The tool works as follows: Step 1: In the uploaded Document it searches for headings equal to: * `6\tVNFD TOSCA model` * `7\tNSD TOSCA model` * `8\tPNFD TOSCA model`, * `9\tCommon Definitions`, Step 2: For each of the section after the heading (and until the next heading is found), the tool searches for tables with the following properties: * It contains only one cell (i.e. one row and one column) and * the content matches the regular expression `^tosca\.[a-zA-Z\.:0-9\s]*$`, i.e. the text starts with `tosca.` and contains letters, numbers, `:` or white space. Step 3: The four sets of generated definitions are written to files named: * `generated_etsi_nfv_sol001_vnfd_types.yaml` * `generated_etsi_nfv_sol001_nsd_types.yaml` * `generated_etsi_nfv_sol001_pnfd_types.yaml` * `generated_etsi_nfv_sol001_common_types.yaml` Step 4: The files are archived in a zip file named `` which is served as a response.