*This repository is part of the outcomes of the Specialist Task Force 620 and 669 focusing on the authoring and use of a World Representation as part of the ETSI ISG Augmented Reality Framework architecture (https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_gs/ARF/001_099/003/01.01.01_60/gs_ARF003v010101p.pdf).* *The set of the World Representation components includes:* *• The C, C++ and C# source code for servers and clients generated from OpenAPI available here (https://forge.etsi.org/rep/arf/arf005)* *• A Unity plugin and a Unity editor for authoring and accessing a World Representation hosted on a World Storage server.* *All these components are available under the ETSI Labs group “World Storage API Helpers”: https://labs.etsi.org/rep/arf/world-storage-api-helpers* *If you wish to contribute to this project or any other projects in the context of the [ETSI ISG Augmented Reality Framework architecture](https://www.etsi.org/committee/1420-arf), please refer to the ["How to get involved in an ISG" section on the ETSI website](https://www.etsi.org/how-to-get-involved-in-an-isg)* --- # WORLD STORAGE C CLIENT (LibCurl) ## Description This repo contains a libCurl client library generation pipeline compliant to the World Storage API. ## Repo Content | | File / Folder | Description | |:-:|:--------------:|:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:| | 📂 | EtsiClientGen | The folder where the library code will be generated, the openapi generator is set to not overwrite the CmakeLists.txt used to generate and export the library to the user's sytem | | | 📂 | arf005 | A submodule pointing to the git containing the API specification file | | 📃 | package.json | The file containing the npm scripts automating the whole library generation process | ## Requirements - Ubuntu 22.04 - CMake > 2.22 - conan V2 - npm ## Install or update cmake To install the last version of Cmake, we recommend to follow the instruction detailed on the following link (Using APT Repositories): https://askubuntu.com/questions/355565/how-do-i-install-the-latest-version-of-cmake-from-the-command-line ## Install conan v2 Check if conan is already installed on your machine, and if the version 2 is installed: conan version If conan version 1 is installed, you will have to remove it before installing version 2. To install conan version 2, simply run: pip install conan To setup your conan profile, run: conan profile detect Conan is installed on your machine, you are ready to generate the cpp code for RestBed server. ## Code Generation To generate the code and the DLLs use the following commands: npm install (if not already done) npm run generate && npm run build You will find the header files in: /usr/local/include/worldStorageCClient/ and the library file in: /usr/local/lib/libworldStorageCClient.a