capif-client/ docker build -t capif-client:$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG . docker push capif-client:$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG ## NOT WORKING: failed when build de images - failed to mount overlay: operation not permitted" storage-driver=overlay2 #docker_login: # stage: docker_login # script: # - | # #!/bin/bash # # # Update your existing list of packages # apk update # # # Install Docker # apk add docker # # # Start the Docker service # dockerd & # # # Verify the installation # docker --version # # echo "### docker login ###" # docker login --username $CI_REGISTRY_USER --password $CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD $CI_REGISTRY # # echo "### build & push capif-client ###" # cd services/capif-client/ && docker build -t capif-client:$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG . # # docker push capif-client:$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG