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ARF / World Analysis API helpers / World Analysis ASP.NET Server
Apache License 2.0Updated -
ARF / World Analysis API helpers / Unity World Analysis Validation
Apache License 2.0Updated -
ARF / World Analysis API helpers / World Analysis ARFoundation Wrapper
Apache License 2.0Updated -
ARF / World Analysis API helpers / Unity World Analysis Package
Apache License 2.0Unity package (plugin) with the DLLs from the auto generated C# client code (NSwag).
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ARF / World Storage API Helpers / Unity World Storage Editor
Apache License 2.0Unity assets and scripts for the UI (IMGUI) and world storage management for authoring within the Unity editor.
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ARF / World Storage API Helpers / World Storage ASP.NET Server
Apache License 2.0ASP.NET auto generated server code. Project include MS IIS, the ARF API and a MongoDB database.
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ARF / World Storage API Helpers / Unity World Storage Package
Apache License 2.0Unity package (plugin) with the DLLs from the auto generated C# client code (NSwag).