*This repository is part of the outcomes of the Specialist Task Force 620 focusing on the authoring of a World Representation as part of the ETSI ISG Augmented Reality Framework architecture (https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_gs/ARF/001_099/003/01.01.01_60/gs_ARF003v010101p.pdf).* *The set of the World Representation authoring components includes:* *• The C++ and C# source code for servers and clients generated from OpenAPI available here (https://forge.etsi.org/rep/arf/arf005)* *• A Unity plugin and a Unity editor for authoring and accessing a World Representation hosted on a World Storage server.* *All these components are available under the ETSI Labs group “World Storage API Helpers”: https://labs.etsi.org/rep/arf/world-storage-api-helpers* *If you wish to contribute to this project or any other projects in the context of the [ETSI ISG Augmented Reality Framework architecture](https://www.etsi.org/committee/1420-arf), please refer to the ["How to get involved in an ISG" section on the ETSI website](https://www.etsi.org/how-to-get-involved-in-an-isg)* --- # Preliminary Up now, January 2024, the Unity version supoorted by the ARF is 2022 LTS. # Description This is a Unity package to be included in Unity projects for accessing the ISG ARF World Storage (and/or WorldAnalysis) data. It contains the c# modules generated from the ISG ARF World Storage C# Client available at https://labs.etsi.org/rep/arf/world-storage-api-helpers/world-storage-csharp-client. This package also contains some examplary runtime scripts. They demonstrate how to use the API in combination with scriptable objects to set up various servers and users. # How to checkout This project should be directly added as package to a Unity project. This can either be done - by checking it out into the `Packages` folder of the Unity project using the `git clone` command or - by directly referencing the repository using the Package Manager integrated in Unity. The second variant is recommended. It has been available since Unity 2020. When cloning the package into the `Packages` folder of a Unity project which itself is a git project, then the package should be referenced as git submodule. How this is done is documented in the https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Submodules. An example project provided by the ISG ARF using this approach is available at https://labs.etsi.org/rep/arf/world-storage-api-helpers/unity-world-storage-editor. # Setting up Unity Add the NewtonSoft package. Go in the package manager from Unity and add a package by name: Name: com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json version: 3.2.1 Change the Unity prefs to use the NET Framework (not only 2.1) Add a file "csc.rsp": -r:System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.dll # How to update the client DLLs To update the client API module(s) - checkout the ISG ARF World Storage C# Client available at https://labs.etsi.org/rep/arf/world-storage-api-helpers/world-storage-csharp-client, - build the ISG ARF World Storage C# Client as indicated in the corresponding `README.md` file, - copy the content of the folder client\csharp-nswag` of that project into the `Plugins` folder of this project, - commit the changes of this project to the repository. Please ensure always to use the newest version of the ISG ARF World Storage C# Client.