![AdvantEDGE-logo](https://github.com/InterDigitalInc/AdvantEDGE/blob/gh-pages/assets/images/AdvantEDGE-logo_Blue-01.png) ------ **_What's New in v1.8.0!_** :zap: **New edge native services: [ETSI MEC011 - Edge Platform Application Enablement](https://interdigitalinc.github.io/AdvantEDGE/docs/overview/edge-services/#edge-platform-application-enablement-service) and [ETSI MEC021 - Application Mobility](https://interdigitalinc.github.io/AdvantEDGE/docs/overview/edge-services/#application-mobility-service) to boost up your edge apps! :rocket:** :zap: **Improved network emulation & metrics: [Geospatial network KPIs](https://interdigitalinc.github.io/AdvantEDGE/docs/overview/features/#geospatial-subsystem) :earth_americas: provide network signal emulation based on terminal location** :zap: **Long term storage support: [Metrics long-term storage](https://interdigitalinc.github.io/AdvantEDGE/docs/overview/features/#monitoring-subsystem) :card_file_box: integration with Thanos & MinIO** :zap: **General Maintenance fixes :hammer_and_wrench:** :zap: **"_Old New_" :wink: you can still easily reach out to the team by initiating [GitHub Discussion](https://github.com/InterDigitalInc/AdvantEDGE/discussions) :octocat:** ------ ## What is AdvantEDGE? AdvantEDGE is a Mobile Edge Emulation Platform (MEEP) that runs on Docker & Kubernetes. AdvantEDGE provides an emulation environment, enabling experimentation with Edge Computing Technologies, Applications, and Services. The platform facilitates exploring edge / fog deployment models and their impact on applications and services in short and agile iterations. #### Motivation - [x] **Accelerate Mobile Edge Computing adoption** - [x] **Help Discover new edge application use cases & services** - [x] **Help answer questions such as:** - Where should my application components be located in the edge network? - How do network characteristics (such as latency, jitter, and packet loss) impact my application or service? - How will my application behave when the user moves within and across access networks? #### Intended Users - [x] **Edge Application Developers** - [x] **Edge Network and Service Designers** - [x] **Edge Researchers** - [x] **Technologists that are simply interested learning how the Edge works** ## Getting started [:one: :heavy_minus_sign: **Familiarize with Architecture and Features**](https://interdigitalinc.github.io/AdvantEDGE/docs/overview/overview-architecture) [:two: :heavy_minus_sign: **Setup environment**](https://interdigitalinc.github.io/AdvantEDGE/docs/setup/env-hw) [:three: :heavy_minus_sign: **Deploy platform**](https://interdigitalinc.github.io/AdvantEDGE/docs/platform-mgmt/mgmt-workflow) [:four: :heavy_minus_sign: **Start using AdvantEDGE**](https://interdigitalinc.github.io/AdvantEDGE/docs/usage/usage-workflow) ## How to Contribute If you like this project and would like to participate in its evolution, you can find information on contributing [**here**](https://github.com/InterDigitalInc/AdvantEDGE/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) We welcome questions, feedback and improvement suggestions via [:octocat:**Discussion**](https://github.com/InterDigitalInc/AdvantEDGE/discussions) and bugs reporting via [:octocat: **Issues**](https://github.com/InterDigitalInc/AdvantEDGE/issues) Hope to hear from you... ## Licensing AdvantEDGE is licensed under under the [**Apache License, Version 2.0**](https://github.com/InterDigitalInc/AdvantEDGE/blob/master/LICENSE)